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Into traduction Turc

264 traduction parallèle
They bring beauty into the world.
onlar dünyaya güzellik getirir.
So this great love of mine turned me into a hooligan
Bu aşk beni mecnuna çevirdi
So this great love of mine turned me into a hooligan l whisper in her little ear What a nice skirt you have
Bu büyük aşk beni mecnuna çevirdi Kulağına usulca fısıldadım,'Eteğin ne güzel'diye
Mesdemoiselles, je vous en prie.
Well, ladies, go into the coach.
C'est facile de tomber dans le piège.
Very easy trap to fall into. Kolay bir düşülecek bir tuzak.
Va dans ton scaphandre!
Get into your suit!
"Into the Night"
"Geceye doğru"
" They are waiting to take us into the severed garden.
Bekliyorlar götürmek için bizi... talan edilmiş bahçeye.
Maintenant tu n'as pas le choix. Si! J'appelle la police.
We can't go loping off into the sunset.
Et maintenant, cette transition maladroite vers ce questionnaire.
Ve şimdi de bana bir anket sunuyorsun. And now this ham-handed segue into your questionnaire.
- Lieutenant. Allez en ville, dites aux gens de rester chez eux, en particulier les enfants.
Go into town, tell the people to stay in off of the streets, especially children.
"On danse avec moi, on s'éclate dans la joie!"
Ah-say-into-pie Oppa-maybe-uppen-die
"I only hope this does not turn into a romance"
Sadece bunun bir romantik aşka dönüşmemesini diliyorum.
"I just hope this doesn't turn... - Into a romance"
Umarım bu romantizme dönüşmez.
Vous avez donc effrayé mes élèves pour qu'ils prennent votre classe?
Soyou just frightened all my students into taking your class? Yani bütün öğrencilerimi sınıfına almak için korkuttun mu?
J'ai une petite propriété qui vient de se libérer.
I got a IittIe excIusive that feII right into my Iap.
Je devrais en tisser une corde!
- That I shouId tie together into a noose.
Get your brain into gear!
Beyninizi hızlandırın!
Mettez-vous dans la tête que j'ai pris ma retraite.
Can't you Iot get it into your heads that I'm retired?
Disparue, comme dans Into Thin Air.
Kayboldu. Jonathan Krakauer misali havaya karıştı.
/ / Keep on truckin'till it falls into motion / /
- / / Keep on truckin'tillitfalls intomotion / /
Souvent il s'est jeté au feu ou à l'eau pour le tuer.
He's often thrown it into fire or water to kill it.
A giants'joust turns the air into natural gas
Devlerin mızrak dövüşü havayı doğalgaza çeviriyor
How close I am of going into an outrageous world
Çirkin dünyanın içine girmeye ne kadar da yakınım
And in my foolishness to make you burst into laughter
Ve aptallığımla seni gülmekten kırıp geçiriyorum
Sopranolar 02x01 - Guy Who Walks Into a Psychiatrist Office.
C'est mignon quand ça ne forme pas un bataillon fatal. Nous ne sommes pas prospères.
Heh heh. bu baylar oldukça şirinler when they're not, you know... formed into a fiery column of death.
Rassembla les lambeaux et forma un nombril
Sewed the wound up into a hole
On va former des tas pour que vous fassiez connaissance.
We'll divide into groups so you can get to know your peers.
Le pari : je choisis la fille la plus grave du bahut... et je parie que t'en fais pas une reine.
I'll pick the most hopeless girl at this school and I'll bet that you can't turn her into prom queen.
Si ce Jake veut juste sortir avec toi pour te sauter... je te conseillerais... de sortir avec lui.
If Jake is only asking you out to get into your pants well, then I'd say go out with him.
T'es la seule qui puisse m'aider à rendre Janey Briggs folle de moi.
You're the only one who can help trick Janey into liking me.
Pourquoi je t'ai laissé me tirer ici?
How did you talk me into this?
mes parents donnent une bourse à une étudiante en art, tous les ans!
My parents give a scholarship to girls who can't get into art school.
J'ai parié de te faire reine, mais je parlais de Janey le cageot... la fille sans amis, fauchée et qui fait peine à sentir.
I said I'd turn you into prom queen when I thought you were ugly the girl with no friends who was dirt poor and smelled a little funky.
Voici le moment que tout gars populaire qui a parié... de faire d'une rebelle la reine de la promo attend ardemment :
And now the moment every popular guy who's made a bet to turn a rebellious girl into prom queen has been waiting for :
J'attirais mes ennemis dans des pieges, je sautais quand j'avais peur... et surtout, j'ai couru tres vite.
I lured my opponents into traps, jumped high when I was scared and most importantly, ran really fast.
Professeur Starkman, comment classeriez-vous un tueur dont la dégénérescence serait calculée?
Peki, Prof. Starkman, how would you classify a killer whose downward spiral was actually calculated into their grand scheme?
Into the world of night
Gecenin dünyasına
Into the West
On saute dans le camion Et on les rattrape en haut de la colline.
We all hopped into the old Chevy pickup And we caught them at the top of the hill
On va faire des binômes pour avoir fini avant l'aube.
If we split into pairs, we can catalogue it all by morning.
Si je tombais Dans le ciel
If I couId faII Into the sky
Dans quel cauchemar ai-je débarqué pour que ma femme, qui était sexy... qui me faisait l'amour, qui aimait sortir avec moi le soir... se soit transformée en mère nature, championne du monde de l'allaitement?
What freakish nightmare did I step into that turned my wife, who was hot... who had sex with me, who liked to go out with me at night... into some earth mother, world-record-setting breast feeder?
Si vous croisez ma maman
If you run into my mama
- It s moved into the Seattle-Tacoma area.
- Seattle-Tacoma bölgesine doğru...
There was talking of boiling me into a bisque at one point.
Bir noktada çorba gibi kaynatıyorlardı beni. Kaydetmiyorum.
"quand tu vas sous la tente du Seigneur."
"thou goest into the taber nacle of the Lord."
"Really into Survivor".
Survivor'ı çok seviyorum. Avarage Joe da iyi.
" You can push your crib into mommy's room tonight.
John Wayne'm nerede?
" You walked into my lonely world
# Aşkım

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