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Keeping traduction Turc

13 traduction parallèle
Peut-être parce que je suis en bonne compagnie.
Could be the company l'm keeping.
C'est d'utiliser SUID et de faire un script qui s'appelle ls... et de le garder dans votre répertoire personnel et de créer un fichier avec des caractères d'échappement... en faisant semblant d'être inexpérimenté, "J'ai besoin d'aide pour effacer ça."
Harikaydı. lt's about using SUlD and making a script called ls... and keeping it in your home directory and creating a file with escape characters... pretending to be a lamer, "Bunu silmeme yardım eder misin."
Never a problem keeping that way with a friend like you.
Senin gibi bir arkadaşım olduktan sonra öyle olmamam mümkün mü?
They call him q fields he s a pretty big deal he s working my corner he s keeping it real
Ona derler Q Top kapar İşini de iyi yapar Çalışır gardımı indirmeye, Ama bu yetenek onda nerede?
Mais il faut y croire... "Keeping the Faith"!
Ve biliyorum ki bazen "Keeping the Faith" ( "İnancı korumak" ) zor.
And even as I wander l'm keeping you in sight
* Ve dolanıp, dururken bile * * seni gözümün önünde tutuyorum *
* the one thing that i still know * * is that you re keeping me * * down * * you re keeping me down * * you re onto me * * onto me * * all over *
Ayhan _ The _ King ©
Keeping secrets safe
* Gizli tutarak sırları *
Ce film est juste légèrement basé sur son émission de télé, "L'incroyable famille Kardashian" Avec des gens petits, gueulards, vivant dans un monde fantastique.
Bu, fantastik bir dunyada yasayan kisa, gurultucu, kucuk insanlarla alakali "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" adindaki kendi televizyon sovundan esinlenen bir film sadece.
♪ with keeping it in your eyes ♪
♪ with keeping it in your eyes ♪
Keeping my soul and my senses apart
# Ruhumu ve hislerimi birbirinden ayırıyor #
♪ Keeping low ♪
Ortak bir evrimsel soyu paylaşıyoruz.

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