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Turned traduction Turc

54 traduction parallèle
Tu me tenais Ah, mais les rôles sont renversés
# You had me Ah, but the tables have turned #
So this great love of mine turned me into a hooligan
Bu aşk beni mecnuna çevirdi
So this great love of mine turned me into a hooligan l whisper in her little ear What a nice skirt you have
Bu büyük aşk beni mecnuna çevirdi Kulağına usulca fısıldadım,'Eteğin ne güzel'diye
Que s'est-il passé? Vous avez été dégoûté?
Was it so bad it turned you off, or...?
Turned cartwheels'cross the floor
El arabalarını ters çevirdik.
Difficile d'y répondre mais comme je le dis toujours, we skipped the light fandango, turned cartwheels'cross the floor.
Bu zor bir soru Terry. Ama her zaman dediğim gibi Yumuşak Fendango'yu atladık, el arabalarını ters çevirdik.
Je pense que Lee a envoyé toute son armée... vers nous, pour nous contourner... et se mettre entre Meade et Washington.
I think Lee's turned the whole army headed this way, trying to get around us get between Meade and Washington.
- Il ne s'en ai pas pris à vous.
- He never turned on you.
On vient de le retrouver.
It just turned up.
Vous avez droit à une demande de cautionnement.
His bail was turned down. You're entitled to a bail hearing.
Dans quel cauchemar ai-je débarqué pour que ma femme, qui était sexy... qui me faisait l'amour, qui aimait sortir avec moi le soir... se soit transformée en mère nature, championne du monde de l'allaitement?
What freakish nightmare did I step into that turned my wife, who was hot... who had sex with me, who liked to go out with me at night... into some earth mother, world-record-setting breast feeder?
You think it s only man gets turned on by striptease?
Sadece erkekler mi striptizle tahrik olur sanıyorsun?
# And then she turned to go
# And then she turned to go
It started off, "Cutie, where you from?" And then it turned into, "Oh, no, what have I done?"
* "Hey yakışıklı, nerelisin?" diye başladı * * ve sonra "ben ne yaptım" a döndü *
Stars of night Turned deep to dust
Keşke başladığım herşeyi bitirebilseydim.
I would have your focus turned towards Je ferais tourner ton esprit vers les jeux de Pompeii.
Bütün dikkatini Pompeii'ın dövüşlerine vermeni istiyorum.
They will not be pushed aside and turned
* İtilmeyecekler bir kenara *
¶ Turned... ¶
# Yeşile #
? I climbed a mountain and I turned around.?
* Tırmandım bir dağa ve arkama baktığımda *
Everything turned around
* Değişti her şey böyle *
l've remembered they don t want him there, cos he turned up once and it scared the children, the face.
Yok, onu orada istemiyorlar çünkü suratıyla çocukları korkutuyormuş. - Hayır.
C'est comme si quelqu'un avait éteint la lumière et que toutes mes peurs me tombaient dessus dans la nuit.
It's like somebody turned the light on and all my insecurities have come like crawling out the dark.
Ma mère a commencé à partir Elle ne s'est jamais retournée
As my mama started walking And she ain't never turned around
Vous me tirez vers le bas, donc...
You turned me down, so...
♪ That all the tears turned to dust ♪
* Kurur giderdi gözyaşlarım *
♪ and I tuned in, I turned on ♪
* Buldum, açtım *
♪ Smiles have all turned ♪ To tears ♪
* Tebessümlerim döndü gözyaşlarına *
Baby, all the lights are turned on you now you re in the center of the stage everything revolves on what you do ah, you re in your prime, you ve come of age and you can always have your way somehow
* Hayatım, bütün dikkatler senin üstüne çevrildi * * Sensin sahnenin ortasındaki * * Dünya yaptıkların etrafında dönüyor sanki *
[ "Some kind, some kind of friend you turned out to be" ]
Some kind, some kind of friend you turned out to be
[ "Standin'on the stage with the lights turned on" ]
I wanna play a song, everyone sing along
[ "Wearin'those trends with all my friends" ]
Standin'on the stage with the lights turned on
[ "Yeah, we got it on 2-inch tape down at Sound City" ]
I wanna play a song, everyone sing along Standin'on the stage with the lights turned on
[ "Standin'on the stage with the lights turned on" ]
All those epic songs with a phrase so witty
[ "I wanna play a song, everyone sing along" ] [ "Standin'on the stage with the lights turned on" ]
All our dreams hangin'on one little ditty
♪ but you turned me out, baby ( Carrie ) Pour la première fois de la semaine, je ne m'inquiétait pas de garder mes secrets.
Haftalar boyunca ilk kez, sırlarımı saklamak için endişelenmiyordum.
♪ I climbed a mountain and I turned around ♪ ♪ and I saw my reflection ♪ ♪ in a snow-covered hill ♪
# Dağa tırmandım ve arkama dönüp baktığımda # # kar kaplı bir tepede # # kendi yansımamı gördüm #
♪ Ever since I met you, you turned my world around ♪
# Seninle tanıştığımdan beri dünyamı tersine çevirdin #
♪ You turned my world around
# Dünyamı tersine çevirdin #
Il était mignon à 18 ans.
# He was sweet, just turned 18 #
♪ And the gears, they turned for a thousand years ♪
# Ve dişliler, döndüler binlerce yıl boyunca. #
♪ Nights turned slow
♪ Nights turned slow
[Dalida et la Déesse] ♪ Il venait d'avoir 18 ans
He'd just turned 18 ( Il venait d'avoir 18 ans )
♪ Il venait d'avoir 18 ans
He'd just turned 18. ( Il venait d'avoir 18 ans )
♪ Il venait d'avoir 18 ans...
ŞİFRENİZİ GİRİN ( He'd just turned 18 ) 18!
♪ Elle travaille ce truc sexy ♪ ♪ Elle travaille et l'améliore ♪ ♪ Elle l'a fait tourner comme une verre d'argent ♪
â ™ ª She workin'that nookie thang â ™ ª â ™ ª She workin'that thing on up â ™ ª â ™ ª She turned it around like a silver cup â ™ ª â ™ ª She workin'that nookie thang... â ™ ª
Tu l'as trahi.
You turned him in.
♪ When you ve just turned black ♪ ♪ Quand on devient black ♪ ♪ And you can t switch back ♪ ♪ Sans pouvoir faire de come-back ♪
Zenciye dönüştüğünde ve geri dönemediğinde
Yaş Dokuz
[ "Doin'all those things that we try to forget" ]
Standin'on the stage with the lights turned on
Je suis allé dans ma chambre en rentrant.
I turned in shortly thereafter.

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