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Bethany traduction Anglais

820 traduction parallèle
Quem, se não Ele, poderia trazer Lázaro de Betânia do reino dos mortos e trazer paz ao coração de Maria Madalena?
Who but he could have raised Lazarus of Bethany from the dead and given peace to the heart of Mary Magdalene?
Lázaro morreu em Betânia.
Lazarus is dead in Bethany.
Vamos a Betânia.
Let us go to Bethany.
Não Bethany, algumas luzes natalinas.
No Bethany, those are Christmas lights.
Eu e a Bethany conseguimos o presente perfeito para ti.
Me and Bethany figured out the perfect gift for you.
Chiça, Bethany, ele adivinhou.
Damn it, Bethany, he guessed it.
Jesus, foi o quarto, Bethany?
Jesus, did the room clear out, Bethany?
Antes de começarmos este é o 80º Natal da Tia Bethany eu penso que ela poderia começar dando a graça.
Before we begin since this is Aunt Bethany's 80th Christmas I think she should lead us in the saying of grace.
Tia Bethany...
Aunt Bethany...
"E ele deixou-os e saiu da cidade até Bethany e fixou-se aí"?
"And he left them and went out of the city into Bethany and he lodged there"?
É o senhor que está a mostrar à Bethany Van Pelt as fotografias.
He's the gentleman showing Bethany Van Pelt the photographs.
Sou Bethany Simms.
I'm Bethany Simms.
Precisas de reabilitação, Bethany?
Do you need a rehab, Bethany?
Bethany. Bethany!
Bethany, estás bem?
Bethany, are you all right?
Empresta-me a tua caixa de fósforos. Espere aí.
- Can I borrow your book of matches, Bethany?
- Obedeça.
- Do as he says, Bethany.
Nada disso é conclusivo... mas os fósforos de Bethany acenderam normalmente.
Neither of these are conclusive, of course, but then there's the matches. Bethany had her matches on the plane... they work fine.
Não foi nada. Vi o que se passou com os fósforos e...
I saw what was happening with Bethany's matches and thought...
- Eu ajudo.
- Let me help. - Careful, Albert, Bethany.
Bethany, Sr. Warwick, desçam juntos e afastem a escada.
- Got it. Go to it, then. Bethany, Mr. Warwick, go down with them.
Vem, Bethany.
Here. Bethany, why don't you come with me?
Sabes a resposta.
You know the answer to that, Bethany.
A Shannon cresceu em Bethany, Oklahoma.
Shannon grew up in Bethany, Oklahoma.
Precisas de uma queca.
You need to get laid, Bethany Sloane.
Serendipity não é verdadeiramente um anjo.
Bethany, Serendipity here isn't technically an angel.
Ele veio buscar Bethany!
It came for Bethany!
" Bethany...
" Bethany...
Bethany, é a... bis-bis-bis - bis-bis-bis... bis-sobrinha de Cristo.
Bethany, you are... the great-great-great-great-great-great - great-great-great-great-grandniece... of Jesus Christ.
Então, a Bethany é em parte negra?
So, that would make Bethany part black?
- Bethany.
- Bethany.
E vou-lhe dizer algo que nunca disse antes.
I'll let you in on something, Bethany, something I've never told anyone before.
Bethany Sloane.
Bethany Sloane.
Bethany, benza o lavatório!
Bethany, bless the sink!
Bethany percebeu tudo.
Bethany figured it all out.
Antes tenho que me despedir de Bethany.
First I gotta say good-bye to Bethany.
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So, that would make Bethany part black?
Matei a Bethany, uma ex-namorada, com uma pistola de pregos.
I killed Bethany, my old girlfriend, with a nail gun.
Contratei um tutor para a Bethany.
I've hired a tutor for Bethany.
É para a Bethany, a minha filha.
Make that out to Stephanie. my daughter.
Bethany, se sentires vontade de vomitar, engole o vómito.
And, Bethany, if you feel the need to vomit up there, just swallow it.
Morgan, quando espantou a telecinetica Bethany Chaulk... fez-nos perder uma assassina potencial.
Miss Morgan, when you drove away the telekinetic Bethany Chaulk you lost us a powerful potential assassin.
- Papá? A Bethany bateu-me.
- Daddy, Bethany's hitting me!
Queres fazer os exercícios de respiração de que a Bethany falou?
Do you wanna do the breathing exercises Bethany talked about?
Estou praticamente noivo de uma maravilhosa mulher chamada Bethany.
I'm practically engaged to a beautiful woman named Bethany.
- E a Bethany.
And Bethany.
Foi a Bethany.
Bethany did it.
- Nate e Bethany.
- Nate and Bethany.
Estás bem?
You okay, Bethany?
Bem-vindo a Bethany.
Welcome to Bethany.

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