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Brandt traduction Anglais

673 traduction parallèle
Boa tarde, Sr Brandt.
Good evening, Mr. Brandt.
Um dólar diz que Brandt ganha de novo.
A dollar says Brandt wins again.
Qual era a palavra, Mr Brand?
CAROLINE : What was the word, Mr. Brandt?
Desculpe-me, Mr Brand.
Excuse me. Mr. Brandt?
Agora, podia esperar aqui, Mr Brandt?
Now, would you just wait here please, Mr. Brandt?
Oliver Brandt, senhor?
Oliver Brandt, sir?
Brandt e Hastings.
Brandt and Hastings.
Quer dizer-me Mr Brandt, que estas pessoas tão inteligentes ainda brincam com comboios?
You mean to tell me, Mr. Brandt, that these very intelligent people still like to play with trains?
Vou pensar sobre esse puzzle, Mr Brandt.
I'm gonna think about that puzzle, Mr. Brandt.
Gostava que me dissesse onde posso encontrar o escritório de Mr Brandt.
I wonder if you'd be kind enough to tell me where I might find Mr. Brandt's office.
A secretária dele ensina-lhe.
Mr. Brandt's secretary will help you.
Desculpe-me, estou procurando o secretário de Mr Brandt.
Excuse me, I'm looking for Mr. Brandt's secretary.
Procuro mesmo Mr Brandt.
Just waiting for Mr. Brandt.
Estou à espera do secretário de Mr Brandy.
Just waiting for Mr. Brandt's secretary.
Como sempre, sou o secretário de Mr Brandt.
As of today, I am Mr. Brandt's secretary.
Estou procurando, Mr Brandt.
I'm looking for Mr. Brandt.
Mr Brandt comeu cedo o almoço.
Mr. Brandt took an early lunch.
Este amigo, George, o único que encontrei lá, costumava trabalhar para Mr Brandt.
This fellow, George, the one that I just met in there, he used to work for Mr. Brandt.
"Quem me pode dar melhor conselho para o meu sobrinho do que Mr Brandt?"
"Who could give me better advice to pass along to my nephew than Mr. Brandt?"
Mr Brandt, obrigadíssimo.
Mr. Brandt, thank you very much.
Mr Brandt.
Mr. Brandt.
Está-se fazendo tarde, Mrs Brandt.
It's getting very late, sir. Mrs. Brandt.
Se é de alguma ajuda para si, sei que Mr Brandt perdeu grandes quantias em algumas transações.
Sir, if it'll be of any help to you, I know that Mr. Brandt lost lots of money on some stock options.
Logo Mr Brandt precisava dinheiro.
So Mr. Brandt needed money.
Encontrou Mrs Brandt?
Have you met Mrs. Brandt?
Lá estava ele substituindo alguns ficheiros no escritório de Brandt.
Well, there he was, replacing some files in Brandt's office.
Contas confidenciais que Brandt manejava pessoalmente.
Confidential accounts that Brandt handled personally.
Isso foi quando você era ainda secretário de Mr Brandt, certo?
Now this is when you were still Mr. Brandt's secretary, right?
Mas Brandt gosta de manobrar sòzinho algumas das suas contas.
But Brandt likes to handle some of the individual accounts himself.
Brandt tem estado desviando fundos das contas dos seus clientes.
Brandt has been sifting funds from his clients'accounts.
Bom dia, Mr Brandt.
Good morning, Mr. Brandt.
Oliver Brandt. +
Oliver Brandt.
Mr Brandt, é o sargento Kline.
KLINE : Mr. Brandt, this is Sergeant Kline.
É o Mr Brandt?
COLUMBO : Is that you, Mr. Brandt?
Venha cá, Mr Brandt.
Come on up, Mr. Brandt.
Mr Brandt, agora tenho eu um puzzle para si.
Mr. Brandt, now I've got a puzzle for you.
Sim, Mr Brandt.
Oh, yes, Mrs. Brandt.
Estamos atrasados, Brandt.
We`re late, Brandt.
Streicher. Brandt, Streicher, vamos.
Brandt, Streicher, come on.
Diz-lhe que volte e para dizer aos outros que se rendam porque os temos agora no fogo cruzado.
Brandt. Tell him to go back and tell the others to surrender because we now have them in the cross fire.
- Agora isto é realmente enfadonho, Brandt.
- Now this is really boring, Brandt.
Bem, não seria mau, Brandt, mas estamos aqui vai para duas horas.
Well, I could use a little strudel, Brandt, but we have been here... ja, two hours.
É bom vê-lo, Brandt.
lt`s good to see you, Brandt.
Escute. O que está a fazer tão próximo da frente, Brandt?
Listen, now - what`s the matter with you, being so near the front, Brandt?
- Escute, o que vai fazer você em Paris, Brandt?
- Listen, what are you doing in Paris, Brandt?
Isso seria muito agradável, Brandt, mas penso que tenho que me apresentar.
That would be very nice, Brandt, but I think I must report.
- Vê a Françoise às vezes?
- Brandt, do you ever see Françoise?
Brandt, você gostaria de jantar com a Françoise e comigo hoje à noite?
Brandt, would you like to have dinner with Françoise and me tonight?
Adeus, capitão Brandt do exército do Terceiro Reich.
Farewell, Captain Brandt of the army of the Third Reich.
Boa noite, capitão Brandt.
Good night, Captain Brandt.
- Brandt.
- Brandt.

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