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Chapman traduction Anglais

777 traduction parallèle
Lucy Chapman está aqui?
Is Lucy Chapman around?
Lucy Chapman?
Lucy Chapman?
- Srta.
Miss Chapman.
Chapman. Lucy Chapman.
Lucy Chapman.
Lucy Chapman deve ter se metido com quem não devia.
Lucy was probably trying to shake down some sucker who wouldn't shake.
Sabe a moça que ligou, a Lucy Chapman?
You know that girl who phoned, Lucy Chapman?
Uma garota chamada Lucy Chapman foi morta ontem á noite... ou hoje de manhã.
A girl named Lucy Chapman was murdered last night or this morning.
A morte de Lucy Chapman é assunto do município.
That Lucy Chapman killing is a county squeal.
Largar Chapman na estrada chamou atenção sobre nós.
Throwing the Chapman girl out on a county road... brought us all the advertising we didn't want.
Talvez você tenha matado Lucy Chapman.
Maybe you're the one that worked over Lucy Chapman.
- E Lucy Chapman?
What about Lucy Chapman?
Não estaria aqui, você é mais esperta que Lucy Chapman.
No, it wouldn't be here. You're much smarter than Lucy Chapman.
Foi depois do caso com Lucy que ele quis começar vida nova.
It was after his affair with Lucy Chapman that he wanted to turn over a new leaf.
O Chapman quer o Joyce, mas eu tenho as minhas dúvidas.
Chapman here wants Joyce, but I have my doubts about him.
- Pronto, Chapman, pode ir. - Sim, senhor.
- All right, Chapman, you can run along.
Bom, o Chapman serve bem.
Well, Chapman will be fine.
Diga isso ao Chapman.
Tell that to Chapman.
Foi onde o Chad nasceu, Sr. Chapman.
That's where Chad was born, Mr. Chapman. Huh?
- Obrigada, Sr. Chapman.
Thank you, Mr. Chapman.
O Sr. Chapman não prometeu nada quando o vi hoje.
Mr. Chapman didn't promise anything when I saw him today.
- Sr. Chapman, o senhor me chamou.
Uh, Mr. Chapman, you sent for me. I did?
- Está só mostrando as vistas a elas.
Mr. Chapman, it's all right. He's just showing them the local color.
Não, Sr. Chapman, fique onde está.
No, Mr. Chapman, that's all right.
Sim, Sr. Chapman.
Yes, Mr. Chapman.
Está despedido! Sr. Chapman, ele só quis defender seus clientes.
Mr. Chapman, he was only protecting your clients.
Deu uma bronca no Chapman por te ter despedido.
She really blasted Mr. Chapman for firing you.
- Chapman!
- Chapman!
O meu pai é Sir Thomas Chapman.
My father is Sir Thomas Chapman.
Se o teu pai se chama Chapman...
Your father's name is Chapman.
Ele era incrivelmente compreensivo, Padre Chapman.
He was so terribly understanding, Father Chapman.
É agora o Monsenhor Chapman.
He's Monsignor Chapman now.
"Londres, Chapman e Hall, Ltd., e Humphrey Milford."
" London, Chapman and Hall, Limited, and Humphrey Milford.
O jovem Chapman.
Young Chapman.
Chapman, é surdo?
Chapman, are you deaf?
Sim, claro, Churchill.
Yes, of course, Churchill. Chapman's the one who's dead.
E Chapman... Quero dizer, Churchill,
Oh, and Chapman- - l mean, Churchill...
Coronel, sou 0 Tenente Chapman... Churchill.
Lieutenant Chapman re- - Churchill.
- Sente-se bem, Chapman?
- You all right, Chapman?
Assim que se apoia meu programa, com o senador Chapman que estou consciente das qualidades que tem que o recomendam para o gabinete.
"So if he does choose to support my program let Senator Chapman be assured now that I am fully aware of those qualities in him which recommend him as cabinet material." I think that says it exactly.
Sou o comandante de esquadra aerea Owens.
I'm Air Wing Commander Richard Owens. - Sam Chapman.
Sam Chapman.
- Senator Samuel Chapman?
o senador Samuel Chapman? Sim.
That's right.
Doutor, queira informar ao Capitao que o senador Chapman do Comite de Defesa, - quer ve-lo de imediato?
Doctor would you please inform the captain that Senator Samuel Chapman cochairman of the Senate Defense Committee would like to see him at once?
parece? o ataque a Pearl Harbor nao foi uma surpresa para muita gente. Entre eles, o destacado e ambicioso Samuel S. Chapman, que duas semanas antes, pediu para aumentar nossa forca belica no Pacifico.
Do I? " The attack on Pearl Harbor was far from a surprise for many people among them, the prominent and ambitious Samuel S. Chapman who had only two weeks before publicly argued for an increase in our strength in the Pacific.
- E o Chapman?
- What about Chapman?
Obrigado, Sr. Chapman.
Thank you, Mr. Chapman.
Sim, Sr. Chapman?
Yes, Mr. Chapman?
- Não vemos.
No, you won't, Mr. Chapman. I just quit.
I say, Chapman?
Chapman era 0 que morreu.
Sorry about that.

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