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Chappy traduction Anglais

53 traduction parallèle
- Raios, vou fazer como gosto!
- Damn it, Chappy, I'm doing it my way.
Chappy, tenho de ir ver a minha mãe e ligar à Katte.
Chappy, I have to see my mom and call Katie.
Eu sei disso, Chappy.
I know that, Chappy.
Chappy, onde estás?
Chappy, where are you?
Esta vai ser por ti, Chappy.
This one's for you, Chappy.
Chappy, estão a deslocá-lo!
Chappy, they're moving him!
Só vim com o Chappy Sinclair.
I only came in with Chappy Sinclair.
O Chappy disse-me para pôr isto quando estivesse a salvo.
Chappy told me to play this for you when we were safe.
Fala coronel Chappy Sinclair.
This is Colonel Chappy Sinclair.
E aqui este rapaz verde, é o AI ¡ Gator.
And this little green chappy is Ali gator.
Episódio 04 "One Happy Chappy in a Sappy Serape"
¶ Sometimes you want to go
Darei as Chivas para os moradores
I'll be a happy chappy Also nappy I get the shivers down to my livers
Ele é um amigo, huh, Chappy?
He's a friend, huh, Chappy?
( rugidos ) O que ele feito para mim, Chappy, huh?
( roars ) What he done for me, Chappy, huh?
Está interessado em caminhar o resto da sua vida?
Are you interested in walkin the rest of your life, chappy?
Chappy, se não fosses apenas um monte de estrume com distintivo, o meu coronel ainda estaria vivo.
Chappy, if you were anything more than a pile of manure with a badge on it, my colonel might still be alive.
- Chefe. - Sim, Chappy?
- [Man] Hey, boss.
Dá-lhe umas palmadas com a pistola, para que aprenda.
Pistol whip him, Chappy. Give him a little knick knack paddy whack.
Mas gosto dos meus homens com ar malandro e bem fornecidos.
But I like my men a little dirty and packing'heat. Hmm, Chappy?
E gostava que me tratasses por Chappy.
I wish you'd start callin'me Chappy.
Isso mesmo.
Chappy. There you go.
Passas tu a ser a alma-gémea do Chappy e a explicar-lhe que se não beijas logo à primeira vez é porque não és desses.
You come pretend to be Chappy's life mate. You explain how you don't... kiss early in the relationship'cause you're not that kind of guy.
- Ah, já é o Chappy?
So now it's "Chappy."
Já é o Chappy sim, porra!
Yes, damn it, it's "Chappy"!
- Chappy, não devias...
Oh, Chappy, you shouldn't have.
Steven, sou eu, o Chappy.
Steven, it's me, Chappy.
- Quem é o Chappy?
Who's Chappy?
Chappy, preciso que te vás embora.
Chappy, I need you to go.
O Chappy tem o alarme no gabinete.
The alarm is in Chappy's office.
Chappy, eu nunca quis...
Chappy, uh... I never meant...
Lambe a porra dos teus lábios secos, meu.
Lick your fucking chappy-ass lips, man.
Pensas que as miúdas falam contigo se tiveres os lábios secos?
Think girls will talk to you if you have chappy lips?
Vejam só, é o "Unhappy Chappy".
Oh, if it isn't "Unhappy Chappy".
Achei divertido que o terceiro padrinho fosse o meu cão, o Chappy.
I thought it would be fun if the third groomsman was my family dog, Chappy.
O Chappy é pequeno de mais para tanta neve.
You know, Chappy's too small to handle all this snow.
Vou pegar no pequeno Chappy e...
I'll just take little Chappy and- -
O ritmo cardíaco do Chappy abrandou bastante.
Chappy's heart rate has slowed way down.
Vá lá, Chappy!
Come on, Chappy!
Cola Chappy.
Chappy's Cola.
Os lábios dele são muito ásperos.
His lips are chappy.
O que achas daquele rapaz Valentino?
So, what do you make of this Valentino chappy, then?
Eu mesma tive de serrar o braço deste rapaz ontem.
Had to saw this chappy's arm off myself yesterday.
Ninguém se esquece de como é ter de fingir...
And Gary was playing the cheeky chappy, just like I used to play little Shirley Temple when I was a child and my father had his breakdowns.
O senhor é o homenzinho que vai traduzir a língua mítica?
So you're the chappy who's going to translate the mythical language?
Davey, Margo e Chappy.
Davey, Margo, and Chappy.
Tornou-se ganancioso, Chappy.
You got greedy, Chappy.
Sr. Chappy, como é que Rick encontrou o "The Empress of Africa"?
Mr. Chappy, how did Rick find the Empress of Africa?
Larga-o, Chappy.
Let him go, Chappy.
Os outros... a Margo, o Chappy...
The others -
Eles eram os novatos.
- Margo, Chappy - - they were the new guys.

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