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Translate.vc / Portugais → Anglais / Chester

Chester traduction Anglais

1,282 traduction parallèle
Boa tarde, Jesse, Chester.
Good afternoon, Jesse, Chester.
Olá, Chester.
Hi, Chester.
- Adeus, Chester!
WOMEN : Bye, Chester!
Vocês são o Jesse e o Chester?
CHICK 1 : Are you Jesse and Chester?
Vocês são o Jesse e o Chester?
Are you Jesse and Chester?
Se vocês são o Jesse e o Chester... ... talvez nós vos proporcionemos prazeres eróticos.
If you are Jesse and Chester perhaps we will give you erotic pleasure.
Estás-me a beliscar.
CHESTER : You're pinching me.
- Estes. - Chester!
- These guys.
Eu vi isto no programa COPS!
- Chester! I saw this on COPS!
Pode ligar a sirene?
CHESTER : Put on the siren.
- Viu o Jesse e o Chester?
CHICK 1 : Where are Jesse and Chester?
- Procuramos o Jesse e o Chester.
- We're looking for Jesse and Chester.
Talvez alguém como o Jesse ou o Chester.
Maybe somebody like Jesse or Chester.
vamos encontrar o Jesse e o Chester.
We're gonna find Jesse and Chester.
- Conhecem o Jesse e o Chester?
CHICK 1 : Do you know Jesse and Chester?
- Conheces o Jesse e o Chester?
CHICK 1 : Do you know Jesse and Chester?
- lsso.
- Olá, Nelson, é o Chester.
- Hey, Nelson, it's Chester.
Olá, Chester!
Hey, Chester!
- Um celeiro?
CHESTER : A barn?
- Não.
Vocês são o Jesse e o Chester.
So you're Jesse and Chester.
- Chester!
- Chester!
- É bom que esteja ali dentro.
CHESTER : It better be in there.
Aqueles eram o Jesse e o Chester.
That was Jesse and Chester.
Eram o Jesse e o Chester.
That was Jesse and Chester.
- Chester.
Boa, Chester.
JESSE : Way to go, Chester.
O pudim!
JESSE AND CHESTER : The pudding!
O Jesse e o Chester salvaram-nos.
Jesse and Chester saved us.
- Jesse e Chester.
- Jesse and Chester.
E tu também, Chester.
So do you, Chester.
- E a minha?
CHESTER : What about mine?
Franklin Chester, The Citizen.
Franklin Chester, The Citizen
- A Marsha e o Chester.
- Marsha and Chester.
Eu sei que horas o Chester e a Marsha disseram.
Well, I know what time Chester and Marsha said.
A Marsha e o Chester tencionam ver um filme no domingo.
Marsha and Chester are planning on seeing a movie Sunday.
O Chester acha que é às 7 ".
Chester thinks it's 7 : 00. "
"A Marsha e o Chester estão zangados com a Phyllis".
"Marsha and Chester are mad at Phyllis."
Talvez as meditações do Dr. Chester Stock sobre o Smilodon californicus?
Perhaps Dr. Chester Stock's musings on the Smilodon californicus?
A unica coisa pior é o cara que nunca tira a mão da bunda dele. Oh, Chester?
The only thing lower is that guy that never takes his hand out of his butt.
Ele esta na torcida tambem.
Oh, Chester? He's a cheerleader too.
Estou a ver o Chester a "mocar" a árvore da borracha.
- Chester is screwing the rubber tree.
Chester o molestador.
Chester the molester.
Chester Conlan é um artista vencedor de prémios.
Chester Conlan is an award-winning artist.
O Chester A. Arthur caiu.
Oh, Chester A. Arthur fall down.
Lembras-te do velho edifício em tijolo da Avenida Chester?
You remember the old brick building on Chester Avenue?
Conheces o velho edifício de tijolo da Avenida Chester?
You know that old building on Chester Avenue?
Estamos no zoológico... para assistir a uma versão ensaboada de David e Golias.
We're here at Chester Zoo to see a bath-time version of David and Goliath.

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