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Chrissy traduction Anglais

424 traduction parallèle
Hey, Chrissy?
Como vais com a Chrissie?
So how are things going with Chrissy?
O que estão a fazer?
CHRISSY : What are they doing here?
Como correu o teste a biologia?
- Hey, Chrissy. How was the bio test?
Chrissy, dá-me a mão.
Hey, uh, Chrissy, give me a hand.
Lembram-se daqueles tipos?
CHRISSY : Remember those guys?
E as outras miúdas vão se a Chrissy for.
- The other girls will go if Chrissy goes. - Right. MAN :
A Chrissy pode ficar um pouco mais agradada para ir à festa.
Yeah, but it might make Chrissy a little more agreeable. To go to the party.
Olá, Chrissy.
GIRLS : Hi, Chrissy.
- Chrissy, eu...
- Chrissy, I- -
Relaxa, Chrissy.
- Oh, relax, Chrissy.
Olha, gostaria bastante de dormir com a Chrissy mas... mas ela é timida.
Come on, guys. I mean, I'd love to sleep with Chrissy but she's shy. I don't wanna rush her.
Chrissy, se queres que algo aconteça fá-la acontecer.
Listen, Chrissy, if you want anything to happen, you gotta make it happen.
É para o Warren e a Chrissy.
EDDIE : It's for Warren and Chrissy.
Vamos, Chrissy!
Come on, Chrissy. - Ha-ha-ha!
Chrissy, vamos ver o filme do Fellini?
Chrissy, you want to go? Let's go to the Fellini movie.
Vou levar a Chrissy ao cinema.
I have to take Chrissy to the movies.
Não sei porquê tanta coisa sobre fumar erva.
Well, I don't know. What's the big deal about smoking grass anyway, Chrissy?
E a ti, Chrissy?
How about you, Chrissy?
Chrissy... De certeza que estás bem? Tu...
Chrissy, um you sure you're okay?
Agora, Chrissy?
Here, now? Chrissy, we can't.
A Chrissy e o Warren?
- You know what I think? - Chrissy and Warren will never last.
Então, Chrissy? Como passaste o sábado à noite?
So, Chrissy, how was it Saturday night?
Isto pode parecer ridiculo mas... Tiveste alucinações?
Chrissy, you know, this may sound ridiculous but, um have you ever, uh, hallucinated at all?
Os Cretinos, por porem a Chrissy e a mim assim tão doentes.
The Cretins for making Chrissy and me so sick.
Muito bem, Chrissy, é esse o espirito!
That's good, Chrissy! That's the spirit.
O que se passa com a Chrissy?
What happened to Chrissy? GIRL 2 :
Minha filha é uma boa rapariga, ela não podia estar grávida.
My Chrissy would never have done such a thing. She's a good girl. - She couldn't have even been pregnant.
É por tua culpa que a Chrissy está assim.
[BELL RINGS] WARREN : You know, it's all your fault that Chrissy got sick.
Muffy, leva a Chrissy à Taru.
Muffey, you get Chrissy and take her to Taru.
Adoro que apanhemos a Chrissy.
Oh, I'd love to get Chrissy.
Olá, Chrissy.
Hi, Chrissy.
Sabes o que é isto, Chrissy?
You know what that is, Chrissy?
Alguém viu a Chrissy?
Chrissy. - Any of you seen Chrissy?
Diz ao Warren que temos a Chrissy.
Go tell Warren we got Chrissy.
Não viste a Chrissy?
- Bob, you see Chrissy? - No, I didn't.
A Chrissy tem o que eu quero.
Chrissy's got what I want.
Diz adeus, Chrissy.
Say goodbye, Chrissy.
Chrissy, vamos sair daqui!
Come on, Chrissy, let's go. Let's get out of here!
Chrissy! Debbie! Debbie Harry canta no apoio.
Debbie harry singing backup.
Oi, Chrissy.
Hey, Chrissy.
Hey, Chrissy, o teu irmão está á espera.
Hey, Chrissy, your brother's waiting.
Chrissy, não desperdices o teu tempo.
Chrissy, don't waste your time.
A Chrissy tem razão.
Chrissy has a point.
A Chrissy não vai.
- Hey, Chrissy is not gonna go.
- Chrissy?
- Chrissy.
Estou farto.
- I don't care, Chrissy.
Chrissy, sinto-me tão mal.
Chrissy, I feel so bad.
-... or not to go inside the building.

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