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Connors traduction Anglais

407 traduction parallèle
Quando volto a casa, se há uma ópera boa em cena a família Connors vai lá duas vezes por semana.
When I come home, if there's any grand opera playing the whole Connors family goes down there twice a week.
Vi-o no Ringue com o Connors há dois anos.
I saw your fight with Connors in the Bowl year before last.
O'Connors, traz-me o meu jipe.
O'Connors, bring up my jeep.
A Conover e a Gibbons, estão na hora de descansar.
Connors and Gibbons, it's time for guard duty.
Quando voltava para cá vi o sr. Connors a sair do bar... do seu edificio, na Second Street.
On my way back here, I ran into Mr. Connors coming outta that bar... in the building he owns over on Second Street.
Mas quem era ele... nada menos que o próprio Brian Connors, o rei de todos.
But who was he... but Brian Connors himself, the king of them all.
Ah, se todos os rimadores fossem como este aqui,
♪ I wish all the rhymers were like Brian Connors
O famoso Brian Connors, rei de todos os leprechauns.
The renowned Brian Connors, king of all the leprechauns.
Miss Connors, depois falamos.
As for you, Miss Connors, we shall have a little talk later.
- Não, Connors.
Oh, uh, no, Connors.
Sim, claro, Connors.
Yes, yes, of course, Connors.
Venha, Connors.
Come along, Connors.
- Connors, não há aspirinas.
Connors, we're all out of aspirin here. I'm sorry, sir.
Muito bem, Connors.
Well done, Conners.
Connors, já acabaste?
Connors, are you finished?
Às vezes eu pensava se o Sr. Connors não era meu pai.
Sometimes I used to figure Mr Connors could have been my pa.
Vs sabe o Connor da contabilidade?
You know O'Connors down in Accounting?
Billy Connors!
Hey, Billy. Billy Connors.
Hey, billy, billy.
O Billy Connors é que é. O quê?
Billy connors is my daddy.
Ele sabia. Billy Connors.
He's known.
Billy? Billy Connors?
Tu és o tal que está a falar com o meu filho e a encher-lhe a cabeça com esse Billy!
You're the one, you're the one Who has been talking to my son And filling his head with that billy connors!
Como era esse Billy Connors?
Yeah? What was-Uh Billy connors like?
O que Tom Laws dizia a respeito de Michael e de Billy Connors.
What tom laws was saying about Michael and billy connors.
- Provávelmente o Billy Connors.
Oh, god! Billy connors probably.
Foi o Billy. O Billy Connors!
It was billy.
É o Connors.
That's Connors.
- Pete?
It's Connors.
Connors. O Thornton não chegou.
Thornton hasn't gotten here yet.
Matou o Connors e mais quatro.
He killed Connors, four others.
- Sim, o Connors.
! Yeah, Connors.
Diane Connors.
Diane Connors.
A limusine apanha-o às 8 : 45, jogo de ténis às 11 : 15, bebidas com a Diane Connors às 18 : 30.
Limo will pick you up at 8 : 45. Tennis meeting at 11 : 15. Drinks with Diane Connors at 6 : 30.
Spencer Barnes? Diane Connors.
Spencer Barnes, Diane Connors.
Boa noite, Miss Connors.
Good Evening, Ms Connors.
Tu estragaste tudo com a Diane Connors!
You blew it with Diane Connors!
- Diane Connors?
- Diane Connors? - That's her.
Sta. Connors, Walter Bentley em teleconferência.
Walter Bentley's on teleconference.
! O que estou a dizer, Sra. Connors, é que você não é profissional. É mal-educada e claramente incapaz de administrar a minha empresa.
What I'm saying exactly, ms Connors, is that you are unprofessional, rude, and clearly incapable of running my company.
E Sra. Connors, o que estou a dizer é que está despedida.
And what I am saying is that you are terminated.
Estes são o Rip Van Kelt, Jack Connors, Charlie Dillon.
Rip Van Kelt, Jack Connors, Charlie Dillon.
- Connors.
- Connors.
Que tal, Connors?
What do you say, Connors?
Capitão Walt Connors, por favor, atenda o telefone branco.
I thought we disposed of our man last night, Magnum.
Olha-me nos meus olhos.
Billy connors! Look in my eyes.
Lembro-me do Billy e de eu ouvirmos o meu pai.
Billy connors. I remember billy and me listening to my daddy.
Estou procurando o Dexter.
Billy connors. I am looking for dexter.
Tu és o tal!
Billy connors?
Foi o meu irmão Lionel.
Billy connors! It was my brother lionel
Miss Connors.
- Ms Connors...

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