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Translate.vc / Portugais → Anglais / Deborah

Deborah traduction Anglais

632 traduction parallèle
Deborah McCoy.
Deborah McCoy.
- Entra, Deborah.
Get in, Deborah.
Vem, Deborah.
Come, Deborah.
Esta é a Deborah McCoy, que poderá ficar connosco.
This is Deborah McCoy, who may stay with us.
Sim, meus amigos, mademoiselle Deborah McCoy.
Ah, yes, my friends, Mademoiselle Deborah McCoy.
Temos um mandato de prisão para Deborah McCoy.
We have a warrant for the arrest of Deborah McCoy.
- Deborah McCoy.
Deborah McCoy.
Miriam, Débora, Jael, talvez mais uma ou duas.
Miriam, Deborah, Jael, perhaps one or two more.
Eu sou a Deborah...
I'm Deborah.
Deborah, vai com eles.
Deborah, you too!
Onde Deborah reuniu as suas tropas.
Where Deborah gathered her armies.
Mas quando veio para aqui, tomou o nome do general de Deborah.
But when he came here, he took the name of Deborah's general.
" Deborah Vaughn, a estrela desta peça, näo é uma actriz.
" Miss Deborah Vaughn, the star of this piece, is no actress.
- Sou a Deborah Vaughn.
- I'm Deborah Vaughn.
Quando Miss Deborah Vaughn me deu um estalo ontem no Sardi's, eu abominei-o muito.
So when Miss Deborah Vaughn slapped my face at Sardi's yesterday I abhorred it plenty.
Deborah Vaughn.
Deborah Vaughn.
Adormeci no Pete's e encontrei a Deborah Vaughn.
I fell asleep at Pete's and then I ran into Deborah Vaughn.
- Encontrou a Deborah por acaso.
- He just happened to run into Deborah.
- Deborah.
- Oh, Deborah.
Desculpem, Deborah Vaughn, Joe Positano.
Oh, I'm sorry. Miss Deborah Vaughn, Joe Positano.
Miss Deborah Vaughn.
Miss Deborah Vaughn.
- Não, sou a Débora.
- No, I'm Deborah.
Deborah, eles estão a chegar.
Deborah, they're here already.
- Bom dia, amiga Deborah.
- Good morning, friend Deborah.
Amiga Deborah, onde quer a cadeira do senador?
Friend Deborah, where do you want the senator's chair?
Amiga Deborah, abandone este lugar.
Friend Deborah, leave this place.
Deborah, pode tirar essa "venda" de uma vez por todas?
Deborah, look, will you take the blinders off just for once?
"Deborah Wright"
" Deborah Wright.
Deborah, manda-os entrar.
Deborah, tell them to come in.
A Deborah está no hospital...
Deborah's in the hospital and my in-laws are coming...
A Deborah Ann Kaye?
Deborah Ann Kaye?
Diz que a Deborah Ann comeu uma refeição inteira antes de dar entrada no hospital.
Says Deborah Ann ate a full meal an hour before she was admitted to the hospital.
O representante de Deborah Ann Kaye.
Uh... I'm representing Deborah Ann Kaye.
Frank Galvin, o representante de Deborah Ann Kaye.
Yeah, Frank Galvin, representing Deborah Ann Kaye.
- Era o médico de Deborah Ann Kaye?
- You were Deborah Ann Kaye's doctor?
Represento a Deborah Ann Kaye no caso contra o St.
I, uh... I represent Deborah Ann Kaye in the case against St Catherine Labouré.
Deborah Ann Kaye.
Deborah Ann Kaye.
Deborah Ann Kaye versus Hospital de St. Catherine Labouré e Robert S. Towler Médico e Sheldon F. Marx Médico.
Deborah Ann Kaye versus St Catherine Labouré Hospital... and Robert S Towler MD and Sheldon F Marx MD.
E a par deles temos a minha cliente, Deborah Ann Kaye, que ficou privada da vista, da fala, da audição, da locomoção, da...
And with them we have... my client, Deborah Ann Kaye... who was deprived of sight... of speech, of hearing... of locomotion, of...
Dr. Thompson, tal como o júri sabe, o senhor nunca tratou a Deborah Ann Kaye.
Good morning, Doctor. Dr Thompson... just so the jury knows, you never treated Deborah Ann Kaye.
Dr. Thompson, examinou a Deborah Ann Kaye nos Cuidados Crónicos da Northern a noite passada?
Uh, Dr Thompson... did you examine Deborah Ann Kaye at the Northern Chronic Care Facility last night?
Na sua análise do registo hospitalar de 12 de Maio de 1976, em sua opinião, o que aconteceu à Deborah Ann Kaye?
Dr Thompson, in your review of the hospital records of May 12th 1976... in your opinion, what happened to Deborah Ann Kaye?
As notas cessam quatro minutos e meio após o coração da Deborah Ann Kaye parar.
These notations stop four and a half minutes after Deborah Ann Kaye's heart stopped.
Foi isso que aconteceu à Deborah Ann Kaye?
Is that what happened to Deborah Ann Kaye?
Era a enfermeira das admissões no St. Catherine Labouré a 12 de Maio de 1976, a noite em que a Deborah Ann Kaye foi admitida?
You were the admitting nurse at, uh, St Catherine Labouré on May 12th, 1976... the night that they admitted Deborah Ann Kaye?
Há quatro anos, quando trabalhava como enfermeira, sabe que estes doutores, o Marx e o Towler, basearam o tratamento dado à Deborah Ann Kaye nesta ficha de admissão, que a senhora assinou?
Four years ago, when you were working as a nurse... are you aware that these doctors, Marx and Towler... based their treatment of Deborah Ann Kaye on this admitting form... which you signed?
Senhor Juiz, concordámos em decidir a favor da queixosa, Deborah Ann Kaye, e contra o St. Catherine Labouré, e os Doutores Towler e Marx.
Your Honour, we've agreed to hold for the plaintiff, Deborah Ann Kaye... and against St Catherine Labouré, and Doctors Towler and Marx.
Você, Richard Ernesto Gassko, aceita Deborah Julie Thompson como sua legítima esposa, a partir deste dia, para o bem e para o mal, na doença e na saúde, até que a morte vos separe?
Do you, Richard Ernesto Gassko, take Deborah Julie Thompson as your lawful wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?
Deborah, o papá diz que devias ajudar..
Deborah, Papa says you should help.
- Feliz Pesach, Deborah.
- Happy Pesach, Deborah.
- Lá está a Deborah.
- There's Deborah.

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