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Dharma traduction Anglais

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O primeiro rei Tibetano a ser tocado pelo'Dharma'foi o Rei Hathatha Rignamputsan.
The first Tibetan king to be touched by the dharma was King Hathatha Rignamputsan.
Agente Cooper, estou comovido que o Dharma veio para o rei Ho-Ho-Ho, estou mesmo, mas no momento estou a tentar concentrar-me nos problemas do nosso século aqui em Twin Peaks.
Agent Cooper, I am thrilled to pieces that the dharma came to King Ho-Ho-Ho, I really am, but I'm trying to focus on the more immediate problems of our own century here in Twin Peaks.
Recebi o seu convite para ir ao Centro Dharma e eu... tenciono ir, mas tenho estado sem tempo, mas irei...
I-I got your... your invitation that you sent me to the Dharma Center, and, uh,... I've... been meaning to go.
Ficará no Centro Dharma que abrimos em Seattle.
He will stay at the Dharma Center we've started here in Seattle.
O meu professor, Lama Dorje... que foi professor do Dalai Lama... perto do fim da vida, sentiu que a sua presença... era necessária no Ocidente para ensinar o Dharma. O Caminho do Buda.
You see, my teacher, Lama Dorje, who was even a teacher of the Dalai Lama, towards the end of his life... he felt he was needed in the West to teach the Dharma, the path of Buddha.
- Este deve ser o Centro Dharma.
Well, this must be the Dharma Center.
Eu tomo refúgio no Dharma
I take refuge in the Dharma,
"o Buda, o Dharma e o Sangha, " até atingir a iluminação. "
the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha, until I attain enlightenment. "
"Refugio-me no Buda, no Dharma e no Sangha."
"I take refuge in the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha."
De mãos juntas em prece, suplico aos Budas de todo o Universo que iluminem a candeia do Dharma sobre todos os que estão perdidos nas trevas da miséria.
With folded hands, I beseech the Buddhas of all directions... to shine the lamp of Dharma for all bewildered in the gloom of misery. "
Dharma, fugir e casar no dia em que nos conhecemos foi o momento mais louco e fantástico da minha vida.
Dharma, running offand getting married the daywe met... was the craziest, most brilliant, truest moment of my life. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Dharma Finkelstein, casas-te comigo outra vez desta vez, numa gala horrenda organizada pela minha mãe?
- [Sighs] - Dharma Finkelstein... will you please marry me again... this time in a big, obnoxious gala organized by my mother?
Dharma, tem de se pentear, maquilhar e pintar as unhas...
That's enough. Come on. Dharma, we have to doyour hair, your makeup, your nails.
Dharma, sabe que temos só duas horas para pentear e maquilhar toda a gente, localizar o bolo pensar num brinde para 150 convidados, com duas caixas de champanhe com 12 garrafas cada?
Dharma, doyou understand... that we have only two hours... to do everybody's hair and makeup, locate the cake... figure out how to do a champagne toast for 1 50 guests... with only two cases of champagne - 1 2 bottles in each case.
Dharma, querida colabore.
Dharma, dear, please cooperate with me.
Dharma, quero dar-te isto.
Dharma, I want you to have this.
Dharma, por favor, a cadeira. Obrigada.
Dharma, please, the chair.
Eu sei, eu sei, mas, se me der um momento, pensei que seria uma boa altura para darmos uns conselhos à Dharma.
I know, I know, I know. I know, but ifyou could just spare a moment... I just thought this would be a nice time foryou and I... to give some wisdom to Dharma, because we are the elderwomen ofthe tribe.
Dharma, tenho uns conselhos para si.
Dharma, I have a little wisdom foryou.
Vamos fechar os olhos e concentrar toda a nossa energia na Dharma.
We're gonna close our eyes... and focus all our energy on Dharma.
E vamos enviar toda a energia à Dharma.
And we're sending all the energy to Dharma.
E agora estamos a sugar a energia à Dharma.
And now we're sucking the energy out of Dharma.
- Dharma, nós fugimos.
- Dharma, we eloped.
- Meu Deus, é ela!
- [Kitty] Dharma.
Meus amigos, reunimo-nos aqui hoje para festejar a feliz união de Dharma Freedom Finkelstein e Gregory Clifford Montgomery. Clifford?
My friends, we come together today... to celebrate the joyous union... of Dharma Freedom Finkelstein... and Gregory Clifford Montgomery.
Viemos não só testemunhar a união do Gregory e da Dharma mas fortalecê-la com o nosso exemplo.
We come together not simply to witness... the union ofiGregory.and Dharma... but to strengthen it by our example.
- É "Dharma".
- It's "Dharma."
Eu Dharma Freedom Finkelstein prometo nunca ser a minha mãe.
I, Dharma Freedom Finkelstein... promise to never, ever become my mother.
Dharma, o que estão eles a fazer?
- Dharma? - Hmm? What are they doing?
Nunca podemos contar a ninguém sobre este casamento.
Dharma, we can never tell anyone about this marriage ever.
- Dharma...
- Dharma.
Dharma, contas tudo à Jane?
Dharma, do we tell Jane everything?
"Adoro os cotovelos da Dharma e os seus dedinhos pequeninos."
I love Dharma's elbows and her little bittytootsies.
Dharma, só tens que lhe dar algum tempo, nada mais.
Dharma, listen. All you have to do is give her some time, that's all.
Dharma Montgomery.
Dharma Montgomery. - Hi.
Dharma, acabou de revelar tudo.
Well, Dharma, you have just let the cat out ofthe bag.
Dharma, já conversámos sobre isso.
Dharma, we have talked about it forever.
A Dharma queria muito ser minha amiga, tentámos jogar ténis juntas e tentámos ir ao spa, mas o que finalmente me conquistou foi quando a Dharma me disse : "Kitty, organize a minha festa de casamento."
Dharma wanted so to be friends, and we tried playing tennis, and we tried going to the spa. And what finallywon my heart is when Dharma turned to me and said... "Kitty, you plan mywedding party."
Dharma, peço-te que não imites a minha mãe antes de nos deitarmos.
Dharma, I'm gonna have to askyou not to imitate my mother right before we go to bed.
Dharma, fala comigo.
Dharma, talk to me.
Acho isso porreiro mas a questão é...
Okay, I can dig that. My point is, ifyou don't come to the party... Dharma's gonna be really hurt.
Credo, Dharma, que tipo de gente é essa?
[Scoffs] Whoa, Dharma. What kind of people are these?
Ora, Dharma!
- Oh, come on, Dharma.
Venham cá fora ver!
[Dharma] Hey, every.body, look outside!
Dharma, quero apresentar-te a minha prima Jennifer.
Uh, Dharma, I'd likeyou to meet my cousin Jennifer. Oh.
- Olá, sou a Dharma.
I'm Dharma.
- Dharma?
I swear.
Dharma, esquece.
- Dharma, let's drop it.
- Oh, hi, I'm Dharma.
Ah, Dharma.

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