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Dickerson traduction Anglais

51 traduction parallèle
Honras presidenciais? Que disparate é este?
What is all this nonsense, Mr. Dickerson?
O Comandante Spock, meu Imediato, o Oficial Engenheiro Scott e o Oficial de Segurança Dickerson.
Commander Spock, second in command, Engineering Officer Scott and Security Officer Dickerson.
Sr. Spock, Sr. Scott, Sr. Dickerson.
Mr. Spock, Mr. Scott, Mr. Dickerson.
Tenente Dickerson, pode retirar-se com os seus homens.
Lieutenant Dickerson, you and your men may return to quarters. Mr. President.
Não, o tenente Dickerson mencionou a Falcon Enterprises.
No. Lieutenant Dickerson mentioned Falcon Enterprises.
Mas talvez anulasse o tenente Dickerson e nos permitisse levar o Marty para Albuquerque.
But perhaps he'd overrule Lieutenant Dickerson... and allow us to transport Marty back to Albuquerque.
Lembras-te do que o Dickerson disse?
Remember what Dickerson said?
Quero falar com o tenente Dickerson.
I wanna talk to Lieutenant Dickerson.
- Sim, fala Dickerson.
Yeah. This is Dickerson.
Deve ser o Dickerson. - Que vai fazer?
That should be Dickerson.
Sargento Major Dickerson- - Esse é outra história.
Sergeant Major Dickerson, ha, that's another story altogether.
Vai se dirigir a mim como Sargento Major Dickerson.
You will address me as Sergeant Major Dickerson.
Sim, Sargento Major Dickerson.
Yes, Sergeant Major Dickerson.
Do que tem medo, Dickerson?
What are you afraid of?
Se eu pisar na bola de novo, Dickerson me manda pro campo, com um rifle.
I screw up once more, Dickerson sends me into the field.
James Dickerson.
James Dickerson.
- Dickerson!
- Dickerson!
James Dickerson!
James Dickerson!
Venho por causa do James Dickerson.
It's about James Dickerson.
Olá, Dickerson.
Hi, Dickerson.
Agora apresento Ethan Dickerson para o baptismo.
I now present Ethan Dickerson for baptism.
- Mia Dickerson, Warrick Brown.
- Mia Dickerson, Warrick Brown.
Sal Dickerson e Bill Jansen.
Sal Dickerson and Bill Jansen.
Dickerson e Jansen?
Dickerson and Jansen?
Rollie Free, Marty Dickerson, somos fãs de moto.
Rollie Free, Marty Dickerson, we're a couple of bike fans.
- Larry Shane Dickerson, 86 anos.
- Larry Shane Dickerson, 86.
Sra. Dickerson, é a senhora?
Mrs. Dickerson, is that you?
O Sr. Dickerson é tão simpático.
Mr. Dickerson is such a nice man.
Larry Dickerson.
Larry Dickerson.
Sra. Dickerson, é melhor ir para o quarto do seu marido e esperar lá.
Mrs. Dickerson, you should go back to your husband's room and wait there.
Srta. Dickerson.
Ms. Dickerson.
Sou a enfermeira Dickerson.
I'm Nurse Dickerson.
E, ao dizê-lo, os olhos de Janet Dickerson encheram-se de lágrimas. "
And with that, Jan Dickerson's eyes filled with tears. "
Sobram as unidades da estação Bickersons.
That leaves the units from Dickerson Station.
Tudo bem.
Outro SEAL, Brian Dickerson, estava comigo.
Another SEAL, Brian Dickerson, was with me.
Vê o Dickerson no Sugar Bowl?
Can you imagine Dickerson in the Sugar Bowl?
O Craig James era lento se o compararmos com o Dickerson.
Craig James was slow compared to Dickerson.
- Eric Dickerson.
Eric Dickerson.
Eric Dickerson.
Eric Dickerson.
Não tenho certeza quanto ao Dickerson ou ao Sal.
I'm not sure about Dickerson or Sal. - Spano's behind Nay's appointment, because he feels bad about that switched YPA vote. - Mm.
O Sr. Garvey, o Sr. Plunkett, o Sr. Carew... o Sr. Drysdale, o Sr. Alzado e o Sr. Dickerson?
Mr. Garvey, Mr. Plunkett, Mr. Carew, Mr. Drysdale, Mr. Alzado, Mr. Dickerson?
Temos o Dickerson.
- We've got Dickerson. - Yo.
É um cantor de bares do Canadá.
Dickerson, you're a lounge singer from Canada.
Corre, Dickerson!
Go, go, Dickerson!
- Nunca pudeste sacar mais de 2.5.
- You never could crack 2.5, Dickerson!
Dickerson, vamos.
Dickerson, on point.
— Dickerson, sele as portas.
- Dickerson, seal the doors.
Como aconteceu isto, Nina Dickerson?
How could this happen, Nina Dickerson?

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