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Frenchy traduction Anglais

312 traduction parallèle
Vais trabalhar para mim, Frenchy!
Then you'll be workin for me, Frenchy.
- Não podes ter cuidado, Frenchy?
[Kent] Can't ya be more careful, Frenchy?
Os acidentes acontecem.
Oh, that's all right, Frenchy.
Mrs. Frenchy, estava a tentar não ouvir os tiros que estão a dar lá fora.
- Oh, Miss Frenchy, I was just tryin'to shut out... the booming'and the bangin of them there pop guns.
- Entre. - Estão à tua espera, Frenchy!
- They're waitin'for ya, Frenchy.
Frenchy, eu sou mesmo o xerife?
Frenchy, am I really the sheriff?
- Eu cubro, Callahan!
- I tap you, Callahan. - Please, Frenchy.
- Frenchy, não sou o Callahan.
I am not Callahan.
- Não, desta vez, não. - Por favor, Frenchy.
- Oh, please, Frenchy.
- Eu volto já, Frenchy.
- I'll be right back, Frenchy.
- Não é assim, Frenchy?
Haven't I, Frenchy?
Frenchy, ganhei?
Frenchy, have I got you beat?
- As calças para cá.
- No, Frenchy, you really don't mean it.
- Esta é a Frenchy.
- Howdy, ma'am.
A Frenchy é que manda na cidade de Bottleneck.
[Wash] You know, Frenchy is the real boss of Bottleneck.
Agarra-lhe os cabelos, Frenchy!
Hang on and get her scalp, Frenchy!
Vamos, Frenchy!
Come on, Frenchy!
Vamos, Frenchy!
Força, Frenchy!
- Go, Frenchy! - Wait.
- Força, Frenchy!
- Come on, Frenchy!
- Dá-lhe, Frenchy!
- Get him, Frenchy!
Força, Frenchy!
- Come on, Frenchy!
Tenho uma garota Que fala à francesa
Gotta gal, gotta gal with a Frenchy talk
Diga a Frenchy que vim tratar de assuntos oficiais.
Would ya tell Miss Frenchy I'd appreciate seeing her... - on some official business?
Mrs. Frenchy, o homem da água está aqui, com assuntos oficiais.
Miss Frenchy, the water man's here... on fishy business.
Mrs. Frenchy, querida, sabe aquele vestido azul?
- Miss Frenchy, honey, you know that blue dress? - Mm-hmm.
- Tem lume?
[Frenchy] Got a match?
E se dançássemos, Frenchy?
How about you and me havin'a dance together, Frenchy? Oh.
- Sim, Mrs. Frenchy?
- Yes'm, Miss Frenchy?
Mrs. Frenchy deseja falar consigo agora mesmo.
Miss Frenchy say she want to see you right away.
Adeus, Frenchy.
Goodbye, Frenchy.
- Ouça, francesinha.
- Listen, Frenchy.
- Nem por isso, Frenchy.
- Not so good, Frenchy.
- Não, Frenchy.
- No, Frenchy.
Olha, Frenchy, quanto à outra questão.
Now look, Frenchy, about that other thing.
Disse ao Frenchy que não estava interessado.
You know, I told Frenchy I wasn't interested.
- E o Frenchy. - Exacto.
- Don't forget Frenchy.
A senhora, o Harry e o Frenchy.
- Right. You, Harry and Frenchy.
Que tal, Frenchy?
Eh, Frenchy?
Tudo bem, Frenchy.
Let me wipe you off.
Frenchy, eles não acreditam em mim.
Frenchy, they don't believe me.
Frenchy, não posso.
But, Frenchy, I can't.
- Como está?
- How are you, sir? Oh, Frenchy!
Vá lá, Frenchy!
Come on, Frenchy!
Força, Frenchy!
Come on, Frenchy!
Tenho uma garota Que anda à francesa
- Gotta gal, gotta gal with a Frenchy walk
- A Frenchy!
[All Cheering] Frenchy!
Como vais encarar as pessoas, depois do que aconteceu com o Kent e a Frenchy?
How you gonna face anybody after what you took from Kent and Frenchy?
- Aonde vai, Mrs. Frenchy?
- Where you goin ; Miss Frenchy?

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