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Grapes traduction Anglais

730 traduction parallèle
De cabras a uvas.
From goats to grapes.
Passaste do leite de cabra para as uvas depressa demais, só isso.
You just made that trip from goats to grapes a little too quickly.
Ou umas uvas.
Or some grapes.
Vou tirar um grande cacho de uvas de uma videira e esborrachá-las na minha cara e deixar o sumo escorrer-me pelo queixo.
I'm gonna get me a whole big bunch of grapes off a bush and I'm gonna squash them all over my face and let the juice drain down off of my chin.
Talvez consiga uma cuba cheia de uvas e sento-me em cima e chafurdo para ali até elas desaparecerem.
Maybe I'll get me a whole washtub full of grapes and just sit in them and scrounge around in them until they're all gone.
Já disse o que quero fazer e pouco me interessa se há laranjas e uvas a granel.
I told you what I was gonna do, and I don't give a hoot and a holler if there's oranges and grapes crowding a fella out of bed.
Campos verdejantes com vinhedos crescendo.
Wonderful green fields, and they grow apples and grapes.
E pondo-as a secar na mesa.
- Swapping lies over the back fence? - Sour grapes.
- Por milagre as uvas continuam doces.
- By some miracle the grapes remain sweet.
Costumava pisar as uvas consigo.
I used to press the grapes with you.
Pise as uvas.
Press the grapes.
Lembre-se das uvas.
Remember the grapes.
- As uvas.
- Remember the grapes.
- As uvas!
- The grapes!
Disse que veio com 12 uvas e só tem 6.
You say you came in with 12 grapes, and now you've only got six.
- Uvas, não.
- No grapes.
Quantas uvas têm os seus filhos?
How many grapes have your kids got?
- Não quero uvas.
- I no want no grapes!
- Não tem?
- You got no grapes?
- Um cacho. - Os meus filhos.
- Get him a bunch of grapes.
Aqui não temos uvas.
We don't have any grapes here.
Mando as uvas para a adega da minha quinta.
I send the grapes to the winery from my own farm.
Tarzan, que uvas maravilhosas...
Tarzan, what lovely grapes.
Cheeta, já comeste bastantes uvas.
Cheetah, you've had enough grapes.
Estás tão azeda que te cheiro daqui.
Your grapes are so sour I can smell them from here.
O ano passado foi um mau ano para as uvas e azeitonas.
Last year was a bad year for grapes and olives.
As uvas mais desejáveis
The most desirable grapes.
Quero te contar que o oceano sabe isto : que a vida... em seus estojos de jóias, é infinita como a areia... incontável ; pura ; e o tempo, entre as uvas cor de sangue.... tornou a pedra dura e lisa, encheu a água-viva de luz... desfez o seu nó, soltou seus fios musicais... de uma cornucópia feita de infinita madrepérola.
I want to tell you that the ocean knows this that life in its jewel boxes is endless as the sand impossible to count, pure, and that time among the blood-colored grapes has made the petal hard and shiny, filled the jellyfish with light, untied its knot letting its musical threads fall from a horn of plenty made of infinite mother-of-pearl.
Preferia ter vivido numa cabana com uma vinha a medrar sobre a porta... e as uvas a tornarem-se roxas sob os beijos do Sol de Outono.
I would rather have lived in a hut with a vine growing over the door... and the grapes growing purple in the kisses of the autumn sun.
Trouxe umas uvas.
Brought you some grapes.
As uvas estão lavadas?
Are these grapes washed?
O filho de Gisela disse-me que as uvas de Gigiotti estão a apodrecer.
Gisella's son says Gigiotti's grapes are rotting.
Ele esmaga-as no lagar onde as vinhas da ira estão guardadas.
# He's trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored
"esmagando-as como uvas ao se fazer o vinho."
"crushing them underfoot like grapes in the wine press."
São uvas de cactos em conserva.
They are pickled cactus grapes.
Uvas de cactos?
Cactus grapes?
Cada uva custa 1 dólar.
Those grapes cost a dollar a piece.
- Não há mais? Quero mais.
We'll gather grapes, we'll make more.
Vamos encher todos os recipientes de vinho.
You think I would let you go get more grapes?
Também trabalho para viver. Cultivo uvas e flores.
I work too, raising grapes and flowers.
E a Baco, o deus do vinho.
And to Bacchus, the god of grapes.
- Quer umas uvas?
- Would you like some grapes?
O sangue das uvas da Trácia, o vinho do amor.
The blood of Thracian grapes, the wine of love.
E as mulheres pisaram uvas de Midiã em vinho novo.
And the women tread grapes from Midian into new wine.
Um coco e uvas!
Here, have a coconut and grapes.
Coma, coma umas uvas, Tio.
Have some grapes, Uncle.
Obrigado, estou a comer umas uvas.
Thank you, I'm having some grapes. It's a beautiful place.
E talvez algumas uvas.
Oh, and perhaps a few grapes.
Look at these grapes.
Achas que eu vos deixaria irem buscar mais uvas?
I'll get more grapes.
- Sabe onde estamos?
The god with his trident or the man with his grapes?

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