/ Portugais → Anglais / Hospital
Hospital traduction Anglais
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A tua mãe tem poucas hipóteses num hospital paquistanês.
I guess mom's just gonna have to take her chances - with Pakistani hospitals.
A pobre miúda estava tão chocada que a levamos para o hospital.
Poor kid was so distraught, we took her to the E.R.
Coloquei um agente do lado fora do quarto no hospital. Se o suspeito queria matar a família toda, ela pode estar em perigo. Óptimo.
I've got a deputy stationed outside her room over at county general.
O meu amigo Steve entrou numa luta, cortou-se, - então levei-o ao hospital.
My buddy Steve got in a fight, got cut, so I took him to the hospital.
O Little Nikos ficou a meu lado no Hospital.
Little Nikos sat by my bed in the hospital.
- Dormiste no hospital outra vez?
You sleep at the hospital again last night?
Ele foi judicialmente mandado para avaliação mental num hospital em Irvine depois da exposição a um incidente.
Department of Mental Health hospital in Irvine to face evaluation after indecent exposure charges.
Precisamos de ir disfarçados ao hospital.
We need to go undercover at that hospital.
Manda o Carter e a Townsend para o FBI e vai para o hospital.
Process Carter and Townsend to the FBI and get back to the hospital.
- Ao verificar o telemóvel da Townsend, encontramos duas mensagens de Tijuana, México. Uma com o nome do Gary Dill e a morada do hospital.
Going through Townsend's phones, we found two text messages to Tijuana, Mexico, one with Gary Dill's name and the address of the state mental hospital.
Quão perto o Sam está do hospital?
How close is Sam to the hospital?
Deve ter-te acostumado com aquele sofá do hospital.
Oh, you must be getting used to sleeping on that couch at the hospital.
Carros eléctricos, sistemas de hospitais, armazenamento de energia solar.
uh, electric vehicles, hospital backup systems, solar power storage.
A mãe pensou que ela estava a estudar no café do hospital.
Her mother thought she was doing homework in the hospital cafeteria.
Quando é que saíste do hospital?
When did you leave the hospital?
Estamos a voltar ao hospital.
We're heading back to the hospital.
Estávamos a voltar para o hospital, mas ela insistiu.
We were on our way back to the hospital, but she insisted.
Mary Reynolds esteve no hospital de St. Anne nos últimos quatro dias com uma doença misteriosa.
Mary Reynolds has been at St. Anne's Hospital for the past four days with a mysterious ailment.
Estás muito calado desde que saímos do hospital.
You've been quiet since the hospital.
- A Mary vai ficar bem? - Ela está no hospital St.
Hey, um, is Mary gonna be all right?
Agora, 28 anos depois, encontramos-te no hospital, em cima do homem que mataste.
Now, 28 years later, you're found in her hospital room, standing over a man you just killed.
Mas o corpo do hospital e o nosso assassino foram completamente alterados.
Both the dead body from the hospital and our assassin have been completely backstopped.
O hospital era uma emboscada.
Hospital was an ambush.
- Aquele tipo, tu sabes, o tal, Sullivan, do hospital.
That guy from the... you know, the guy, Sullivan, from the hospital.
Estamos num hospital há meses, a fazer fisioterapia.
We're stuck in a hospital for months, doing therapy.
Darius passou quatro semanas No San Francisco General Hospital.
Darius spent four weeks at San Francisco General Hospital.
Após a alta hospitalar Darius, de 9 anos, foi enviado para ficar Com a avó paterna, Ruth Morrison.
Upon release from the hospital, 9-year-old Darius was sent to live with his paternal grandmother, Ruth Morrison.
Ruth disse que desde que Darius teve alta hospitalar Praticamente voltou a ser uma criança pequena
Ruth stated that from the time of Darius's release from the hospital, it was as if they had to "raise him from infancy."
Darius foi levado em custódia pela polícia de Oakland E mais tarde transferido para o Hospital Mental em Napa
Darius was taken into custody by the Oakland Police, and later transferred to the state mental hospital in Napa, where he remained for a period of three months.
Muitos tinham ligações com o hospital de veteranos em Palo Alto.
A lot were connected to the V.A. Hospital in Palo Alto.
Ele saiu do hospital hoje.
He's getting out of the hospital today.
O Liam e a filha, o Drew Perales e a sua radiação, no hospital.
Liam and his daughter. Drew Perales and his radiation at the hospital.
Terceiro, levamos o Bryce a um hospital.
Third, while getting Bryce to a hospital.
- Nós vamos encontrá-la.
We'll find her. Happy, closest hospital?
- Hospital mais próximo? - Estou a trabalhar nisso.
I am working on it.
E tu estás a delirar por isso comporta-te até chegarmos ao hospital.
And you're delirious, so just keep it together until we can get you to the hospital.
E isso vai levar-te ao hospital.
And that's getting you to the hospital.
Happy, preciso de alguma coisa mais perto do que o hospital.
Happy, I need something medical closer than the hospital.
Quando salvei a tua vida naquele hospital de Nova Iorque, não o fiz por bondade.
See, when I saved your life back in that New York hospital, I didn't do it out of the kindness of my heart.
Eu a levei para o hospital.
- I took her to the hospital.
Eu sou a diretora do Hospital Chicago Med.
Well, I'm the head of the hospital at Chicago Med.
O hospital já tem a tripulação, está abastecido e pronto para ir.
The hospital ship is manned, stocked, and ready to go.
Não, hospital.
No, hospital.
Por tornares o meu tempo no hospital suportável.
Making my time in the hospital bearable.
Se o bebé nascer no avião, será um cidadão americano.
I'll send in a doctor. If that baby is born on the plane, he or she becomes an American citizen, so why not take her to the hospital, where she can deliver it safely?
She's at St. Anne's Hospital.
A polícia foi chamada ao hospital Saint Anne.
LAPD just responded to Saint Anne's Hospital.
- Ela está bem. Vamos para o hospital, Ligue para o 112.
All right, okay, she's okay.
Estamos perto do Chicago Med.
We're taking her to a hospital ; I'm calling 911.
- Fora do hospital?
If Halstead hadn't found her...
- Isso.
- Outside of the hospital?