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Joyner traduction Anglais

129 traduction parallèle
- Não é isso, Sr. Joyner.
- That's not it, Mr Joyner.
Sr. Joyner, tenho óptimas notícias.
Mr Joyner, I have wonderful news.
Sr. Joyner, que bom é vê-lo.
Mr Joyner, nice to see you.
A sério, Sr. Joyner, tenho de dizer...
Seriously, Mr Joyner, I have to tell you...
Quero apresentar-te ao Frank Joyner.
I want you to meet Frank Joyner.
Frank Joyner, lembras-te?
Frank Joyner, remember?
- Viva, Sr. Joyner...
- Hi, Mr Joyner...
Sr. Joyner...
Mr Joyner...
Sr. Joyner?
Mr Joyner?
Ouça, Sr. Joyner, estamos a discutir as especificações do DYP, o comutador tubular de calor.
Listen, Mr Joyner, we were just discussing the DYP specs, the tubular heat exchanger.
- Sr. Joyner.
- Mr Joyner.
Sr. Joyner, é um detalhe bastante grande porque... olhe...
Mr Joyner, it's sort of a major snag because... Look...
Claire, estava a tentar explicar ao Joyner o problema do DYP...
Claire, I was trying to explain to Joyner, the problem with the DYP...
- Fala Joyner.
- Joyner here.
- Sr. Joyner, é a Claire.
- Mr Joyner, it's Claire.
O meu carro está um brinco.
Has my car running like florence joyner.
Mario Joyner!
Okay. Mario Joyner!
Dr. Joyner.
Dr Joyner.
Lisa Joyner em directo de Chevy Chase, Maryland, para a WJLA.
This is Lisa Joyner reporting from Chevy Chase, Maryland for WJLA.
- A resposta dos Estados Unidos a um genocídio étnico não vai ser : Joyner? "O problema não é nosso."
- The United States'response... to an ethnic genocide is certainly not gonna be, "Hey, not our problem."
Calvin Joyner.
Calvin Joyner.
Bem, alguém indicou o atirador que o Sr. Joyner esteve aqui nas urgências.
Well, somebody tipped the gunman that Mr. Joyner was here in the E.R.
Por que quereria ele matar o Calvin Joyner, Ramon?
Why would he want to kill Calvin Joyner, Ramon?
Calvin Joyner no compartimento cinco.
Calvin Joyner in bay five.
Ao Billy Joyner... E ao Eddie Norton.
Billy Joyner... and Eddie Norton.
Estamos ao vivo com Lisa Joiner no local com as últimas notícias.
We go live now to reporter Lisa Joyner at the scene for the very latest.
A Kate Joyner lidera os escritórios de Nova Iorque.
Kate Joyner heads up The new york field office.
Joyner. Eu conheço-a.
Joyner, i know her.
Kate Joyner, o David Rossi, a Emily Prentiss, a Jennifer Jareau, a Penelope Garcia, o Derek Morgan e o Spencer Reid.
Kate joyner, This is david rossi, Emily prentiss, Jennifer jareau, Penelope garcia, derek morgan, And spencer reid.
Olhe, sei que não gosta da Joyner.
Look, i know you don't Like ssa joyner. Fine.
Também vou destacar alguns.
Joyner : i'll also be detailing A number of you as well.
Fala Kate Joyner do FBI.
This is kate joyner With the fbi.
Diz-se que estão de olho em ti, se a Joyner for despedida.
The word is, they have An eye on you If ssa joyner gets canned.
A Kate Joyner lidera os escritórios de Nova Iorque.
Kate Joyner heads up the New York field office.
Sou o Agente Hotchner. Tenho a Agente Joyner aqui.
I have SSA Joyner on board.
Lamento pela Agente Joyner.
Sorry to hear about Agent Joyner.
Reverendo Joyner, quero alargar o meu pedido de desculpa.
Reverend Joyner, I just want to extend my apologies.
Joyner! .
Joanie Benoit, Jackie Joyner Kersey, Babe Didrikson Zaharias,
Joanie Benoit, Jackie Joyner Kersey, Babe Didrikson Zaharias, Mary Decker, Zola Budd...
Florence Griffith-Joyner e Stephen Hawking.
Florence Griffith Joyner and Stephen Hawking.
Karl e Trisha Joyner.
Karl and Trisha Joyner.
A digital é de uma ex-professora, Trisha Joyner.
Print belongs to a former schoolteacher, Trisha Joyner.
é a mulher de Karl Joyner.
Trisha Joyner- - that's Karl Joyner's wife.
O Scartelli alugou um quarto para a Trisha Joyner.
Hey. Scartelli rented a motel room for Trisha Joyner.
Segundo o que ouvimos, o Joyner não gostava nada disso.
Well, according to the message we heard, Karl Joyner wasn't taking it too well.
O Danny e eu vamos encontrar o Karl Joyner.
Danny and I are going to go find Karl Joyner.
Karl Joyner, mostre as suas mãos, agora.
Karl Joyner, let me see your hands right now.
Devia estar a uns 200m de onde o Joyner estava.
He had to be about 600 feet from where Joyner was standing.
Quem matou o Joyner era um profissional.
Okay? Whoever killed Joyner was a pro.
- A Joyner e o Hotch chegam e pum!
Joyner and Hotch approach the van.
Enviou a foto da sua carta de condução. Trisha Joyner...
He sent her DMV photo.

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