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Kensington traduction Anglais

193 traduction parallèle
Depois telefone a Miss Edith Armbruster, Kensington 66255. Diga-lhe que vou partir para a América.
Then phone Miss Edith Armbruster, Kensington 66255 Tell her I'm off to America.
Vivo no 5135 Kensington Avenue
I live at 5135 Kensington Avenue
Sr. Hendricks, poderia lhe fazer um tour... de cor, desde o Kensington Gardens até o East India Docks.
Mr. Hendricks, I could take you on a Cook's tour... from Kensington Gardens to the East India Docks with my eyes shut.
Uma escola privada na Suíça, uma casa em Kensington... e um marido anglo-saxão com 2.000 libras por ano e sem outra mulher.
A finishing school in Switzerland, a house in Kensington, and an Anglo-Saxon husband with 2,000 pounds a year and no mistress.
De Kensington a Billingsgate ouve-se os gritos inquietos
# From Kensington to Billingsgate one hears the restless cries
Doutorado na Escola de Minas de Kensington.
Graduated work... School of Mines Kensington.
Temos alguns, na nossa filial de Kensington.
But we have got some down at our Kensington branch.
Desculpem, não posso parar. Tenho de ir a Kensington.
I'm sorry, sorry - can't stop now, I've got to get to Kensington.
20 MIN DEPOIS Receio que também não tenham em Kensington.
Well I'm afraid they don't have any at our Kensington branch.
Gervaise Brook-Hampster de Kensington e Weybridge.
Gervaise Brook-Hampster of Kensington and Weybridge ;
Vivian Smith-Smythe-Smith de Kensington.
- Vivian Smith - Smythe-Smith of Kensington ;
Decerto, haverá muitas portas de carros a bater, em Kensington, esta noite.
Well, there'll certainly be some car door slamming - in the streets of Kensington tonight.
Javais Brookhamster de Kensington... vice-campeão, Vivian Smith Smythe Smith de Mayfair... e terceiro, Simon Trompeta de Zinco Harris, de Kensington.
Javais Brookhamster of Kensington... runner up, Vivian Smith Smythe Smith of Mayfair... and third, Simon Zinc Trumpet Harris of Kensington.
Tenho um salão de cabeleireiro em Kennsington, a "Casa Tindellini".
I have a hair dressing salon in South Kensington. Casa Tindolini.
Duvido que uma casa do séc. XVIII em Kennsigton tenha essa mesma mágica para a Marguerite.
But I doubt whether an 18th century architectural gem in South Kensington whispers quite the same magic to Marguerite as it does to you.
848 East Kensington, Parque Echo.
848 East Kensington, Echo Park.
Pelo menos até Kensington há-de dar.
It'll get us as far as Kensington anyway.
Ouça isto, Holmes. Venha imediatamente, 131 Pitt Street, Kensington.
Listen to this Holmes Come I nstantly, 1-3-1 Pitt S treet, Kensington.
Cartório de Kensington, 7 de Agosto.
We didn't. This is frοm Raymοnd.
Candidatei-me ao lugar de idiota da vila de Kensington.
I applied for the job of village idiot of Kensington.
Oh, o Raeburn Hotel em Kensington.
Oh, the Raeburn Hotel in Kensington.
" Hugo Oberstein, Caulfield Gardens, 13, Kensington.
Ah, Hugo Oberstein, 13 Coffield Gardens, Kensington.
Aqui é 18 Kensington?
Is this 18 Kensington?
Aqui é Rua Kensington, 18.
This is 18 Kensington Street.
Kensington é a via principal.
Kensington's the main road.
Kensington e Notting Hill Gate.
Kensington and Notting Hill Gate.
- West Kensington e Bayswater.
- West Kensington and Bayswater.
Vai mudar-se para o Hotel Carlisle em South Kensington.
It is going to move for the Hotel Carlisle in South Kensington.
"Senhora de Kensington desaparecida."
"Lady of lost Kensington."
Bomba do marco de correio da Kensington High Street.
Bombing of pillar-box, Kensington High Street.
Olá, Mrs. Kensington.
Hello, Mrs. Kensington.
Porque é que nunca me deixas fotografar-te, Mrs. Kensington?
Why don't you ever model for me?
Sabes o que o Mr. Kensington pensa disso.
You know how Mr. Kensington feels about that.
Bom trabalho, Mrs. Kensington.
Good work, Mrs. Kensington. Get up!
Mrs. Kensington!
Mrs. Kensington!
Austin, Mrs. Kensington aposentou-se há algum tempo.
Austin, Mrs. Kensington has long since retired.
A Miss Kensington é filha dela.
Miss Kensington is her daughter.
Muito bem, Kensington.
Top drawer, Kensington.
E vão visitar com as fadas os Jardins de Kensington, meninas?
And are you going to visit with the fairies qt Kensington Gardens, then, girls?
- ou pelo menos a Londres e, três anos mais tarde, ao Bar Sombrero, em Kensington. Foi lá que o ouvi cantar pela primeira vez.
Or at least to London, where three years later... at the Sombrero Club in Kensington, I would hear him sing for the very first time.
Fica em Kensington.
It's in Kensington.
- Chubb. Kensington Chubb.
- Chubb, Kensington Chubb.
Fala Kensington Chubb.
Kensington Chubb here.
- Na rua Kensington.
- Kensington High Street.
Tudo é " "Kensington".
Everything's got the word "Kensington" in it.
Rua Kensington.Jardins Kensington.
Kensington Park Road. Kensington Garden. Kensington bloody Park Garden.
- Por Kensington e Hyde Park.
Down Kensington Church Street, then Knightsbridge, then Hyde Park Corner.
Obrigado, Dr. Kensington, por esse comentário perspicaz.
Thank you, Dr. Kensington, for that keen observation.
É já em Kensington.
Only to Kensington.
Vai trabalhar com a Miss Kensington.
You'll be working with Miss Kensington.
Agente Kensington.
Agent Kensington.

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