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Melbourne traduction Anglais

376 traduction parallèle
Yokohama, Melbourne, Xangai,
I've been lots of other places too. Yokohama, Melbourne, Shanghai...
Dois em Joanesburgo, um em Sidney, um em Melbourne, Dois em São Francisco... Um em Phoenix, no Arizona.
Two in Johannesburg, one in Sydney, one in Melbourne two in San Francisco, one in Phoenix, Arizona.
Vamos fazer como fizemos em Melbourne.
I think, perhaps, the Melbourne method.
Não, assim não. Por favor!
Not the Melbourne method, please!
O homem de Londres estava morto como o de Melbourne!
The fellow in London was just as dead as the fellow in Melbourne.
Em Melbourne, uma noite sonhei contigo.
In Melbourne one night, I dreamt of you.
Escritório de Melbourne.
Melbourne office.
Dr. Melbourne l. Feltman... vice-presidente da Editores Consolidated.
Dr. Melbourne I. Feltman, Vice President, Consolidated Book Publishers.
" Melbourne l. Feltman, Ph.D... o maior vendedor do mundo do livro mais vendido no mundo.
" Melbourne I. Feltman, Ph. D., the world's greatest salesman of the world's best seller.
O meu marido é o cônsul francês em Melbourne.
My husband is French Consul in Melbourne.
Eu costumava odiar os domingos em Melbourne.
I used to hate Sundays in Melbourne.
Estaremos em casa a tempo para a copa Melbourne.
We'll be home in time for the Melbourne Cup.
Cinco anos nos Cadetes de Cavalaria de Melbourne.
Five years in the Melbourne Horse Cadets.
Melbourne Meatworks, 5 da manhã.
Melbourne Meatworks, 5AM, over.
O gerente de um motel de Melbourne viu-o com uma rapariga que desapareceu.
- The manager of the Melbourne Car Motel claims you checked in with a young lady fitting the description of a missing person.
A Polícia procura informaçöes sobre o paradeiro de Pamela Rushworth, filha do conselheiro americano de política externa.
Police in Melbourne and Perth are seeking the assistance of motorists in connection with the disappearance of 20 year old heiress, Pamela Rushworth, daughter of US diplomatic adviser, Warren Rushworth.
A Polícia receia que o camionista seja o homem procurado pelo desaparecimento de uma rapariga de Melbourne.
Police have fears that the truck driver, whose name has not yet been released, may be the same man wanted in connection with the disappearance of a missing Melbourne girl.
Transfere a minha parte para a conta de Melbourne.
Have my share transferred to the Melbourne account.
Equipa 2 vai a Melbourne ver os Whittackers. A Equipa 3, vai ver os Habys.
Team two is going to Melbourne, to the Whittackers, team three to the Habys.
Quanto ao casaquinho, os testes serão realizados em Melbourne para se determinar se se trata do casaquinho que a Sra. Chamberlain alegou que a filha usava.
The situation with the jacket is that tests will be carried out in Melbourne, to determine if it is the same jacket Mrs Chamberlain claimed her daughter was wearing.
É preciso ir a Melbourne para voar para Los Angeles.
You've got to get to Melbourne to get a flight to LA.
127, Wentworth, Melbourne?
127, Wentworth, Melbourne?
Estava aqui a pensar... quanto é um bilhete para Melbourne?
Could you tell me... How much is a ticket to Melbourne?
Eu só quero saber a taxa para Melbourne.
I just wanted to ask how much is a ticket to Melbourne
O meu colega vai ajudá-lo. É ele quem trata desse destino.
This gentleman will tell you all you want to know, Melbourne is his department
Portátil. Fabricado em Melbourne.
Manufactured in Urbana, Illinois.
Viemos ver os meninos feios de Melbourne.
Come to see the ugly Melbourne boys.
- O Russ MeIbourne.
- Russ Melbourne.
- Russ MeIbourne
- Russ Melbourne.
" O Sargento Brown está a descansar confortavelmente no hospital de Melbourne e espera-se a sua total recuperação.
" Sergeant Brown is resting comfortably at a Melbourne hospital and is expected to fully recover.
Vou viver para Melbourne.
- I'm going to live in Melbourne.
Aqui estam, os menhores chefes de cozinha...
It's time for What's Cooking Tonight? Here are your hosts, Melbourne's greatest chefs...
Os chefes da casa...
Melbourne's greatest chefs...
Podes apnhar o Central Melbourne?
Can you get to Central Melbourne?
Estou na Melbourne Central.
I'm at Melbourne Central.
Da nave Melbourne.
From the Starship Melbourne.
Melbourne? Se supunha que o encontraría em Wolf 359 mas a Frota Estelar disse que os Borgs estavam atacando este setor.
Melbourne... I was supposed to meet him at Wolf 359, but Starfleet sent out a warning that the Borg were attacking that sector.
O Wally vai para Melbourne por alguns meses, precisamos de alguém que nos dê uma mãozinha.
Wally's going to Melbourne for 2 months, so I could use another set of hands.
Só se vê um criminoso de Sidney quando um assassino de Melbourne o deixou morto.
Anytime you ever see a Sydney criminal on the television is when... he's lying in the gutter... dead after being killed by a bloody imported Melbourne hitman.
Um criminoso que aterrorizou, torturou e assinou a dúzias de traficantes e assaltantes nas ruas de Melbourne.
Self-styled crime commando who... terrorized, tortured and murdered dozens of drug dealers and armed robbers on the streets of Melbourne.
Foi a Melbourne.
He's in Melbourne.
Sei dançar, mas isto não é um clube nocturno de Melbourne.
I dance at nightclubs in Melbourne.
O seu próximo contacto é às 4 : 30 na estação de Melbourne, depois está em casa.
Your next contact is at 0430 at Melbourne Station - then you're home.
Melbourne, Sydney?
Elbourne? Sydney?
- Posso ver Sydney ou Melbourne. - Exactamente.
You mean i can visit your Sydney or your Melbourne- - exactly.
Talvez até encontre algo em New Melbourne se precisares do vaivém.
So we had two days to write what was, in essence, going to be a new pilot.
Sou do Jornal Melbourne.
Officer, I'm with the Melbourne Gazette.
Tenho um vestido acabado de chegar de Melbourne.
I have an outfit just arrived from Melbourne.
Tradução :
Intertitles Translation : IML Digital Media Melbourne IML Digital Media 2005
- E no sábado anterior? Melbourne. Pernoitei lá.
- Melbourne, yeah, I was laid up overnight in Melbourne.

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