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Osgood traduction Anglais

121 traduction parallèle
Sou Osgood Fielding, o Terceiro.
I'm Osgood Fielding the Third.
O Osgood?
You know - Osgood?
O Osgood pediu-me em casamento.
Osgood proposed to me.
Não podes casar-te com o Osgood.
You can't marry Osgood.
- O Osgood deu-me uma pulseira.
- Osgood gave me a bracelet.
Não queremos magoar o Osgood.
After all, we don't wanna hurt Osgood's feelings.
Põe batom, fica bonito para o Osgood.
Fix your lips if you wanna look nice for Osgood.
Temos um iate, uma pulseira, tu tens o Osgood, eu a Sugar.
We got a yacht, a bracelet, you've got Osgood, I've got Sugar.
- São do Osgood.
- They're from Osgood.
- Telefonamos ao Osgood.
- You're gonna call Osgood.
- O Osgood vem-nos buscar ao cais.
- Osgood's meeting us at the pier.
Não posso usar o vestido da tua mãe.
Osgood, I can't get married in your mother's dress.
Vou ser franco contigo.
Osgood, I'm gonna level with you.
- Não estás a perceber.
- You don't understand, Osgood.
Bascombe G. Osgood. E nós a veremos no tribunal.
Bascombe G. Osgood, and we'll see you in court, madam.
No Centro Médico, Michelle Osgood é uma paciente muito especial, com um problema muito especial.
'Michelle Osgood, a very special patient with a very special problem.
O Engenheiro responsável é Patrick Osgood, marido da doente terminal. Um homem que tem tido visões da destruição de Alfa pelo fogo.
'The Chief Engineer is Patrick Osgood, husband of the dying patient,'a man who has had recurrent visions'of Alpha being destroyed by a raging fire.'
É uma coincidência incrível que o Engenheiro Osgood tenha previsto tudo isto.
'The incredible coincidence is that Osgood predicted this occurrence.'
- É a Michelle Osgood.
-'Michelle Osgood.
- Também a vida da Michelle Osgood.
So is Michelle Osgood's life.
Tivemos um problema com o Osgood no armazém de explosivos.
Helena, we had a scramble with Osgood in the explosives room.
Os armazéns de explosivos dos níveis B, C e D estão interditos a pessoal não-autorizado. E especialmente a Patrick Osgood.
Explosive rooms in B, C and D levels are off limits, especially to Pat Osgood.
Apanhámos o Osgood, Helena!
Helena, we've got Osgood.
- E a Michelle e o Osgood?
- What about Michelle and Osgood?
- Sim, a profecia do Osgood...
- Yeah. Osgood prophecy.
O Osgood levou a Michelle para as catacumbas.
Osgood's taken Michelle deep into the catacombs.
E o Osgood?
- Where's Osgood?
- E o Osgood?
- What about Osgood?
Aceitas, Charles Osgood Justice...
Do you, Charles Osgood justice -
O Osgood chegou lá uma vez.
Osgood made it there once.
A propósito, é o pé do Osgood que tens na mão, neste momento.
Matter of fact, that's Osgood's foot you got in your hand right now.
Não é assim, Osgood?
Isn't that so, Osgood?
Osgood, vou dizer te a verdade.
Osgood, I'm gonna level with ya.
Você não compreende, Osgood.
You don't understand, Osgood.
Não há nada melhor do que uma missão cumprida com delicadeza, mas agora era altura de conhecer o "manda-chuva", Secretário Osgood. Eu adorava o meu trabalho.
There's nothing better than a job delicately handled, but now it was a time to meet the big boss Secretary Osgood.
O Secretário Osgood tinha razão quando disse que havia muitos alienígenas em Vegan.
Secretary Osgood was right when he told me there were plenty of aliens on Vegan.
E agora, com o esboço do crime que vira no monitor do Osgood, estava pronto para um pouco de convívio lunar e bisbilhotice.
And now on with the dead crime-motive sketch to the alien I had seen on Osgood's recapture screen. I was ready for a little lunar socializing and snooping.
Eu tinha contactado o Secretário Osgood.
I'd contracted Secretary Osgood.
Sabíamos que eles estavam no hotel em Washington, não, Osgood?
We knew where they were at the hotel in Washington, didn't we, Osgood?
Portanto, não dispa as calças hoje. E reze para que o Osgood não recorde o que pensa ter visto no hotel do que pensou que ele viu... o que pensou ter visto no hotel...
So you just keep your pants on tonight and keep your fingers crossed that Osgood won't remember what he thought he saw in the hotel, thought he didn't see what he thought he saw in the hotel, I was right the first time.
Um Blip falando com Tina Gostosa.
A Blip is talking to Tina Osgood.
vejamos que tempo demoras a aviar o Osgood.
Let's see how fast you can do ol'Osgood, here.
Cala-te, Osgood.
Shut up, Osgood.
- Osgood, uma carapaça de tartaruga.
- Osgood, run and get me a turtle shell.
Osgood, para a tartaruga.
Osgood, for the turtle.
- Cala-te, Osgood.
- Shut up, Osgood.
O Osgood não acha a pila se a luz estiver apagada.
- So? Osgood don't know how to find his pecker if the light isn't on.

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