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Oswalt traduction Anglais

37 traduction parallèle
- 73.5 carga zero.
Oswalt! Hurry!
- Oswalt!
Come on, I'm waiting on you!
Oswalt! We need cover fire!
A ver a terra, Oswalt.
Looking at land, Oswalt.
- Robert Oswalt.
- Robert Oswalt.
O estado decidiu que havia provas suficientes para ligar os assassinatos Oswalt, Lidge e Madison.
The state decided that there was enough evidence to link the Oswalt, Lidge, and Madison murders.
Eu sou Ellison Oswalt.
Ellison Oswalt.
Oswalt. Ouça...
- Mr Oswalt. listen.
O nosso convidado desta noite é Ellison Oswalt.
Pleased to have Ellison Oswalt on our programme.
Oswalt. Olá, adjunto "Fulano tal".
Hey, Deputy So And So.
Mr. Oswalt, isto chegou esta manhã.
- Mr Oswalt, these came in this morning.
Também reconheço uma série de crimes interligados quando os vejo, Mr. Oswalt.
I also know a series of connected murders when I see one, Mr Oswalt.
É a minha terra, Mr. Oswalt.
- It's my home, Mr Oswalt.
Oswalt, há alguma coisa que me queira dizer?
Mr Oswalt. is there something that you wanna tell me?
Oswalt, ouça de novo.
I... - Mr Oswalt. listen.
Deveria sair mais, Mr. Oswalt. Tenta limpar a sua mente.
You should try and get out more, Mr Oswalt, try to clear your head.
- Boa noite, Oswalt.
- Evening, Oswalts.
Senhor Oswalt, desculpe por ter demorado tanto.
Mr Oswalt, sorry it took so long to get back to you.
Oswalt, que tipo de livro está a escrever, exactamente?
Mr Oswalt, what kind of book are you writing exactly?
Ouça, Mr. Oswalt, mudou-se para a última casa da sequência.
Listen, Mr Oswalt, you just moved out of the last house in line.
Somos os Oswalt do outro lado da rua.
We're the Oswalts from right across the street.
Precisamos ir até ao 1422 Oswald Street.
We need to go to 1422 oswalt street.
Este é o Bill Oswalt, chefe de polícia em Bemidji.
Bill Oswalt's the Chief over Bemidji.
Este é Bill Oswalt, chefe da polícia em Bemidji.
This is Bill Oswalt, Chief over Bemidji.
Bill Oswalt, espera...
Now, Bill Oswalt, hold on...
- Chefe, estes senhores são...
Hey, chief, these fellas are- - Bill oswalt.
Sou o Bill Oswalt, o chefe da polícia.
I'm the chief here.
Você é o policia do caso Oswalt.
You're the deputy from that Oswalt thing. Well...
O que houve com os Oswalt acontecerá novamente.
Whatever happened to the Oswalts is only gonna happen again.
Já ouviste falar de Ellison Oswalt?
Um... have you ever heard of someone named Ellison Oswalt?
Ele era meu amigo, eu estava a ajudá-lo no livro dele.
Mr. Oswalt was a friend of mine. I was helping him on his book that he was writing - about the case...
O escritor que falei, Ellison Oswalt.
That writer I was telling you about, Ellison Oswalt.
Espera, então a casa de Oswalt foi...
Wait, so the Oswalt house? That was...
Ele não acha piada ao Patton Oswalt.
He doesn't think Patton Oswalt's funny.
Olá, Mr.
- Hey, Mr Oswalt.
Mas ouça, Mr. Oswalt...
But, listen, Mr Oswalt, if you sleep in this house.

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