/ Portugais → Anglais / Patty
Patty traduction Anglais
3,099 traduction parallèle
Esta não é a Patty excitada.
This isn't Horny Patty.
Sou a Patty Hong.
I'm Patty Hong.
- É amiga da Patty?
Are you a friend of Patty's, then?
Patty, querida, temos óptimas notícias para partilhar contigo.
Patty, sweetheart, we have some wonderful news to share with you.
- Quem, a Patty Hong?
- What, Patty Hong?
- Patty Hong.
- Patty Hong.
Não tens tempo para trabalhar no recurso do pai, mas tens tempo para ir para a cama com a Patty Hong?
You don't have time to work on dad's appeal, but you have time to have sex with Patty Hong?
Para ser mais preciso, o Cal foi para a cama com a Patty Hong.
To be precise, "Cal" had sex with Patty Hong.
Patty Hong, esta é a Valerie Bottoms...
Patty Hong, this is Valerie bottoms...
A Patty veio...
Patty was just...
Depois todos me começaram a chamar Patty Chupista.
Then everyone started calling me "Popsicle Patty."
De quê?
From what, Patty?
Dia de São Patrício, e o Recesso Escolar, é a única coisa que espero.
Halloween, New Year's, St. Patty's Day, and spring break, it's the only thing I have to look forward to anymore.
Bem-vindo ao Drive-In K.O., onde cada salgado é uma loucura.
Welcome to K.O drive in, where every patty is knockout
- Patty!
- Patty!
Esta é a Patty.
This is Patty.
A Patty contou-me o que aconteceu.
Patty told me what happened.
Lembras-te da Patty.
Oh, you remember Patty.
A Patty não é uma vaca, ela é diferente.
Patty's not a bitch, she's different.
Bem, a Molly levou a Patty para ti, mas a Patty achou que eras um idiota.
Well, Molly brought Patty for you, but Patty thought you were a moron.
A Patty e eu estamos a trabalhar no espectáculo aéreo e o Cam é colaborador.
Patty and I are working at the air show and Cam's our liaison guy.
E depois despedi-me da firma e formei negócio com a Patty.
And so I quit the firm, went into business with Patty.
Pessoal, vamos brindar à Patty e à Molly por organizarem, de longe, a festa mais fixe para a qual tive o prazer de ser convidado.
Everybody, let's raise a glass to Patty and Molly for throwing, by far, the coolest party I've ever personally been invited to.
À Patty e à Molly!
Let's hear it for Patty and Molly!
- Olá, Patty.
- Hey, Patty.
- Foi ideia da Patty do Stainer.
- It was Patty and Stainer's idea.
- Cala-te Patty.
- Shut up, Patty.
A Patty Loski convidou-nos para jantar na sexta à noite.
Patty Loski invited us over for dinner Friday night.
Eu estou tentando salvar o Rancho do meu pai, que está na eminência de uma bancarrota agrícola, enquanto vossemecê está, com essa sonsa, brincando aos cowboys!
I am trying to save my daddy's ranch, which is on the verge of an agricultural meltdown while you're playing patty-cake with this here trollop!
Bilhar de bolso!
Pocket patty-cake!
Bom dia, Patty-bolos.
Good morning, Patty-cakes.
Sem bolos.
No patty cakes.
Pensei que o Tony Wilkes ia com a filha da Patty Hobbes?
I thought Tony Wilkes was going with Patty Hobbes'daughter?
Pai, por favor. A Patty e os outros vão ter uma.
Dad, please, Patty and them's getting one.
- Sam. - Patty.
- Adorava ser a mulher atrás de ti.
- Patty. - I'd love to be the woman behind you.
Acerta-me, deixa-te de mariquices.
It's not patty-cake. Punch me! Here!
Se desenhar um retrato da Patty mostrando sua beleza interior.
If you sketch a portrait of Patty showing her inner beauty.
A Patty vai matar-me.
Patty's gonna kill me.
Homer, graças ao teu salão de cabeleireiro sem licença, a Patty e a Selma têm sido bastante elogiadas no IMTT.
Homer, thanks to your unlicensed barbery, Patty and Selma have been getting compliments all day at the DMV.
Patty Farrell, dois "R", dois "L".
Patty Farrell, two R's, two L's.
Patty Farrell, és a maior!
Patty Farrell, you are the man!
E sem mais demora, deixo-vos com a Menina Patty Farrell!
And without further ado, Ms. Patty Farrell!
Danny, porque não contactas com a Vicky?
Patty, why don't you get in touch with Vicky.
- Deixa-te de merdas, Patty.
Cut the shit, Patty.
- Vai-te foder, Patty.
Fuck you, Patty.
Ainda tens contacto com a Patty Hewes, certo?
You're still in touch with Patty Hewes, right?
Acho que deves saber que ouvi os sócios falarem sobre Patty. Ela não tem muitos fãs.
Well, I think you should know I heard the partners talking about Patty, and, well, they're not all fans.
Patty, acabei de sair do escritório.
Patty, I just left my office.
Que vantagem?
Maybe they'll slip on a cow patty.