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Translate.vc / Portugais → Anglais / Peck

Peck traduction Anglais

711 traduction parallèle
Gwen e Peck, para a retaguarda.
One pack animal to the rear!
- Nem todos podem ser o Gregory Peck.
- Everybody can't be Gregory Peck.
Ela pode interpretar tudo o que quiser, quem a vai impedir?
She can play Peck's Bad Boy all she wants and who's to stop her?
Quando me casei com a Ellie, o meu futuro na firma de advocacia... Bartham, Henderson e Peck era nebuloso...
The day I married Ellie, my position with the law firm of Bartham, Henderson and Peck was as nebulous...
O céu é testemunha... não me move o dever nem a amizade, mas, sem o revelar... só o interesse. Se as mostras exteriores de meus atos... me traduzissem os motivos próprios do coração... em traços manifestos, carregaria o coração na manga... para atirá-lo às gralhas.
When my outward action doth demonstrate the native act and figure of my heart in compliment extern,'tis not long after but i will wear my heart upon my sleeve, for daws to peck at.
Foi um beijo fraternal na bochecha. Como este.
Why, that was just a peck on the cheek, like this.
Foi muito engraçado.
He was a peck of fun.
Repare, nenhuma garota bonita me quer, quer o Gregory Peck.
Face it, no pretty girl wants me, she wants Gregory Peck.
- Deves estar a pensar no Gregory Peck.
You must be thinking of Gregory Peck.
Se tivesses querido o Gregory Peck, teria casado com ele.
If I'd wanted Gregory Peck, I'd have married him.
- O Gregory Peck.
Gregory Peck.
Eu próprio escrevo o discurso à máquina.
I can do the hunt-and-peck system. I'll pick it out myself.
E meteres-te numa data de sarilhos também.
Yeah, and get yourself into a peck of trouble, too.
Se não entendeu, maninho, estamos metidos num sarilho.
Well, if she didn't, little brother, we're in a peck of trouble.
Quer saibas ou não, temos um sarilho entre mãos.
Case you know it or not, we- - we got a peck of grief on our hands here.
Ouve lá, Gregory Peck, gostava de perceber. Vamos fazer o quê?
Listen here, Gregory Peck, I'm not getting any of this stuff.
Quando eu ouço os trombones... são as cornetas que que animam tudo.
When I hear them trombones... It's them peck horns that really does it.
Vou arrancar-lhe os olhos à bicada!
I'll, I'll peck her eyes out!
Gregory, Rolman Peck.
Gregory, Rolman Peck.
Marlon Peck e Gregory White.
Marlon Peck and Gregory White.
- O Gregory Peck.
- Who? - Gregory Peck.
Como o Gregory Peck.
Like Gregory Peck's.
Qual é a coisa que nem diante do rei tira o chapéu?
Destined to live in a cage, though I'm a bird I cannot roost, nor peck, nor fly, nor nest.
! No bib around your Gregory Peck today, eh?
No bib around your Gregory Peck today, eh?
- Quem pica o rabo ao Bony?
- Who will peck Boney's bum?
Se a Sra. Peck te ouve...
Don't let Mrs. Peck hear you say that.
- Adeus, Sra. Peck.
Good-bye, Mrs. Peck.
Pensei que ia para casa da sua irmã, Sra. Peck.
I thought you were going to your sister's, Mrs. Peck.
Sra. Peck, a senhora é e sempre será a responsável por esta casa.
Now, Mrs. Peck, you have been the mistress of this house and you always shall be.
Prazer em vê-la, Sra. Peck!
Mrs. Peck, how nice to see you.
Sra. Peck, fala como se fôssemos duas crianças.
Why, Mrs. Peck, you're talking like we were a couple of children.
- A Sra. Peck trabalha para o Sr. Paris.
This is Mrs. Peck.
- Sra. Peck...
Mrs. Peck.
Depois, fiz adeus à Sra. Peck e fui-me embora.
And I just took off. I waved good-bye to Mrs. Peck and drove away. Mm-hmm.
A Sra. Peck telefonou-me e eu vim.
Mrs. Peck phoned me and I came over.
Murray, não quero incomodar mais a Sra. Peck.
Look, uh, Murray, before you go, I don't wanna have to trouble Mrs. Peck anymore.
Pode mostrar-me o sítio sem voltarmos a perturbar a Sra. Peck.
Uh, that way, you could, you know, show me around without Mrs. Peck getting upset again, you know what I mean?
Mas havia uma pegada junto à janela da Sra. Peck.
But there was a footprint outside Mrs. Peck's window.
Sra. Peck, tem a certeza absoluta de que ligou o alarme hoje?
Mrs. Peck, are you absolutely sure that you turned on the burglar alarm system tonight?
Sei que está a tentar ardentemente formar um caso de homicídio mas não acha mesmo que a Sra. Peck seria capaz de uma coisa dessas.
Lieutenant, I know you're trying to drum up a homicide case feverishly, but certainly, you-you can't believe that Mrs. Peck could do anything like that?
- Não, nunca desconfiaria da Sra. Peck.
No, no, no. I was never considering Mrs. Peck.
A Sra. Peck disse-me que pensa fazer uma autópsia.
Mrs. Peck informs me you're considering an autopsy?
Sra. Peck...
Mrs. Peck?
Sei que não me apresentei da melhor maneira.
Mrs. Peck, I made a very poor introduction of myself to you. I know that.
Mas eu também tenho sentimentos.
But I have feelings too, Mrs. Peck.
Mas nunca fui mal-educado consigo, Sra. Peck.
But I've never been... I've never been rude to you, Mrs. Peck.
Tenha calma, Sra. Peck, tenha calma.
Oh, wait a minute. Now, Mrs. Peck, I want you to remain calm. - Remain calm, Mrs. Peck. just remain calm.
Vou fazê-lo à frente dos seus olhos, Sra. Peck.
Mrs. Peck, in front of your eyes, I'll do it.
Obrigado, Sra. Peck.
Thank you, Mrs. Peck.
Claro que está.
- Sure he's on the peck.
- Sra. Peck...
- Uh, Mrs. Peck.

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