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Petrovic traduction Anglais

56 traduction parallèle
O ultimo carregamento de armas está agora a ser descarregado. Óptimo.
The final shipment of arms is being unloaded now, Colonel Petrovic.
Djura Petrovic trouxe esta merda...
Nebojsa Palanovic donates this ugly thing.
Nikolai Petrovic Stanislofsky.
Nikolai Petrovich Stanislofsky.
Uros Petrovic, um dos meus novos reclusos, chegou aqui há três anos, com 500 condenações no currículo, mas amanhã ser-lhe-á concedida a liberdade.
Uroš Petroviæ arrived here three years ago with 500 convictions. - Tomorrow he'll be granted freedom.
Não, não conheço o Petrovic.
- No, I don't know petrovich.
Petrovic, senhor.
Petrovic, sir.
- Petrovic.
- Petrovic.
Ok, Petrovic.
Sure, Petrovic.
Já conhece o Agente Petrovic.
J knows the agent Petrovic.
Sim, já conheço o Petrovic.
Yes, j conheoo Petrovic.
Petrovic, tens estado muito calado desde início.
Petrovic, has been very quiet since the initiation.
Petrovic conseguiste contactar a polícia local?
Petrovic, unable to contact the polka site?
Petrovic, tenta contactar alguém.
Petrovic, try contacting some.
Petrovic, vai para dentro do carro e liga o motor.
Petrovic, v into the car and start the engine.
O Petrovic já era.
The j Petrovic was.
- Adeus, Petrovic.
- Goodbye, Petrovic.
- Petrovic!
- Petrovic!
Natalia Petrovic?
Natalia Petrovic?
Marko Petrovic um, Kim zero.
Marko Petrovic one, Kim nil.
Brunel, registamos as suas preocupações com a segurança, mas tem luz verde para resgatar o Petrovic.
Brunel, we copy your safety concerns, but it's a go for retrieving Petrovic.
O quer que se passe, tem a ver com uma série de artigos que o Harris escreveu sobre um coronel servo chamado Rudko Petrovic.
Whatever's going on, it has to do with a series of articles Harris wrote about a Serbian colonel named Rudko Petrovic.
De acordo com as notas do Harris, a Mira testemunhou o Petrovic a ordenar a execução da família inteira dela.
According to Harris's notes, mira witnessed Petrovic order the execution of her entire family.
Ia matá-la por saber o que o Petrovic fez à sua família em Kosovo.
He was going to kill you for knowing what Petrovic did to your family in Kosovo.
Ontem, diz-me que sabe quem sou, que o Petrovic é o homem que matou a minha família.
Yesterday, he tells me he knows who I am, that Petrovic is the man who killed my family.
É prova que o Petrovic matou-a.
It's evidence Petrovic killed her.
- Isso e o seu testemunho é o suficiente para prender o Petrovic.
Well, that and your testimony would be enough to put Petrovic away.
Deixei que o Rudko Petrovic saísse impune de um assassinato.
I allowed Rudko Petrovic get away with murder.
O Petrovic tem de ser responsabilizado.
Petrovic must be held accountable.
PETROVIC JULGADO POR CRIMES DE GUERRA A carreira do coronel acabou.
Colonel's career is over.
Conheces o Petrovic?
You know Petrovich?
Não, não conheço o Petrovic.
No, I don't know Petrovich.
Aurelija Petrovic.
- Aurelija Petrovic.
- Petrovic. - Petrovic.
- Petrovic.
Na altura da morte, a Aurelia Petrovic vivia na 58 Hibernia Street em Boothtown.
At the time of her death, Aurelia Petrovic was living at 58 Hibernia Street in Boothtown.
Na noite que a Aurelia Petrovic foi assassinada, há 5 meses, estava no Oldham Coliseum com a Joyce a ver o "The Rocky Horror Show".
The night Aurelia Petrovic was murdered, this is five months ago, I was at Oldham Coliseum with Joyce dressed up like a pillock for the Rocky Horror Show!
A Aurelia Petrovic a ser chacinada e tu e a Joyce a ouvir "The Time Warp".
So when Aurelia Petrovic was getting slashed, you and Joyce were doing the Time Warp.
Sou a Detetive Inspetora Shackleton, HMET. Vou detê-lo sob suspeita do homicídio de Ana Vasalescu,
I'm Detective Inspector Shackleton, HMET, and I'm arresting you on suspicion of the murder of Ana Vasalescu, Aurelija Petrovic,
Aurelija Petrovic, Lynn Dewhurst e Victoria Fleming.
Lynn Dewhurst and Victoria Fleming. - You what?
Ana Vasalescu, Aurelija Petrovic, Lynn Dewhurst e Victoria Fleming.
Ana Vasalescu, Aurelija Petrovic, Lynn Dewhurst and Victoria Fleming.
Mas quero deixar claro que não conheço a Ana Vasalescu, a Aurelia Petrovic, a Lynn Dewhurst ou a Victoria Fleming.
"but I would like to state clearly that I do not know Ana Vasalescu, " Aurelia Petrovic, Lynn Dewhurst or Victoria Fleming,
Vou detê-lo por suspeita de homicídio de Ana Vasalescu, de Aurelija Petrovic...
I'm arresting you on suspicion of the murder of Ana Vasalescu, Aurelija Petrovic...
de em ou entre 29 de maio e 2 de junho de 2015, em Brighouse, ter assassinado Aurelija Petrovic ato punível pela lei ;
On or between 29th of May and 2nd of June 2015 at Brighouse, murdered Aurelija Petrovic contrary to common law.
Contudo, posso afirmar que, de momento, não estamos à procura de quaisquer suspeitos pela morte de Ana Vasalescu, de Aurelija Petrovic, de Lynn Dewhurst ou de Elise May Hughes.
However, I can tell you that at this time, we are not looking for any suspects in relation to the deaths of Ana Vasalescu, Aurelija Petrovic, Lynn Dewhurst or Elise May Hughes.
Dimitri Petrovic.
Dimitri Petrovic.
Tem de se aproximar do Dimitri Petrovic.
He needs to get close to Dimitri Petrovic.
E o Petrovic tirou partido disso.
And Petrovic capitalised.
Coronel Petrovic.
Colonel Petrovic...
Conheces o Petrovic?
You know petrovich?

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