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Translate.vc / Portugais → Anglais / Razâo

Razâo traduction Anglais

15 traduction parallèle
talvez seja você a razâo, Linda.
Maybe you yourself are the reason, Linda.
Se nâo sabe a razâo, se fosse a si, tentaria descobrir.
If you don't know the reason, I'd begin to find out if I were you.
O Pablo tem razâo, todos os franceses cheiram mal.
Pablo is right, all the French stink.
Quando estávamos na escola, os sacerdotes sempre tinham a razâo.
When we were at school, the priests were always right.
Nâo compreendo nada, o americano tem razâo.
I don't understand. The American was right.
ele tem razâo e tu sabes.
He's got a point there, you know.
O que rege os espanhóis actualmente nâo é a razâo, inquietude e justiça.
Today it is not reason, equality or justice that rules Spain.
Tem toda a razâo.
And broadcast it.
O Tenente tem razâo.
The lieutenant's right.
Ele tem razâo, é um instrumento maravilhoso.
He's right, it's a marvellous instrument.
- E com toda a razâo.
- And she would be right.
Ele tem razâo, nâo devíamos matar ninguém.
I agree with him, we shouldn't hurt people.
- Ian tem razâo.
Ian was right.
- Eu percebo a razâo de estares zangado.
Theodore, I don't blame you for being mad.

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