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Redfern traduction Anglais

154 traduction parallèle
Uma pequena chamada Diane Redfern.
A girl named Diane Redfern.
Chamada Diane Redfern.
Her name is Diane Redfern.
À casa de penhores onde Diane Redfern a levou depois dele lha ter dado.
From the pawnshop where Diane Redfern took it after he gave it to her.
Tudo o que sei é que na Sexta ela almoçou com Diane Redfern.
All I know is that on Friday she had lunch with Diane Redfern.
Onde é que vive esta Diane Redfern?
Where does this Diane Redfern live?
É de Diane Redfern.
It's Diane Redfern's.
Era Diane Redfern quem foi abatida.
It was Diane Redfern that was bumped off upstairs.
O corpo que encontraste era da menina Redfern.
It was Miss Redfern's body you found.
Redfern estava apaixonada por Carpenter.
Redfern was in love with Carpenter.
É pena que Diane Redfern não possa ser ressuscitada.
Too bad Diane Redfern can't be resurrected.
Obrigada. Não, não matei Diane Redfern... Ou fosse quem fosse.
No, I didn't kill Diane Redfern... or anyone else.
A campaínha tocou... e Diane Redfern foi à porta com o seu roupão.
The doorbell rang... and Diane Redfern went to the door in your negligee.
- Realmente ele não matou Diane Redfern.
- He didn't really kill Diane Redfern.
Redfern, o meu agente, quer-me ver.
Redfern, my agent, wants to see me.
Tenho que lá estar às 3h.
I'm to be at Redfern's office at three.
- Talvez seja a carta do Redfern.
- Maybe a letter from Redfern.
Um día, o George Kittredge será o presidente de Redfern Coal.
I expect some day to see George Kittredge president of Redfern Coal.
O actual presidente é o Papá.
Father's president of Redfern Coal.
Sempre está com os aborígines.
- He's always at Redfern.
Oh, são os Redfern, Patrick e Christine.
Oh, that's the Redferns. Patrick and Christine, I seem to remember.
Bom dia Miss Redfern.
Good morning Mrs Redfern.
Quem você acha que reservou a estadia de Patrick Redfern aqui?
Who the hell do you think booked Patrick Redfern in here in the first place?
- E tu dás-te muito bem com o Redfern.
And you get on rather well with Redfern, don't you?
Por acaso não viu aquele rapaz...
Oh, by the way, I was looking for that fellow Redfern earlier.
I don't suppose you've seen him?
- O que iremos desenhar, Sra. Redfern?
What kind of paintings do you do, Mrs Redfern?
Sr. Redfern, que horas eram quando encontrou o corpo?
Monsieur Redfern. At what time did you and Madame Gardener find the body?
Porque me devia importar, estive com a Christine Redfern.
Why should I? I was with Christine Redfern.
É claro que, se não fui eu, nem Sir Horace, nem Kenneth, nem Patrick Redfern, nem Myra Gardener, então tem de ser a Sra. Cringe, não?
If Horace Blatt is in the clear and Kenneth Marshall is in the clear and I'm... I'm in the clear, and Patrick Redfern is in the clear and Myra Gardener because she was with him. Then it's all down to little Miss Cringe, isn't it?
- A invejosa esposa, Christine Redfern.
Yes. The jealous wife, Christine Redfern.
Ms. Redfern chegou minutos depois.
Mrs Redfern came a few minutes later.
Os Gardeners, e os Redfern também querem ir também.
The Gardeners and the Redferns want to go, too.
Você, Sra. Redfern, disse-me que foi ao quarto dela mais cedo. Pedir-lhe para ir consigo fazer desenhos, mas ela não estava lá
You, Madame Redfern, actually told me you went to her room early to ask her to come with you to Gull Cove to do some sketching.
Madame Redfern olhou para seu próprio relógio sem ver o relógio da Linda. Ela tinha-o escondido na sua manga.
Madame Redfern, unseen by Linda, consulted her own watch, which she was wearing but kept concealed under the sleeve of that strange voluminous outfit she chose to protect her from the sun.
É então, que ela a chamou e disse à Linda, que se esqueceu da touca de banho.
Madame Redfern returns Linda's watch to the correct time, then calls Linda back, telling her she has forgotten her bathing cap.
Madame Redfern sobe acima do precipício.
So let us exactly see what happened as Madame Redfern hurried up from the cove to the top of the cliff.
Madame Redfern corre de uma baía para a outra.
Madame Redfern now tums and runs across the path which separates Gull Cove from Ladder Bay.
Ela chega à outra Baía às doze menos quinze, e observa Arlena esperando pela chegada de Patrick Redfern, com quem deveria ter um encontro.
She arrives at Ladder Bay at about a quarter to 12 and sees Madame Arlena sitting impatiently, awaiting the arrival of Patrick Redfern, with whom, I am convinced, she had a rendezvous.
Redfern tem razão.
Redfern's right, this knocks your theory out of court.
O assassinato foi cometido pelo marido, Patrick Redfern.
The murder was committed by her husband, Patrick Redfern.
Um jovem amante o Sr. Redfern, inclinado sobre o corpo de uma mulher com as roupas da Arlena, e seu chapéu chinês vermelho.
The ardent young lover, M Redfern, bending over the body with suntanned limbs wearing Arlena's white bathing costume and a red Chinese hat.
Não admira que se tenha enganado e pensado que era o corpo da Madame Marshall, mas o que viu foi o corpo vivo de Madame Redfern.
No wonder you were fooled into imagining that you had seen the corpse of Madame Marshall, when what you had actually seen was the live body of Madame Christine Redfern.
E quem poderia ajudar melhor o Sr. Redfern, a sua própria esposa?
And who else would help Monsieur Redfern, but his own wife?
Pense nas roupas bizarras, que Madame Redfern usou esta manhã para ir para a praia.
This covers nothing at all, madame. In answer to your question, I would ask you to consider the bizarre nature of Madame Redfern's beach apparel.
Quando eu a vi na recepção ontem de manhã, estava exageradamente coberta da cabeça aos pés
When I saw Madame Redfern in the lobby yesterday morning, she was wearing a totally exaggerated garment which completely covered her from wrist to neck.
Madame Redfern despede-se rápido do seu marido, porque o relógio está a contar.
Madame Redfern bids her husband a hunted farewell. The clock is ticking.
Toma banho para remover o bronzeado, o tal que o Sr Gardners ouviu, e que ninguém admite ter tomado, aquela hora.
Madame Redfern now takes the bath, heard by Monsieur Gardner, the bath no one would admit to taking, in order to wash off the suntan.
A culpa é minha por não ter descoberto antes as suas charadas.
Yes, Monsieur and Madame Redfern, I blame myself for not having seen through your little charades earlier.
Talvez fosse o advogado quem trouxe Diane Redfern até aqui.
Maybe it was the lawyer who brought Diane Redfern up here.
Madame Redfern.
I came to the conclusion that it was you Madame Redfern.
Madame Redfern coloca a hora correcta no relógio
While her back is fumed,

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