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Sawyer traduction Anglais

1,099 traduction parallèle
Tudo bem? - Jody Sawyer.
- Jody Sawyer.
Sou a Jody Sawyer.
I'm Jody Sawyer.
- Jody Sawyer.
- Jody Sawyer.
Não te preocupes.
Don't worry, Jody Sawyer.
Jody Sawyer.
Jody Sawyer.
A dançar uma nova coreografia de Cooper Nielson estarão Jody Sawyer,
" Dancing a new work choreographed by Cooper Nielson are Jody Sawyer,
Esse é o moinho Sawyer.
This is Sawyer's Mill.
Como no Tom Sawyer.
Like in Tom Sawyer.
Jack Sawyer.
Jack Sawyer.
- Tom Sawyer?
- "Tom Sawyer"?
Will Sawyer, és tu?
Will Sawyer, is that you?
O Will Sawyer disse-me.
Will Sawyer just told me.
- O Will Sawyer está em Myanmar.
- Will Sawyer's in Myanmar.
Já o ganharam a Cokie Roberts, Diane Sawyer e a Miss Leslie Stahl.
Past winners include Cokie Roberts, Diane Sawyer and Ms. Leslie Stahl.
Tom Sawyer, enganaste-me.
Tom Sawyer, you tricked me.
O Tom Sawyer e o Huck Finn.
Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn.
Não me vais enganar de novo, Tom Sawyer.
Why, you ain't fooling me again, Tom Sawyer.
FUNERAL DE SAWYER-FINN Rezemos pela alma destes queridos jovens que partiram.
Let us pray for the souls of these dearly departed young men...
Huckleberry Finn e Thomas Sawyer.
Huckleberry Finn and Thomas Sawyer.
Lembras-te quando eu... lia Tom Sawyer a ti e ao Sean?
Remember when I... - - I would read Tom Sawyer to you and Sean?
Diane Sawyer?
Diane Sawyer?
Vais levar o Sawyer contigo?
You're taking Sawyer with you?
Boa sorte, Sawyer.
Good luck, Sawyer.
" Baseado nas leituras de Tom Sawyer de Mark Twain, quais dos seguintes recomendaria para os trabalhos do quinto ano e porquê?
" Based on the readings of Mark Twain's'Tom Sawyer.'which of the following would you recommend for fifth-grade homework. and why?
E se os miúdos não lessem Tom Sawyer? O quê?
How about we don't make the kids read "Tom Sawyer"?
Se vais explicar Tom Sawyer, quais destas opções recomendas ao conselho escolar e porquê?
Now. if you're going to explain "Tom Sawyer." which of these would you recommend to the school board. and why?
Nunca leste Tom Sawyer, pois não?
You never read "Tom Sawyer." did ya?
Chamado Tom Sawyer.
Named Tom Sawyer.
Raymond nunca leste Tom Sawyer?
Raymond... you never read "Tom Sawyer"?
Nunca leste Tom Sawyer?
So what? You never read "Tom Sawyer"?
Sou uma pessoa que não leu Tom Sawyer e, mesmo assim, não me tornei um vagabundo.
and look at me. I am someone who did not read "Tom Sawyer." and yet I did not turn out to be a hobo.
Tom Sawyer.
"Tom Sawyer."
Eles pensam que as crianças são fracas. Mas nós somos capazes de cuidar de nós próprios, como Huck Finn e Tom Sawyer.
They think kids are weak, but we can take care of ourselves, like huck finn and tom Sawyer.
Huck Finn e Tom Sawyer.
"Huck finn, tom Sawyer."
George Sawyer?
George Sawyer?
O George Sawyer diz que lhe deu a Jenny, para ter relações sexuais com ela.
George Sawyer says he gave Jenny to you for the purpose of sexual intercourse.
Eu pensava que era uma ilha a sério... e me podia esconder lá como o Tom Sawyer e o Huckleberry Finn.
I thought it was gonna be a real island... and I could hide away there like Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn.
Que desprezível iria mandar para Diane Sawyer o vídeo para te humilhar daquele jeito?
What creep would send Diane Sawyer a video to embarrass you like that?
Agente Especial Sawyer dos Serviços Secretos Americanos.
Special Agent Sawyer of the American Secret Service.
Estou curiosa em saber como me pode ajudar, Agente Sawyer.
I'm curious how you think you'll assist me, Agent Sawyer.
Sawyer, estou a falar em acertar em cheio a 820 metros.
Sawyer, I'm talking about pipping the ace at 900 yards.
Vá lá, Sawyer! Rápido!
Come on, Sawyer, come on!
E Sawyer?
And Sawyer?
Eu e o Sawyer trataremos de M.
Sawyer and I will deal with M.
Harry já foi noivo da Diane Sawyer.
Harry was once engaged to Diane Sawyer.
Diane Sawyer.
Diane Sawyer.
Ela é Diane Sawyer.
I mean, she's Diane Sawyer.
Vocês ainda moram em Sawyer Road?
You guys still live out on Sawyer Road don't you?
- Eu poderia ser a proxima Dianoe Sawyer.
I could've been the next Diane Sawyer. - Wait a minute.

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