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Sentia traduction Anglais

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Não me sentia tão inspirado como antes.
I didn't feel inspired as much as i used to.
Já não amava aquilo, já não sentia a paixão de antes, e, por isso, saí.
I didn't love it. I didn't have the passion that i used to have, And therefore i left.
Sentia-me esmagado pelo que se passava.
I remember feeling a little overwhelmed,
Sentia que a alma da banda eram o Jordan e o Pippen.
I always felt like it was jordan and pippen In this group, and i really did,
Não me sentia assim há muito tempo.
It's been so long since I felt safe.
E estando habituada a ouvir jazz e compositores incríveis como o James Taylor e a Carole King, eu sentia que não havia nada a aparecer na altura que me representasse ou à forma como eu sentia.
And having listened to jazz and, you know, great songwriters like James Taylor and Carole King, it was very... I felt like I had nothing new that was coming out at the time that really represented me or the way I felt.
E ela podia ser muito acutilante sobretudo quando se sentia entediada ou mal compreendida.
Especially if she got bored or felt misunderstood.
Achei que ela era uma miúda nova e marota e eu sentia-me na mesma.
I just thought she was, like, a young girl and she was a bit naughty. And I was the same.
Disse que achava que tinha um problema, sentia-se perdida e desamparada.
She said she thinks she's got a problem, she was lost and out of her depth.
Sentia-se que começava a acontecer algo de criativo.
You can feel something creatively starting to happen.
A Amy acordara entretanto e estava a comer, mas não se sentia bem e não estava bem.
Amy was awake by then and she was eating, but she wasn't well and she wasn't right.
Ela sentia-se dividida entre aquelas duas coisas.
She felt torn between those two things :
Ele não se sentia bem.
He wasn't feeling well.
Sentia que estava a enlouquecer.
I felt like I was losing my mind.
Depois de uma corte de três anos, ele finalmente reuniu coragem para lhe expressar o que sentia, em verso.
After a three-year courtship, he finally worked up the courage to express his feelings to her. In verse.
- Bem pelo que percebi ela não se sentia bem...
Sentia que se não falasse, seria o homem mais pecador e culpado do mundo.
I was feeling that if I don't speak, I would be the most sinful and the most guilty man in this world.
Sentia-me energética após isso.
I felt energetic afterwards.
Sentia-me a fazer algo fixe.
You really felt like you were doing something cool.
Disse-lhes que me sentia lisonjeado, mas não sabia necessariamente compor para um filme e não estava muito entusiasmado com a ideia de escrever uma canção chamada Back to the Future.
I told them I was flattered, but I didn't know how to write for film necessarily, and I wasn't too chuffed with the idea of writing a song called "Back to the Future."
"Sinto falta do jeito que se sentia em cima de mim."
I miss the way you feel on top of me.
Sei que parece esquisito, mas eu sentia uma calma estranha, pois mesmo se ele quisesse tocar na minha maminha, não fazia mal, porque é um bom homem, e sabe como é que se faz e eu não.
I know it seems weird, but I had this strangely calming feeling that even if he meant to touch my tit, it's probably all right, because he's a good guy, and he knows how it goes and I don't.
Quer sentir a emoção que sentia quando tinha a nossa idade.
He wants to feel that rush, you know, he felt when he was our age.
Sempre sentia a voz dele na minha cabeça.
His voice was always in my head.
Quando voltei, sentia-me vazio.
I came back, I was a shell.
E se ele tivesse morrido, agora? - Sentia-me mal com isso.
What if he really just died right now?
Sentia-me tão em baixo
I felt so low
Não sentia nada.
I didn't feel anything.
Sentia-me um bocado como aquele miúdo de cara esquisita.
Like, I felt sort of like this little kid there,
Dá para ver o que ele sentia por mim.
You can see how he fucking felt about me.
Estás a ver? Que não me sentia assim com alguém.
You know, feeling like this with somebody.
Acho que pensei que alguém tão bonita e confiante como tu nunca se sentia tão em baixo como nós.
I guess I just thought that... That someone as beautiful and confident as you Would never feel as crappy as the rest of us.
Aquilo que ele sentia profundamente dentro dele, eu não o entendia.
What he was feeling deep inside, I didn't understand it.
Bem, o farol fica numa ilha e, como o zelador se sentia só, casou-se com uma jovem e levou-a consigo para ali.
Well, the lighthouse is on an island, and the caretaker was lonely, so he married this young girl and brought her over with him.
Sentia-me isolado.
I felt marooned.
A dada altura, vi que me sentia melhor com o lenço.
And then, at some point, I realized I felt better with them on.
E sentia-me muito preso.
And I felt very trapped.
O Jimmy esperava o verão todo, e quando chegava setembro e ele sentia aquele vento frio vindo do Lago Michigan, sabia que estava prestes a chegar.
Jimmy would wait around all summer and when September finally rolled around and he'd feel that first cold wind come sweeping off Lake Michigan he knew it was coming.
Sentia muito a falta dela e queria um abraço.
I really missed her and I wanted a hug.
Ela sentia-se sozinha neste mundo, porque as pessoas não podiam entender o porquê dela não superar isso.
She felt alone in this world, because people couldn't understand why she just couldn't get over it.
Havia dias que eu sentia tanto a falta dela... que mais parecia que me estava a afogar.
There were days when I would miss her so much, it would almost feel like I was drowning.
É, a minha mulher Mary sentia o mesmo.
Yeah, my wife Mary, she felt the same.
Quando ela se sentia bem, era a melhor mãe do mundo.
You know, when she was feeling good, she was the best mom in the world.
Quanto mais me aproximava do Red, mais vazia me sentia.
The closer I got to Red, the emptier I'd feel.
Disse que sim, que se sentia melhor, mas não sente, portanto está a mentir.
You said, yes, you felt better, but you don't, so you're lying.
Incapaz de escapar do seu local de refúgio, sentia-se preso.
Unable to escape to his hiding place, he was trapped.
A Amy estava aterrorizada ao pensar que morreria de fome, e o Max sentia-se abandonado pelos pais.
Amy was terrified she would starve herself to death, and Max felt abandoned by his parents.
Todas as manhãs quando eu me levantava e ia para a padaria sentia que havia algum significado na vida.
Every morning when I get up and go the bakery.. ... I feel like there's still some meaning to life.
Sentia que podia entrar e sair à noite?
Did you feel you could come and go in the evening?
O que sentia se ele obtivesse liberdade condicional?
How would you feel about him getting paroled?
Sentia-me intimidado, ainda era um repórter novato.
I felt daunted, still a junior reporter.

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