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Tylenol traduction Anglais

152 traduction parallèle
Parece um supositório grande.
It looks like a big tylenol.
Por acaso não tem um Tylenol?
Would you happen to have a Tylenol?
Vais precisar mais que Tylenol se não me disseres onde está o meu pai.
You'll need more than Tylenol if you don't tell me where my father is.
Onde está o "Tylenol"?
Where's the Tylenol?
Sinto a falta das aspirinas.
The thing I really miss here is Tylenol.
Queres Tylenol lnfantil?
Do you want some children's tylenol?
Preciso de Tylenol e um pano frio para a minha cabeça.
Geoffrey, I need some tylenol and a cold cloth for my head.
Setenta e três, Tylenol forte.
Seventy-three heavy-duty, full-strength Tylenol.
Toma Tylenol se tiveres dores de cabeça.
Take Tylenol for any headaches.
O irmão encontrou-a junto a um frasco vazio de Tylenol.
Brother found her next to an empty bottle of Tylenol.
- Overdose de Tylenol?
- Tylenol OD? - Yeah.
- O tylenol.
- Tylenol.
Podemos dar-lhe Tylenol?
Can we give her Tylenol?
E trazes-me um pacote de cigarros e uma caixa de Tylenol extra forte?
And could you get me a carton of cigarettes and some Extra Strength Tylenol?
Cinco mg de Compazine e Tylenol, Supositório granulado.
Five of Compazine and Tylenol, 10-grain suppository. Mix a dopamine drip.
Band-Aids, Neosporin, lenços de mão, Kleenex, Tylenol.
Band-Aids, Neosporin, hand-wipes, Kleenex, Tylenol.
Nem sequer Paracetamol?
- No. Not even Tylenol?
Tylenol rectal, 500 mg.
rectal tylenol, 500 mgs.
Quando soube que um tarado tinha envenenado frascos de Tylenol, nem sequer esperou por instruções da Direcção-Geral de Saúde.
- Yeah. When he found out that some lunatic had put poison in Tylenol bottles.
Morfina, "Motrin, Tylenol", outra coisa qualquer?
Morphine, Motrin, Tylenol, anything?
Dei-lhe o remédio e vesti-lhe o pijama.
I gave him a baby Tylenol and put him in his PJs.
Jess, pode-me trazer um descafeinado e dois comprimidos?
Jess, can I get a cup of decaf and a couple Tylenol?
- Viste o Tylenol?
- Did you put it on the list? - No.
Quer Tylenol?
You want a couple of Tylenol?
Aqui tens Tylenol.
Here's some Tylenol.
Tylenol. Eu pedi Advil.
Tylenol. I asked for Advil.
- Queres um Tylenol?
- Do you want a Tylenol or something?
360 miligramas de Tynelol rectal.
360 milligrams of rectal Tylenol.
- provaste com analgésicos?
- Did you try some Tylenol?
- Analgésicos, já lhe hei isso dito.
- Tylenol, I'm telling you.
- Ainda não. Estava a pensar. Ela está doente, quem a levou pode levá-la a uma farmácia e comprar Tylenol infantil.
Okay, I was thinking, she's sick so whoever took her might take her to a pharmacy to get some Infant Tylenol.
Tu por acaso chamaste-me para perguntares a dose de Tylenol a dar à Sra. Lensner?
Did you actually just page me to find out how much Tylenol to give to Mrs Lenzer?
Estava com receio de exacerbar a necessidade da paciente. É o Tylenol normal...
I was worried it could exacerbate... lt's regular-strength Tylenol.
São os X. Os comprimidos para as dores estão no Tylenol.
They're the X. Painkillers are in the Tylenol.
- Seu amiga lhe deu Tylenol.
- Your friend gave him some Tylenol.
Sra, 3 Tylenols para bebé são na verdade uma subdose para uma mulher do seu tamanho.
Ma'am, three baby Tylenol is actually an underdose for a woman your size.
Ela está apenas um pouco abalada Nós demo-lhes um pouco de Tylenol
She's just a little shaken up. We gave her some Tylenol.
Coca, heroína, nem sequer Tylenol.
Coke, heroin, not even Tylenol.
Ia a caminho da escola para a buscar, parava para comprar um anti gripe... ela saía da escola com o nariz entupido e com dores de cabeça.
I'd go to pick her up at school, I'd stop off to get Tylenol... she'd walk out the building with a runny nose and a headache.
Tens algum Tylenol?
Do you have any Tylenol?
- Tylenol...
- Tylenol...
Nunca apanharam a pessoa que pôs cianeto no Tylenol nos anos 80.
You know, they never caught the guy who put the cyanide in the Tylenol back in the'80s.
Sabem como detectaram o cianeto no Tylenol?
You know how they tested for the cyanide in the Tylenol case?
Deram-lhe líquidos e Tylenol por via intravenosa.
Sarah : They've got him on intravenous fluids and Tylenol.
Tylenol, culturas de sangue e um grama de cefotetan.
Tylenol, blood cultures and a gram of cefotetan.
- Um saco de boxe para a Betsy, muito Tylenol para o Chuck e uma promessa de que ele ficará na cidade por enquanto.
- A punching bag for Betsy plenty of Tylenol for Chuck and a promise that he will stay in town for the time being.
Gatorade, Tylenol e um cigarro.
Gatorade, Tylenol and a cigarette.
Retirou logo o Tylenol de todas as lojas nos Estados Unidos.
He didn't argue with the FDA, he didn't even wait for the FDA to tell him, he just pulled Tylenol off every shelf of every store right across America, instantly.

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