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Varrick traduction Anglais

130 traduction parallèle
O Varrick nasceu no Maryland, Gallagher no Idaho, 3 anos de diferença.
Varrick was born in Maryland, Gallagher in Idaho - and three years apart.
Aposto no dono, chama-se Ted Varrick.
My moneys on the owner, a guy named Ted Varrick.
Sr. Varrick.
Mr. Varrick.
Eu quero o Varrick.
I want Varrick.
Agora, concentra-te no Varrick.
Now, you concentrate on Varrick.
Falta da número 32, Varrick.
Foul on Number 32, Varrick. Cmon.
Não tenho nada que ligue o Varrick a isto. Só porque ele é mais esperto que tu, não significa que ele seja inocente.
Just because he's smarter than you, doesn't mean he's innocent.
Estás preocupado com o quê, Varrick?
What were you worried about?
Porque eu quero o Varrick!
Because I want Varrick!
Como assim, o que vamos fazer?
What do you mean? We're gonna roll up Varrick.
Vamos prender o Varrick. Você não percebe!
You don't understand!
Diz-lhe no Varrick, junto à ponte.
Tell him Varrick's, by the bridge.
Coronel Mitchell, está preso pelo homicídio da Dra. Reya Varrick.
Colonel Mitchell, I'm placing you under arrest for the murder of Dr. Reya Varrick.
Fui eu que conversei com a Dra. Varrick.
I was the one who had a conversation with Dr. Varrick.
A Dra. Varrick ultrapassou a barreira final.
It was Dr. Varrick who made the final breakthrough.
- Matou a Dra. Varrick.
- He killed Dr. Varrick.
A Dra. Varrick era nossa colega.
Dr. Varrick was our colleague.
Infelizmente, ela era a mais qualificada para este trabalho.
Unfortunately Varrick was the most qualified for this work.
Este ficheiro devia ter os materiais relevantes para a investigação, mas há partes dos ficheiros pessoais da Dra. Varrick que foram apagados.
The file is supposed to hold all materials relevant to the investigation but large sections of Dr. Varrick's personal records have been deleted.
Com estes resultados, o Coronel Mitchell assassinou a Dra. Varrick.
According to these results, Colonel Mitchell really did murder Dr. Varrick.
Eu sei que a Dra. Varrick era sua amiga...
Look, I know Dr. Varrick was your friend...
O padrão emocional desta memória é muito semelhante ao do homicídio da Dra. Varrick.
The emotional resonance pattern of this is similar to that of Dr. Varrick's murder.
Já não deve ver a imagem da morte da Dra. Varrick e todas as suas memórias estão intactas.
You shouldn't have the image of killing Varrick in your mind but all of your genuine memories should be intact.
A Dra. Varrick perceberia isso.
And Dr. Varrick would have understood that.
O Griggs e o Varrick vão montar um posto de observação aqui.
Griggs, you and Varrick are gonna set up an observation post here.
Varrick é um dos homens mais ricos do mundo, e controla todo o negócio de mercadorias.
Varrick is one of the richest men in the world, and he controls the entire global shipping business.
- Desculpa. - Preciso de falar com o Varrick.
Sorry, I have to talk to Varrick.
Estão prestes a ver... como a Indústria Global Varrick está na dianteira em imaginação e inovação.
You're about to get an inside look At how varrick global industries Stays at the forefront of imagination innovation or "imagivation"!
Devias ter visto o Varrick hoje, o homem é um génio.
Oh, man, you should have seen varrick today. That guy is a genius. - Uh-huh.
Temo que ela receba maus conselhos de Varrick.
I'm concerned that she might be getting some bad advice from Varrick.
- Qual é a tua ideia, Varrick?
- What's your point, Varrick?
Não só ele, Varrick também.
Not just him. Varrick too.
O Varrick está a planear uma rebelião contra o Unalaq.
Varrick's been plotting a rebellion against Unalaq.
Encontrem o Varrick.
- Find Varrick.
Não sei quão longe Varrick está disposto a ir.
I had no idea how far Varrick was willing to go.
Enquanto isso, Varrick contratou Bolin para ser o herói no seu novo filme.
Meanwhile, Varrick has cast Bolin as the hero of his newest mover.
Asami também fez negócios com Varrick, e uma remessa de mecatanques está a caminho, para ajudar o Sul na guerra contra Unalaq.
Asami has also ventured into business with Varrick, and a shipment of her mecha-tanks is on its way to help the South in its war against Unalaq.
Varrick não vai ficar feliz com isto.
Varrick is not gonna be happy about this.
Varrick, outro dos teus navios foi capturado.
Varrick, another one of your ships has been captured.
Não acredito que apanharam o meu quinto navio favorito... da frota das Indústrias Varrick!
Asami, I heard the news. I can't believe they took my fifth favorite ship in the Varrick industries fleet!
É exclusivo das Indústrias Varrick.
It's a Varrick Industries exclusive.
Sou o Ted Varrick.
I'm Ted Varrick.
O Varrick.
Tenente, o Malcolm deu as ordens.
Malcolm gives all the orders. I've got nothing to connect Varrick to any of it.
E afasta-te do Varrick.
And stay away from Varrick.
Agora podemos apanhar o Varrick.
We can bust Varrick now.
- Com o Varrick.
Varrick. He's awesome.
Bolin, viste o Varrick?
Bolin, have you seen Varrick around?
Onde está o Varrick?
Where's Varrick?

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