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Vav traduction Anglais

6 traduction parallèle
Hey vav shin yud ayin nun yud.
Hey vav shin yud ayin nun yud.
Muitas pessoas acreditam que juntar dois dos Lamed-Vav pode ser perigoso.
Many people believe connecting two of the Lamed-Vav could be dangerous.
A Cabala chama-lhes Lamed-Vav Tzadikim. Os 36 Justos.
Kabbala calls them Lamed Vav Tzadikim... the 36 Righteous Ones.
Acho que o Teller estava à procura dos Lamed-Vav.
I believe Teller was searching for the Lamed-Vav.
A sagrada e secreta história deste amuleto... diz que aquele que o possuir vai tornar-se o protector, o guardião dos'Lamed Vav Zaddikim'. Os 36 justos.
The sacred and secret story of this amulet is that whosoever possesses it shall become the protector, the guardian of the Lamed Vav Zaddikim, the 36 righteous ones.
Eu estava fazendo um cheder, não tão bem, você sabe, às cinco e seis, Realmente praticando o meu vav, e meu ele, e meu filho.
I was doing a cheder, not as well, you know, at five and six, really practising my vav, and my he, and my heth.

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