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Wentworth traduction Anglais

180 traduction parallèle
- Na Avenida Wentworth.
- Wentworth Avenue.
Sai de Kingston pela Port Royal Road, depois segue pela Wentworth Road, até chegar à fábrica de cimento.
Then along the Wentworth Road until you get to the cement factory.
Sra. Alma Wentworth.
Mrs. Alma Wentworth.
Sra. Wentworth, 100 por cento.
Mrs. Wentworth, 100 percent.
Não sei. Wentworth disse-me para vir aqui dizer que há problemas na serração. O Mr.
- I don't know.
- Wentworth, Dr. Philip Wentworth.
- Wentworth, Dr. Philip Wentworth.
- Wentworth!
- Wentworth!
Se soubermos mais alguma coisa sobre o Wentworth telefonamos-lhe.
If we receive any additional information about Wentworth, we'll call you.
Quero ver se falam da morte do Wentworth.
I want to see if there's any mention of Wentworth's death.
Matei o Ashley e o Wentworth, mais uma morte não faz diferença.
I killed Ashley and Wentworth.
Primeiro o Ashley, depois o Wentworth.
First Ashley, then Wentworth.
Fui a uma festa da firma, a Wentworth Construction.
I was returning from a party given by my box... The company Wentworth.
Trabalha para o Collin Wentworth?
Collin Wentworth? You work for him?
- Procuro a senhora Wentworth.
I just see Mrs. Wentworth. I'm Terry Lambert. She was waiting for you?
A polícia não quer especular se a morte de Sylvia Wentworth... está relacionada com as outras.
For the police the murder would not actually. Killer'garbage
127, Wentworth, Melbourne?
127, Wentworth, Melbourne?
As cotas do clube campo acabam na próxima semana.
my subscription to wentworth runs out next week.
Uma vez disse a uma rapariga ser membro do Wentworth e não era. Mas, de qualquer modo, ela não jogava golfe.
Oh, well, I once told a girl I was a member at Wentworth when I wasn't, but she didn't play golf anyway.
Ela pensava que Wentworth era um manicómio.
She thought Wentworth was a lunatic asylum.
Senhora Benfords
Mrs. Wentworth...
It was Wentworth.
- Wentworth.
- Wentworth?
- Wentworth? - That's right!
- Ah, Wentworth, o pároco.
Oh, Wentworth the curate.
Wentworth, o pároco, não era ninguém. Nada que ver com a família Strafford.
Wentworth the curate is nobody, quite unconnected!
Papai viu ao capitão Wentworth.
papa has met Captain Wentworth.
Obrigado, Mary. Só vim para convidar-vos à casa grande esta noite. Muito amável.
I'm here solely to invite you to the great house this evening, to meet Captain Frederick Wentworth.
Conhecerei o capitão Frederick Wentworth. Pelo que sei, um cavaleiro agradável e encantador.
By all accounts, a most charming and agreeable gentleman.
Eu também quero conhecer ao capitão Wentworth. E tu és a pessoa mais indicada para ficar com o menino, porque não sentes como uma mãe, não crês?
I do wish to meet Captain Wentworth, and you, Anne, are by far the properest person to sit with the boy.
O capitão Wentworth virá com Henrietta e Louisa.
Captain Wentworth follows with Henrietta and Louisa.
As senhoritas Musgrove, senhora, e o capitão Wentworth. Bom dia, Mary.
The Miss Musgroves, ma'am, and Captain Wentworth.
Mas esse capitão Wentworth não é muito galante contigo, Anne.
But that Captain Wentworth... he's not very gallant towards you, Anne.
Então, eu só, tivesse sido o galante capitão Wentworth, num pequeno parágrafo de algum jornal e nunca teriam sabido nada de mim.
Then I should only have been a gallant Captain Wentworth in a small newspaper paragraph and you'd not have heard of me.
E diga, capitão Wentworth, que veio depois?
And then, Captain Wentworth, what came next?
Capitão Wentworth, este é nosso primo de Winthrop, Henry Hayter.
Captain Wentworth, this is our cousin from Winthrop, Henry Hayter.
Capitão Wentworth, creio que não conhece ao Sr. Hayter.
Captain Wentworth, I don't believe you know Mr Hayter.
Capitão Wentworth, Henry.
Captain Wentworth, Henry.
Bom dia, capitão Wentworth.
Good morning, Captain Wentworth.
- Capitão Wentworth! - Bom dia.
- Captain Wentworth!
Capitão Wentworth. - Lady Russell.
Captain Wentworth.
- Bom dia, capitão Wentworth.
- Good day, Captain Wentworth.
Charles, quero que insistas ao capitão Wentworth e ao capitão Harville que queremos vê-los esta noite.
Charles, please assure Captain Wentworth and Captain Harville that we hope to see them tonight.
Quando chegar o capitão Wentworth não deves monopolizá-lo.
When Captain Wentworth arrives you must not monopolise him.
Mas perdemos um homem.
We lost a man, Lancer Wentworth.
Não pense no assassínio do Wentworth.
Get your mind off the Wentworth murder.
Esta noite Baltimore teve um choque com um assassínio.
Baltimore is in shock, after the murder of Sylvia Wentworth.
Isso é, Wentworth.
Capitão Wentworth.
Captain Wentworth.
- O capitão Wentworth, da Marinha.
- Captain Wentworth of the Navy.

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