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Wilhelm traduction Anglais

258 traduction parallèle
A reconstrução fez-se em cooperação com a cinemateca de Berlim / Koblenz e da Friedrich-Wilhelm-Murnau-Stiftung.
- Film Archive, Berlin / Koblenz and Friedrich-Wilhelm-Murnau Stiftung. The reconstruction was done in collaboration with the Berlin Federal Film / Koblenz archives and Friedrich-Wilhelm-Murnau Stiftung, Wiesbaden.
- O Coronel, Wilhelm Coetze chegou.
- Colonel, we have Wilhelm Coetze here.
Wilhelm Coetze!
Wilhelm Coetze!
Wilhelm, soube que quer um pequeno tanque para brincar.
And now, Wilhelm, I understand you want a little tank to play with.
Vai contar ao seu pai quem lho deu, não é, Wilhelm?
You are going to tell your father who gave it to you, aren't you, Wilhelm?
O Professor Wilhelm Otto Rensler está a trabalhar aqui no Brasil.
What is it? Professor Wilhelm Otto Rensler is working here in Brazil.
Sabe que está dentro de uma área proibida a todos... que não sirvam as forças da sua majestade imperial... Kaiser Wilhelm II?
Do you know that you are in an area prohibited to all but members of the forces of His Imperial Majesty Kaiser Wilhelm II?
Pela autoridade investida à mim pelo Kaiser Wilhelm II... eu os declaro marido e mulher.
By the authority vested in me by Kaiser Wilhelm II, I pronounce you man and wife.
Eu sou o Capitão Wilhelm van Lott.
I am Captain Wilhelm Van Lott.
Olhe Wilhelm, olhe que crianças.
Wilhelm, they look like children.
Comandante Willhelm?
Captain Wilhelm?
" A costureira, Anni Meunch, filha de Wilhelm Meunch...
" The seamstress, Anni Meunch, daughter of Wilhelm Meunch...
Obergruppenführer Wilhelm von Kleist.
Obergruppenfuhrer WiIheIm von kleist.
E fazemo-la assinar pelo nosso amigo do quartel-general, Wilhelm von Kleist.
And we have it signed by our good friend from general staff, WiIheIm von kleist.
- Axel Wilhelm?
- Wilhelm Axel?
Faça um telefonema... para o quartel-general do Marechal Kesselring... e fale com o Chefe dos Serviços Secretos, o Major Wilhelm Wilner.
Put a radio telephone call through... to Field Marshal Kesselring's headquarters in Italy... and ask for his Chief of Intelligence, a Maj. Wilhelm Wilner.
- Wilhelm, por que parou?
Wilhelm, what's holding us up?
O impacto causa uma lesão mental irreversivel o que o leva a crer que é o Káiser Guillerme.
The blow causes permanent injury to his mind. And he becomes convinced he is Kaiser Wilhelm.
Está a ser criado por ordem do Kaiser Guilherme II.
It is being developed at the express orders of Kaiser Wilhelm ll.
Wilhelm BURMEYER ( GDR ) Himmler :
- Wilhelm BURMEYER ( GDR ) Himmler
Ficha pessoal de Wilhelm Ferdinand Holtoff,
Personal file on Wilhelm Ferdinand Holtoff,
Referências de Wilhelm Ferdinand Holtoff,
Reference on Wilhelm Ferdinand Holtoff,
Ficha pessoal de Friedrich Wilhelm Kruger,
Personal file on Friedrich Wilhelm Kruger,
Referências de Friedrich Wilhelm Kruger,
Reference on Friedrich Wilhelm Kruger,
Eu deverei pedir a Guilherme de me fazer o favor... De aceitar o meu reino de presente? !
I am to ask Wilhelm to do me the favour of accepting my kingdom as a gift?
O seu tio, o rei Guilherme, tê-la-ia decerto apreciado mais.
Your uncle, King Wilhelm, would certainly have valued it more.
Um soldado, Wilhelm Hoffman, escrevia um diário.
A soldier, Wilhelm Hoffman, he wrote a daily one.
Wilhelm Hoffman :
Wilhelm Hoffman :
Wilhelm Hoffman, 4 de Outubro :
Wilhelm Hoffman, 4 of October :
É primo, ou sobrinho, do Kaiser Guilherme.
The cousin or nephew or something of Kaiser Wilhelm.
Wilhelm Knauer.
Wilhelm Knauer.
Hey, Wilhelm.
Wilhelm não gosta de livros.
Wilhelm doesn't like books.
Dietrich Hessen, filho de Wilhelm Hessen.
This is Dietrich Hessen, son of Wilhelm Hessen.
Lucille, apresento-te Wilhelm Schoenfeld.
Lucille, this is Wilhelm Schoenfeld.
O Almirante Wilhelm Canaris, chefe dos Serviços Secretos Alemães.
Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, the head of German intelligence.
Nos anos 20, o Agulha foi cadete na Escola de Guerra, em Metz, e Wilhelm Canaris fez-se amigo dele.
In the'20s, the Needle was a cadet at the war school in Metz, and Wilhelm Canaris befriended him.
Wilhelm Reich converteu-me numa ninfomaníaca.
Wilhelm Reich has turned me into a nympho.
Wilhelm Viktor Albert ll, Markgraf de Brandenburgo,
If I were a member of the national front in telling anti-black jokes? No, I wouldn't be offended.
Certamente que o cabo Hitler não pode ter conseguido em cinco dias o que o Kaiser Wilhelm não conseguiu em quatro anos!
Surely, Corporal Hitler cannot have accomplished in five days what Kaiser Wilhelm could not manage in four years!
Mesmo antes de ouvir a vossa voz, já sabia que me dirigia a Wilhelm Gottsreich Sigismond von Ormstein,
Your Majesty had not spoken before I was aware that I was addressing Wilhelm Gottsreich Sigismond von Ormstein,
Evite tirar um cinco, para não ir parar ao meu hotel da rua Wilhelm.
General Wilhelm Von Walkenstiffen!
general wilhelm von walkenstiffen!
Vais ter menos uma boca para alimentar, Willhelm.
Yo, wilhelm! You're going to have one less mouth to feed - -
Mais concretamente, tu, Willie.
Notably you, wilhelm...
Na sua contínua missão de explorar novos mundos desconhecidos, de procurar novas formas de vida e novas civilizações, e de corajosamente ir onde nenhum homem foi antes.
The snuffbox of Wilhelm Gottslieg Siegesmann Van der Romstein. Alright, Data. You solve the cases and get all the gifts.
Bem, Kaiser Wilhelm, obviamente.
Well, Kaiser Wilhelm, obviously.
Willy Wilhelm, do LA Times.
Willy Wilhelm, LA Times.
O Wilhelm morreu, mãe.
Wilhelm is dead, Mama.
Wilhelm, um cigarro.
Wilhelm, a cigarette.

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