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Wilmington traduction Anglais

120 traduction parallèle
Só tinha ligações a um tio... que trabalha em telhados, em Wilmington.
I hadn't any connections except for an uncle who's in the roofing business in Wilmington.
- Lembra-se de Wilmington?
Do you remember Wilmington?
- Wilmington?
- Wilmington?
Um comboio podera nos encontrar em nosso posto de Amarillo... levamos o ouro a Galveston, depois por um corredor bloqueado... daremos a volta por Wilmington, depois aqui.
A convoy could meet us at our Amarillo outpost rush the gold to Galveston, then by a blockade runner all the way around to Wilmington, then here.
O seu pai é da Dupont Corporation em Wilmington.
Her old man's with the DuPont Corporation down in Wilmington.
O que o traz a Wilmington a esta hora inconveniente?
Well Mr. Eaton, what brings you to Wilmington at this awkward hour?
Wilmington, Baltimore, Washington,
Wilmington, Baltimore, Washington.
Conheci uma pega em Wilmington.
I knew a whore once in Wilmington.
Vivo em Wilmington, Delaware.
I live in Wilmington, Delaware.
Demoraste 19 segundos.
19 seconds there, wilmington.
Deviamos ir a Wilmington, como dantes, e ancorar o barco.
We ought to take two weeks and go to Wilmington like the old times, dock the houseboat.
Ele foi condenado de organizar O Assalto ao Banco Wilmington, em 1901.
He was found guilty of masterminding the Wilmington bank robbery of 1901.
O Assalto ao Banco Wilmington?
The Wilmington bank robbery?
O dinheiro do Banco Wilmington?
The Wilmington bank money?
Ouviu acerca das granadas... que foram lançadas no Cheap Times Social Club em Wilmington ontem à noite?
You hear about the grenade... that was thrown into the Cheap Times Social Club in Wilmington last night?
A tradução é Tragam-me os Cornos da Vaca do Wilmington.
It translates as Brïng Me the Horns of Wïlmïngton's Cow.
Sou a vaca do Wilmington.
I'm Wilmington's cow.
Loganville, Wilmington, Coronado, Bedsford.
Loganville. Wilmington. Coronado.
Abre o depósito federal de diamantes em Wilmington.
It opens the federal diamond depository in Wilmington.
O Evans pensa que o próximo alvo será o Depósito Federal de Diamantes em Wilmington.
Evans thinks their next target will be the Federal Diamond Depository in Wilmington.
Susan Forester, 30 anos, natural de Wilmington.
Susan Forester. She was 30 years old, native of Wilmington.
Temos lá correspondentes e a empresa tem outro jornal em Wilmington.
We've got stringers there, and a sister paper in Wilmington.
O amor pelo jogo do Michael nasceu... na sua terra natal em Wilmington, na Carolina do Norte.
Michael's love of the game was born... in his hometown of Wilmington, North Carolina.
Conheço uma entomologista da UNC Wilmington, uma Dra. Libby Nance.
You know, I know an entomologist at UNC Willmington... Dr. Libby Nance.
Acabo de chegar de Wilmington.
I just arrived from Wilmington.
Tu és Julia Russell, de Wilmington, Delaware.
You are Julia Russell from Wilmington, Delaware.
Recebi uma chamada do médico-legista de Wilmington.
I got a call from the police pathologist in Wilmington.
Eu quero ir a Wilmington.
- I wanna see Wilmington!
Antes do descanso, temos um desafio para o jogo do Wilmington.
Before we take a break, we have a challenge for the Wilmington game.
- A garota com quem me vou casar é de Wilmington.
- The chick I'm marrying is from Wilmington.
Abriram uma piscina em Wilmington Drive.
They opened a swimming pool business in Wilmington Drive.
Sou de Wilmington, Delaware.
I'm from Wilmington, Delaware.
Ninguém quer comprar férias repartidas em Wilmington, Idaho.
Nobody wants to buy time shares in Wilmington, Idaho.
Queres dizer West Wilmington?
You mean West Wilmington?
Wilmington Carolina do Norte
Wilmington, Carolina do Norte
Wilmington, North Carolina
Criança desaparecida em Wilmington, Delaware.
Missing child in Wilmington, Delaware.
Se alguém vir algo suspeito, temos um disque-denúncia funcionando 24 horas na delegacia de Wilmington.
If anyone has seen anything suspicious, we have a hotline set up at the Wilmington police department.
Você pode me dar a lista de criminosos sexuais de Wilmington, Delaware.
You can give me sex offender registry for Wilmington, Delaware. Oh.
Wilmington, Delaware. Criminosos sexuais.
Wilmington, Delaware sex offenders.
Aquário das Carolinas Wilmington, Carolina do Norte
HOWELL : Where did you find the egg?
Diz que um tipo foi atacado em Wilmington, que lhe arrancaram os dedos à dentada, lhe fritaram os olhos...
Says a guy was attacked in wilmington, his fingers bit off, his eyes fried out.
Ligou para a IDERDEX, Central de Sistemas Criogénicos, em Wilmington, Carolina do Norte...
You've reached Iderdex Systems'Central Cryogenics Facility in Wilmington, North...
Myrtle Beach, Wilmington...
Myrtle Beach, Wilmington,
Ligou para a IDERDEX, Central de Sistemas Criogénicos... IDERDEX?
You've reached Iderdex Systems'Central Cryogenics Facility in Wilmington, North Car...
- Interessa, estou em Wilmington.
It does matter, because I'm here. I'm in Wilmington.
Depois voltas para Wilmington?
Then back to Wilmington?
- Quero ver Wilmington.
- I want to see Wilmington!
Encontramo-nos em Wilmington.
I'll meet you in Wilmington.
Aquário das Carolinas Wilmington, Carolina do Norte

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