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Translate.vc / Portugais → Russe / Believed

Believed traduction Russe

4 traduction parallèle
Achava que eras alguém que lutava pelo que acredita.
I thought you were somebody who stood up for what she believed in.
Há uma caso onde uma mulher de 80 anos levantou um adulto acima da sua cabeça quando acreditou estar ocupada por um santo.
There was one case where an 80-year-old woman was able to lift a grown man above her head when she believed she was occupied by her Saint.
O rendimento que apresentaste nos últimos dois dias é demasiado baixo para ser credível.
I'm sorry, but the income you've reported for the past two days is simply too low to be believed.
Se ela achava que a Silvie tinha um caso amoroso com o Richard, bem, isso é um motivo para a matar, correcto?
And if she really believed that Silvie was having an affair with Richard, well, that's motive to kill her, right?

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