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Give traduction Russe

213 traduction parallèle
Posso eu lhes dar
Can I give them
Дай! ( give )
Dêem-me uma cabeça com cabelo, longo e belo cabelo
♪ Give me a head with hair Long, beautifuI hair
Cabelo até cá, pelos ombros ou mais longo
♪ Give me it down to there Hair ♪ ShouIder-Iength or Ionger
A dar uma casa às pulgas no meu cabelo
♪ Give a home to the fIeas in my hair
Não venhas com os Blues Brothers
Don't give me the Blues Brothers
"Give Me Some Loving".
Первая. "Дай мне немного любви".
Dá-lhe dois braços para se agarrar
Give him two arms to cling to
"Caro Senhor," "dá-me força"
Dear Lord, give me strength
"Meu Deus," "dá-me força"
Dear Lord, give me strength
"Por favor," "dá-me força"
Please, give me strength
Give him 5 minutes.
Всего 5 минут!
# Now, give me one more kiss Hold it along, long time #
Now, give me one more kiss Hold it along, long time
# Give me one more kiss Hold it along, long time #
Give me one more kiss Hold it along, long time
# Now, give me one more kiss #
Now, give me one more kiss
# Give me one more kiss #
Give me one more kiss
Can you give me the money to hire a proper nude?
Можешь мне дать деньги, чтобы нанять обнаженную модель?
Please give me more head
Да, на хeдoв Скинхeдoв
E o que estava a tocar era o maior êxito de Bon Jovi na altura, -... "You Give Love a Bad Name".
А звучал тогда самый большой хит Бон Джови "Ты позоришь слово любовь".
Dê isso.
Give me that.
Give it to me Senhoras e senhoras, M. Bob Harris.
Леди и джентльмены, мистер Боб Харрис
Pára de cantar.
# Pardon me, boy Is that the Chattanooga choo-choo? # Track twenty-nine Won't you give me... # Перестань петь.
Let's give the boy a hand, yeah
Let's give the boy a hand, yeah
( But I'm willing to give it another try )
Но я хочу попробовать снова...
Dá-me informação sobre os cachorros.
Give me the 411on the corn dogs.
Devias ter-me dado os bolinhos chineses na fila do almoço.
You wouldn't give me Chinese cuts in the lunch line.
Quero dar-te uma coisa.
I want to give you something.
- De que serve um avô se não pode dar ao neto umas ferramentas?
What's a grandfather for if he can't give his grandson a couple of tools?
Give me champagne when I'm thirsty
Give me champagne when l'm thirsty
Give me a reefer when I want to get high E aí vamos para...
Give me a reefer when I want to get high а потом это...
Ainda queres dar-me boleia?
You still want to give me a ride?
Sim, porque é isso que as mulheres no oitavo mês mais desejam.
You should give Linette the recipe.
Quero falar sobre valores tradicionais e dar dicas úteis sobre tarefas domésticas.
I want to talk about traditional values and give helpful hints about homemaking.
Há já algum tempo que ando para lhe dar isto, mas... nunca surgiu o momento indicado.
I've been meaning to give this to you for a while now... but I, uh, could never find the right moment.
- She give me money - Now, I ain't sayin'she a gold digger
* Даёт мне деньги * * Сейчас я бы не назвал ее падкой на деньги, *
- Get down, girl, go ahead - She give me money
* Давай, детка, за работу * * Даёт мне деньги *
- She give me money - Eighteen years, 18 years
* Даёт мне деньги * * 18 лет, 18 лет... *
* give me some mercy * * i said release me * * yeah, yeah, yeah. *
* Ты заставил меня молить о пощаде. * * да, да, да * * сделай милость * * Я говорю — отпусти меня * * да, да, да *
*'Cause it'll give me time to thi-ink *
И у меня будет время подумать
* You don't have to worry if you have no money * People on the river are happy to give *
Люди у реки рады вам одолжить.
Give it back!
Vou animar aquele palco E dar tudo o que tenho
¶ I'm gonna rock that stage And give my everything ¶
Dá-me luz verde Estou pronto para avançar
¶ Give me the green light I'm ready to go ¶
- Dá-me luz verde - Estou pronta para avançar
¶ Give me the green light ¶
Dar-vos-emos mais do que Querem e do que podem aguentar
¶ We'll give you more than You want and you can handle ¶
I hope that it will give you hell
Когда ты услышишь эту песню, Надеюсь, она выведет тебя из себя,
Dêem-lhe uma disse uma dar.
( said a give )
Лондонская grime-сцена лишь один из примеров ] ладно, слушай man, I couldn't give a shit if you're older this young'n's bin colder give it ten years then I'm going to be known as a better than older I swear
- She give me money
- She give me money
* Но бедняки ей неинтересны, * * Даёт мне деньги *

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