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Helped traduction Russe

16 traduction parallèle
O Eli Scruggs foi enterrado num sábado, e toda a gente que o Eli ajudou ao longo dos anos veio prestar-lhe a última homenagem.
Eli Scruggs was buried on a Saturday... and all the people that Eli had helped over the years came to pay their last respects.
Lidei com a minha família, ajudei o Borrão e até encontrei a minha cozinheira interior, e tudo o que pedi, a única coisa que tinhas de fazer, era lidar com o meu pai durante um dia.
I helped The Blur, I even found my inner Iron Chef, and all I asked - - the only thing you had to do was deal with my dad for one day. Лоис...
Mas pensei que se... Ajudasse o pai sozinha... Ele pararia de me ver como...
But I thought that if I helped dad on my own, he'd stop seeing me as...
- Porque ajudei-o a criar o vírus que drenou o Manhattan Mutual.
Because I helped him build the virus that drained Manhattan Mutual.
Ajudei uma jovem mulher a recuperar a sua vida. E...
I, uh... helped this young woman take her life back, and, uh...
Sim, ele ajudou-me.
Yes, he helped me.
Eu sei que estou atrasada. Não tive como evitar.
I know I'm late.It couldn't be helped.
Por isso ajudei um cavalheiro a vestir o casaco.
So I helped a gentlemanon with his coat.
Não vou voltar a entrar no jogo dele e tudo graças a si.
You have helped.I won't play his game again and you're the oneI have to thank for that. Hmm.
Vim cá porque sei que se passou alguma coisa e tu também senão nem sequer me terias ajudado.
I came here because I know that I'm on to something and you do too or else you wouldn't have helped me.
Gostava de ter ajudado com a miúda.
Wish I could have helped you get that girl, man.
E ajudaste-me, então, vou ajudar-te.
And you helped me, so I'm gonna help you.
Que raio vos aconteceu?
Oh, and the recorded call from County helped. Какого черта с тобой случилось?
Pus-me à vontade.
I helped myself.
Ajudei o Zane a limpar os pensamentos para que pudesse concentrar-se no seu trabalho.
I helped Zane to just clear out the clutter of stardom so that he could focus on his craft.
* i must admit it helped a little bit * * to think of how you felt when you saw it * * i didn't know that i had that much strength * * but i'm glad you see what happens when *
* Я рада, что сделала это, тебе нужно извлечь урок... * * Должна признаться, мне немного полегчало * * От мысли, что ты почувствуешь, когда увидишь это *

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