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Keep traduction Russe

216 traduction parallèle
E guarde-as contra caminhos estranhos
And keep them from the stranger's ways
Eu ia mudar isso, mas não mudo se continuas a fazer o que fazes
But I was gonna change that, I'm not if you keep doing things I don't
Mas ia mudar de ideias se continuasses a fazer essas coisas
But I was gonna change my mind if you keep doing things I don't
Mantém esse gado a correr
Keep them dogies rollin'
Continua a dar todo o amor
Keep giving all the love you can
- "Keep on Truckin"?
- "Продолжай перевозки"?
"Mantém o encanto de cortar a respiração."
Keep thy breathless charm.
Keep those high apple pie in the sky hopes A problem's just a toy balloon
# " € блочный торт в своих небесных мечтах #
I'm trying to keep this family afloat.
Я пытаюсь держать эту семью на плову, проходя все круги бюрократического ада.
Keep going
Нe сдавайся
Como eu ia dizendo.
- # Your love I'll keep for evermore - Это не главное.
Encontrámo-nos amanhã na Rua Keep, em frente à biblioteca.
Встретимся завтра, на Кип Стрит, напротив библиотеки.
E se isso é um problema, mantém a tua vida privada em privado
If that's a problem, you just keep your private life private.
Mantém-te à distância
- Please keep your distance
E não param de me chamar
- That keep calling me - They keep calling me
Em 1975, quando apareceu o "Love Will Keep us Together"... - Vai-te embora.
В 1975 году, когда песня...
- Não aguentaste, pois não? Ela sabe tudo.
Couldn't keep up, could you?
Então embala uma rima no tempo Como a pomba canta sobre amor
So, swing a rhyme of time Like the dove, sing of love and keep your peace
Nós podíamos apenas... continuar
We could just keep going.
Algo dentro de mim me dizia : "Se continuas assim... vais arruinar a tua vida toda."
Something inside me kept saying, "You keep on like this, you're gonna ruin your whole life."
Mas se o barco estiver aqui quando voltar, fico com ele.
Okay, look, if it's here when I get back, I'll keep it.
Não quero que continues a ser como és.
I don't want you to keep being the way that you are.
como você se tem esforçado, como... como se tem magoado, mas mesmo assim... continua a recompor-se, sacode a poeira, e depois tenta de novo.
how hard you've tried, how... how hurt you've been, but you still... keep getting back up, you dust yourself off, then you try again.
# I just keep losin'my beat # # - You just keep losin'and losin # #
* Все меньше и меньше остается сил * * Ты все теряешь и теряешь *
* Big wheel keep on turning *
Крутит колеса гордо,
* Ooh, the proud Mary keep on burning *
"Мэри" жарит полным ходом,
* Big wheel keep on turnin'*
Крутит колеса гордо,
* Proud Mary keep on burnin'*
Крутит "Мэри" жарит полным ходом,
* Big wheel keep on turnin'* * Yeah *
Крутит колеса гордо,
* Proud Mary keep on burnin'* * Burnin'*
"Мэри" жарит полным ходом,
Estou sempre a dar-vos o fogo Vou aquecê-lo sob o meu controlo
¶ I keep giving you The fire ¶ ¶ I'm gonna heat it up Under my control ¶
Podes continuar a andar De cabeça baixa
¶ You can keep on moving With your head down ¶
I'd sell it by the gram, keep my composure
Я бы продавал их вразвес на граммы. Я сохраняю самообладание, Когда наступает время проигрывать.
Trying to keep my hands on the table
Буду пытаться держать руки на столе
I just keep them in stitches
* Это я * * Я заставляю их смеяться до коликов *
Don't keep your distance
* Не отдаляйся от меня *
Trying to keep up with you and I don't know if I can do it.
* Стараюсь не отстать от тебя * * Не знаю, смогу ли сделать это *
Oliver, estou a tentar ajudar-te e continuas a agir como se eu fosse o inimigo.
Оливер, я пытаюсь помочь тебе, and you keep acting like I'm the enemy. Well, you know what?
Já uma vez tentei impedi-lo de vir vê-la, mas sabe como ele é teimoso.
I already tried once to keep him from comin'to see you, but you know how stubborn he is.
Muito bem, sabemos que estamos a combater hipotermias, portanto vamos manter a temperatura corporal elevada.
All right, everyone, we know we're fighting hypothermia here, so let's keep their core temperatures up.
Ainda temos alguma comida... e o Peter fez umas velas para nos aquecer.
We still have some food, and Peter has made some candles to keep us warm.
Tradução e Legendagem : Otez
Rubicon / Рубикон s01e03 Keep the еnds оut / Концы в воду русские субтитры группы TrueTransLate.tv
Sim, então vamos continuar a fugir.
Yeah, well, then we'll keep running.
Mas não guardes isto.
But don't keep it in.
E como referiste antes, ter uma moeda nos intestinos também o é.
And as you keep pointing out, so is a dime ripping through her intestines.
So keep your high hopes
# " ак что храни свои мечты #
Keep your high hopes
# " ак что храни свои мечты #
Nunca ninguém, antes, mo tinha dito primeiro.
* The wheels just keep on turning * Никто раньше не говорил мне такого первым.
Deixe as suas mãos onde eu possa vê-las.
Keep your hands where I can see them.
The Event S01E02 "To Keep Us Safe" Transcrição Original : Addic7ed Sincronização :
"Событие" Сезон 1, Эпизод 2
- Não lhe podem dar o meu sangue?
Can't you just keep giving her my blood? Not once we cut out the tumor.

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