/ Portugais → Russe / Kidnapped
Kidnapped traduction Russe
4 traduction parallèle
Após a minha personagem casar com a dele, Joseph Fox, ela foi raptada, enterrada viva, presa numa caverna com ursos, raptada outra vez e mantida nos esgotos de Paris.
After my character married his character, Joseph Fox, She was kidnapped, buried alive, trapped in a cave with bears, and held hostage in the sewers of Paris.
Você ymmrtnyt Vrin. Eu estava Kidnapped.
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Equipa insanos S02E02 - "Kidnapped" Tradução : Erick H |
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Fui informado que a Vigilância raptou os meus colegas.
My team just got word that Vigilance kidnapped my colleagues.