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Known traduction Russe

37 traduction parallèle
Gostaria de ter sabido quando era o momento de deixá-la ir.
I wish I'd known when to let go.
That I have never known
* Что не познала я... *
By Guiarc 31 And Eduzinho6279
House M.D. / Доктор Хаус Сезон 6, Эпизод 7 Known Unknowns Известные неизвестности Перевод :
Acha que faria alguma diferença se vocês tivessem sabido?
You think it would have made any difference if you had known? Вы бы изменил исвое мнение если бы знали?
And I'm known as such
И я известен в этой теме
You should have known
* Ты должен был знать *
Quem diria que um seguro contra incêndios não cobre fogo de morteiro.
Who would've known fire insurance didn't cover mortar fire?
Gloria Chambers, conhecida como Charlene Sellars.
Gloria Chambers, also known as Charlene Sellars.
Temos uma morada em LA do Ganz ou um sócio conhecido?
Do we have an L.A. address for Ganz or any known associates?
Uma urgência foi chamada em resposta a uma denúncia de roubo na loja de máscaras Nimmo, criada e administrada por Stanley Nimmo, uma figura muito conhecida e popular na área.
When emergency services were called in response to a reported robbery at Nimmo's Costume Emporium owned and managed by Stanley Nimmo a well-known and popular figure in the area
Era membro de um gangue violento conhecido como "Os Catanas".
He was also a member of a violent street gang known as Los Machetes.
Ele deveria saber que não era dum ritual.
I mean, he of all people should have known it didn't fit any ritual.
Piratas informáticos não são conhecidos pelas suas proezas físicas.
Hackers aren't known for their physical prowess. Neal...
Já devia saber que ias inventar uma ideia manhosa para o evitar.
I should have known that you'd come up with some half-baked idea to avoid it. If we give it some time - -
Já devia saber que ia haver problema quando a Sara se mudou.
I should have known there was gonna be trouble when Sara moved in.
I just wish i could play that part for the men i have known who have clearly shown they've been reading him from the start
* Я просто хочу сыграть эту роль. * * Для человека, которого знаю * * кто так ясно показывает, они знали об этом с самого начала *
For the men i have known, who have clearly shown they've been reading him from the start cause when it comes to me well, the kisses comes free but they never give all the heart
* Для мужчины, которого я знаю * * я бы показала, они знали его с самого начала. * * Когда это касается меня * * поцелуи бесплатны * * но они никогда не отдадут тебе сердце. *
Já conheceste o amor.
You've known love.
Parece que já têm fama.
They're quite well-known, apparently.
Mais do que de qualquer Lady que já tenha conhecido, se posso usar a expressão.
More than any ladyI have ever known, if I may use the term.
- Conheço-o há muito tempo. Enquanto ao Danny só o conhecemos há um niquinho.
Whereas Danny we've only known for a very short time.
A Lillian e eu decidimos não contar sobre a rã dourada.
- We're not going to let it be known about the golden toad.
Se ela fizesse, saberia?
Would you've known about it then?
Quero dizer, nunca te vi fazer nada nem um pouco arriscado.
What I mean is, I've never known you to do anything even a little risqué.
Sim, Stefan. Era... meu amigo. E é por essa razão que, sobretudo eu, deveria saber que estava morto.
Да, Стефан, он был моим другом, which is why I, above anyone else, should have known that he was dead.
Muitos homens param de tomar beta bloqueadores devido a um forte efeito colateral.
Men have been known to stop taking beta blockers because of a strong... side effect. Oh.
Alguém que sabia da doença pode ter encontrado o modo perfeito de o matar.
Someone could have known his condition and figured it was a perfect way to kill him.
Ele tinha uma doença cardíaca da qual você não sabia.
He had a heart condition you couldn't have known about.
Kate, conheço-te desde pequena.
Kate, I've known you since kindergarten.
O suspeito devia saber sobre o serviço matinal.
The unsub must have known about the sunrise service.
Frank, sempre soubemos da situação dela. O tempo está a acabar.
Frank, we've always known the situation.
E depois estripa-lo com dívidas de jogo e alguns favores pagos aos companheiros da máfia.
And finally you gut him with gambling debts and some favors paid out to known associates of the mob.
Foi o que ouvi de outras pessoas solteiras que agora são casadas.
Known for being discreet... is what I've heard from other people who were once single and now married.
Лондонская grime-сцена лишь один из примеров ] ладно, слушай man, I couldn't give a shit if you're older this young'n's bin colder give it ten years then I'm going to be known as a better than older I swear
Conhecem-no e aceitam-no.
He'd be known and accepted.
Então, porque não...
You have known all this time? Then why did you not...?
- De onde conhecem o Stephen?
So how do you know Stephen? Oh, I've known Stephen a long time.

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