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Looking traduction Russe

103 traduction parallèle
Como uma mulher de homem rico
Looking like a rich man's wife
"se pareço meio perdida"
If I'm looking kind of dazzled.
Desculpa! Estávamos só a ver o teu "Laptop".
Только looking at ваша муха laptop.
" Travesti branco, desiludido, procura amigo discreto
'Разочарованный мужчина белка, взаимный костюмер, looking для осторожного друга
A polícia vai procurar o veículo roubado.
The police are looking for the stolen vehicle.
- Chamam-lhe'The Looking Glass'.
- Они называют ее Зеркало.
Se precisam de um fogão, nós temos lá um que raramente foi usado.
If you're looking for a stove, we've got one that's hardly ever been used.
Como é que estão as coisas aí em baixo, Eli?
Hey, how's it looking under there, Eli?
Acabei de chegar à cidade, à procura de trabalho.
Just moved into town. Looking for work. Sorry.
I'm not staying, and I'm not gonna be stuck here looking after kids.
Я не останусь и я не собираюсь застрять тут, чтобы присматривать за детьми.
Hello is it me you're looking for?
Привет Вы, случайно, не меня ищите?
* Estou à procura de algo melhor?
? I'm looking for something better?
Street lights, big dreams, looking pretty
Уличные фонари, мечты о великом всегда заманчивы!
Looking out of the window
* Выглядывать из окна *
Looking at the skies, I seem to see a million eyes.
* Глядя на небо, мне кажется, я вижу миллионы глаз *
We're looking for something dumb to do
* Мы хотим делать глупости *
We're looking for something dumb to do
* Мы ищем, чего бы такого поделать *
We're looking for something dumb to do
* Не знаем, чем бы заняться *
Tendem a ser investidores bastante conservadores, por isso provavelmente devíamos procurar empresas subvalorizadas para eles colocarem o dinheiro deles...
They tend to be pretty conservative investors, So we should probably be looking For undervalued companies for them
A Emily está a olhar para um passeio oca.
Emily's looking at a hollow sidewalk.
Estava a pensar no teu bem.
I was just looking out for your best interests.
E vai... Hello, is it me you're looking for?
Привет, ты не меня ищешь?
Mas verifiquei a agenda da Sarah.
But I was looking over Sarah's schedule.
Procurava uma família.
- She was looking for family. - Wow, Castle.
If you looking like a model when them broke fellas holla
Если выглядишь как модель, они проорут тебе вслед "fellas holla!" [ эй, детка!
A polícia está à procura dele.
The entire police force is out looking for him.
Se o Elian estava zangado com o Júlio, talvez se tenha virado para outra figura paterna.
If Elian was angry with Julio, he may have been looking for another father figure.
Junta-se a isso o suicídio da mãe, e estamos a olhar para um pai abusador.
Put that together with the mother's suicide, I think we're looking at an abusive father.
A pessoa que procuram é o Kurt Brauer.
The person you're looking for is Kurt Brauer.
Havia um período na minha vida em que tinha tudo o que queria. Liberdade.
It was a time in my life when I had everything I was looking for - -
Esses asiáticos tarados procuram outros investimentos?
These Asians, they looking for any other investments?
O Hale continua à procura de investidores.
Hale's still looking for investors.
Era só responder sim ou não.
I was really just looking for a "yes" or a "no."
De novo, só queria um sim ou não.
Again, I was really just looking for a "yes" or a "no."
Música Tradução e Legendagem SARA DAVID LOPES
From my window the only view ls you walking away, not looking
- Esgueirou-se, sozinha.
- I went looking for you. - Snuck out on her own.
Então, pessoal. O que procuram?
Hey, guys, what you looking for?
"Se a vir a olhar o que é meu de novo, sua vaca, o único cupom que vais precisar, vai ser para um caixão."
Look at this, "If I see you " looking through my stuff again, bitch, "the only coupon you'll be needing is for a coffin."
Estou à procura da Diva do Desconto.
Listen, I'm looking for the Deal Diva.
A Dra. Saroyan disse para procurar alguma coisa com cantos afiados.
Saroyan says we're looking for something with sharp corners. Dr. I need to see that, please.
Sou uma agente especial do FBI. É tudo o que importa aqui e... não estou à procura de tratamento especial.
I'm a special agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and that's all that matters here, and I wasn't looking for special treatment.
Temporada 05 - Episódio 06 "Through The Looking Glass And What Walter Found There"
Грань : 5 сезон, 6 серия "Уолтер в Зазеркалье"
Não queres ficar a olhar.
You don't really want to keep looking at'em.
A miúda que estava na esquadra, hoje de manhã, procurava a Kallie. - Pensava que ela estava desaparecida.
That girl at the station this morning- - she was looking for Kallie, thought she was missing.
Agora procuramos uma miúda que nem está desaparecida?
Now we're looking for a missing girl that's not even missing?
Não há nada de fraco em agarrar uma mulher, e cortar-lhe os músculos e os tendões no pescoço, enquanto ela olha para mim com a traqueia corta, a tentar respirar.
There's nothing weak about holding down a woman and sawing through the muscles, the tendons, in her neck, all while she's looking up at you with her windpipe cut, trying to breathe.
Todos procuram-no no exterior do manicómio, e se nunca tiver saído?
Everybody is looking for him outside the asylum, but what if he never left?
* i bust the windows out your car, hey * * after i saw you looking right at her * * i didn't wanna, but i took my turn * * i'm glad i did it'cause you had to learn *
* Но сейчас меня это не волнует... * * Я выбила стёкла в твоей машине, * * После того, как увидела тебя с другой. *
Ela consegue mandar mensagens sem olhar.
She can text without looking.
looking out across the lights until the morning oh, but didn't they shine like the night sky and didn't they shine like the hazy daybreak like champagne and heartbreak
Что нужно искать, Идти по созвездиям Цепляясь за свет.
E se estamos a procurar no sítio errado?
What if we're looking at this all wrong?

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