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Read traduction Russe

55 traduction parallèle
"Read start".
Начальная школа.
Jim da "Read start"?
Джим из "Хед Старт"?
" Most of what you read is made of lies...
Только время тратить тут. Спой "Буль-Буль".
Acho que estava a andar depressa de mais, por isso, lamento se li algo na nossa amizade que não estava lá.
I guess I just was moving a little too fast, so I'm sorry if I read something in our friendship that wasn't there.
- Se o meu sketche do'Astro Read'...
- Может стоит еще раз... - Нет.
I'll get him hot And show him what I got Can't read my Can't read my
Я зажгу в нём желание, я покажу, что у меня есть!
No, he can't read my poker face
О моих истинных чувствах По моему бесстрастному лицу...
Can't read my Can't read my
Но он не догадается, нет, он не догадается
Can't read my Can't read my
Но он не догадается, Нет, он не догадается
Can't read my, can't read my
Но он не догадается, нет не догадается
Can't read my, can't read my
Но он не догадается, Нет, он не догадается
to proof-read.
Что б проверить.
* Quero ler um livro sobre você.
? Want to read a book on you?
Fornecem luz suficiente para lermos e partilharmos a nossa refeição da noite.
They provide enough light to read and share our evening meal.
Num momento de fraqueza, eu disse que ia ler.
Oh. In a moment of weakness, I told her I'd read it.
Tu dissestes que lias. Tu.
You said you would read it, honey.
- Fui à cafetaria esta manhã e uma funcionária pediu-me para ler um artigo que ela escreveu para o jornal da sua faculdade.
I went to the coffee shop this morning, And a barista there asked me to read an article That she had written for her college paper.
Ou acabas com o transporte de coca, ou eu dou as cartas ao resto do Clube para as lerem.
You kill the drug muling, or I'll let the rest of the club read the letters.
Algumas partes estavam ilegíveis de tão queimadas que ficaram.
Some of it was too burnt to read.
As coisas que o John escreveu eram demasiado dolorosas para leres.
The shit John wrote- - too painful for you to read.
Somos os Bonny e Read dos tempos atuais.
Мы современные Бонни и Рид.
- Anne Bonny e Mary Read?
- Энн Бонни и Мэри Рид.
She promised you stars like you read on her pages all of the tinsel and the company of strangers the fear that you came with you thought you'd escaped it but even while breaking you could still be persuaded
Звезды тебе она обещала которые в книгах своих рисовала. А ты плыл в суете среди чужаков, Скрывался со страхом,
Menina Tina Read, a sua mãe está ao telefone.
Мисс Тина Рид, ваша мать звонит.
Vocês são uns parvalhões que não sabem ler.
You know them dumbass boys down there in "D" can't read anyhow.
Ouve Oliver, não posso ler livro ao meu sobrinho, sem pensar que o Lawton matou-lhe o pai.
Oliver, listen, I cannot read a book to my nephew without knowing that Lawton took his father from him.
Pelo que li nos jornais, não será surpresa para ninguém se o Oliver Queen morrer de overdose.
From what I've read in the tabloids, no one will be surprised to hear Oliver Queen died of a drug overdose.
♪ I better read between the lines ♪
♪ Лучше читать между строк ♪
- Podemos tê-los? - Não. Não pode lê-los sem uma ordem judicial.
You can't read them without a court order.
Podes ler o teu discurso para a cimeira mais logo? - É da cimeira do Conselho Europeu.
Can you read through the speech for the summit later?
Dodson Read, VXG, Karsten Allied.
Додсон и компания, Рид, VXG, Карстен Элайд.
Se eu fosse o ladrão, algo que não estou a admitir, podia ter lido aquele horário cem vezes antes de ter sido obrigado a destruí-lo.
If I was the thief, which I am by no means admitting, I could have read that schedule a hundred times over before I was forced to destroy it.
Prossegue o trabalho de Grantly Dick-Read e tenta tornar o nascimento menos assustador.
Доктор Лейтем. Он продолжает дело Грентли Дика-Рида ( одного из сторонников естественных родов ), пытается сделать так, чтобы родов не боялись.
Ronald McNair, Judith Resnick, George Read, Richard Henry Lee.
Рональд МакНир, Джудит Ресник, Джордж Рид, Ричард Генри Ли.
Então se eu te lesse uma descrição de...
So if I just read you a description of...
Pesquisei sobre o prato.
So I read up on the dish.
Eu tenho lido coisas, e tenho visto coisas.
Like... like, I've... I've read things, I've, uh, watched things.
Não sei dizer o quanto significa que tenham lido o meu livro.
Yes. I can't tell you how much it's meant to me that you guys all read my book.
É o melhor livro que leio há algum tempo.
This is... the best book I've read in a long time.
Não deixe de ler as letras miudinhas antes de assinar.
But, uh, make sure you read the fine print before you sign.
Then read me into it.
"O Nipper Read era o detective no caso dos Kray."
Ниппер Рид был полицейским, который вел дело Крэев.
As instruções eram para apresentar-se ao porteiro - do Hotel Harleston Read.
У нее были инструкции представиться консьержу в отеле Харльстон Рид.
Passo à minha colega, Inspectora Chefe Chrissie Read, que irá responder às perguntas. Por favor.
Передаю слово моей коллеге, старшему инспектору Крисси Рид, которая ответит на ваши вопросы.
Sou a Inspectora Chrissie Read. Este é o meu colega, Inspector River.
Я старший детектив-инспектор Крисси Рид, это мой коллега детектив-инспектор Ривер.
- A Inspectora Read vai sair da sala.
Старший инспектор Рид покидает допрос.
Tom Read, vou prendê-lo por obstrução à justiça.
Том Рид, вы арестованы за препятствие правосудию.
- Tenente Kelly. Sou a Ailana Read, Assistente Social.
Лейтенант Келли, я Алана Рид, служба опеки.
Sou a Ailana Read, Assistente Social.
Я Алана Рид, служба опеки.
Mark Read.
Марк Рид.
I remember everything you taught me, every book I've ever read...
* Заполнена она голосами * я помню все чему ты меня учил * каждую книгу которую читал *

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