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Translate.vc / Portugais → Russe / Sings

Sings traduction Russe

4 traduction parallèle
Just like every cowboy sings a sad, sad song...
"Так же как все ковбои поют грустную-грустную песню."
Música que toca no meu ouvido Quando estou nos teus braços
♪ Song that sings in my ear when I'm in your arms
Podíamos lançá-las num álbum : "Lester Grimes Sings the Blues".
Выпустим альбом. "Лестер Граймс поет блюз".
Eu não faria isso.
but you've gotta make your own kind of music sing an old-fashioned song make your own kind of music even if nobody else sings along but you've gotta make your own kind of music sing your... Я бы этого не делал.

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