/ Portugais → Russe / Support
Support traduction Russe
11 traduction parallèle
Before I got high I was gonna pay my child support
Нo пoтoм oбкурился Я хoтeл платить алимeнты
I know somebody payin'child support for one of his kids
* Я знаю одного парня, который платит алименты за одного из своих детей *
A Sydney juntou-se aos AA depois de você e a Amy se separarem.
Sydney joined alcohol support right after you and Amy broke up.
Temporada 8 Episódio 19 "Support System"
Анатомия Грей Сезон 8 Эпизод 19 "Support System"
Entrei para este grupo de apoio para homens.
I joined this men's support group.
Eu não conseguia sem o suporte que recebo aqui.
I couldn't have done it without all the support I get here.
Ela estava a seguir os seus sentimentos, o que apoio.
She was following her feelings, which I support.
Garcia, disseste que desligaram a maquina da Betty Wright, sim?
[Dialing cell phone] Garcia, you said that Betty Wright had been taken off life support, yes?
Grupos de apoio, médicos e enfermeiras, qualquer pessoa que esteja familiarizada com o estado dele.
Support groups, doctors and nurses, anyone who might be familiar with his circumstances.
Ela vai a um grupo de apoio frequentado por um Keith Doheny.
She goes to a support group attended by a Keith Doheny.
O Support chegou do nada.
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