/ Portugais → Russe / Taught
Taught traduction Russe
10 traduction parallèle
A usar a broca, a mudar o pneu... A fingir-me magoado quando alguém pede para ajudar nas mudanças...
He taught me how to use a drill, change a tire, fake an injury when a buddy asks you to help him move.
# We'd sit and talk and you taught me to french #
# Мы сидели и болтали, и ты учил меня французскому. #
Eu acolhi-o, desintoxiquei-o, e ensinei-lhe o bem e o mal.
I took him in, got him clean, taught him right from wrong.
Mostrou-me que eu era mais do que uma valente queca.
She taught me that I was more than just a big cock.
Ensinaste-me que, o melhor que uma pessoa pode ser, é ser útil.
You taught me that the best thing a person could be is of some use.
Das porcarias que aturei porque nunca me ensinaste mais nada.
Of how much shit I've taken because you never taught me how to do anything else.
E o Pops ensinou-me a tocar gaita.
And Pops, you know, he taught me how to play the harmonica.
Foram escritos livros, aulas foram dadas.
Yeah, books have been written, classes taught.
Porque me ensinaram a não confiar Em ninguém
♪'Cause I was taught I'm not supposed to trust any ♪ ♪ Ah!
I remember everything you taught me, every book I've ever read...
* Заполнена она голосами * я помню все чему ты меня учил * каждую книгу которую читал *