Йнлмюрс traduction Anglais
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[дФЮЛЮК юКЭ-цЮЬХ] кхдеп бньек б оепбсч йнлмюрс... мн ме онмърмн ашкн, еярэ кх рюл хгпюхкэръме.
The leader went into the first room but didn't realize there was an Israeli behind him.
ъ бяе бпелъ нупюмък ямюпсфх мн яосяръ мейнрнпне бпелъ ъ ашк нябнанфдем х бньек б йнлмюрс цде яндепфюкхяэ хгпюхкэръме.
I spent my time standing guard outside. But after some time I was relieved and I went into the room where the Israelis were being held.
ю рн, врн лнфер ашрэ, ндхм хг мюя яслеер бнирх б йнлмюрс, онрнлс врн, б рн бпелъ мхйрн ме гмюк рнвмнцн йнкхвеярбю реппнпхярнб.
The idea was that someone of us could enter the room because at that time nobody knew about the number of the terrorists.
ъ б дюляйсч йнлмюрс, днфдхреяэ лемъ.
I'm just going to the ladies.
рнкэйн ме бундх б е ╗ йнлмюрс, нмю яюлю е ╗ сахпюер.
But you don't have to go into her room. She cleans it.
ме нрйпэ ╡ бюи е ╗ йнлмюрс.
Don't unlock her room.