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Йнлхрер traduction Anglais

4 traduction parallèle
хгпюхкэяйхи нкхлохияйхи йнлхрер б хепсяюкхле мюгбюк яеивюя хлъ брнпнцн онцхаьецн яонпрялемю щрн хняхт пнлюмн, 31-кермхи ьрюмцхяр.
Israeli Olympic Committee in Jerusalem has now named the second dead man as being Josef Romano, a 31-year-old middleweight weight lifter.
нкхлохияйхи йнлхрер б рн бпелъ ашк нвемэ мюдлеммшл.
The Olympic Committee at that time was very arrogant.
опнькн онврх 11 вюянб я мювюкю йпхгхяю, нкхлохияйхи йнлхрер мюйнмеж-рн сярсохк лефдсмюпндмнлс дюбкемхч х опхнярюмнбхк хцпш.
Almost 11 hours after the start of the crisis the Olympic Committee finally bowed to intense international pressure and suspended the Games.
[бЮКЭРЕП рПНЦЕП] мн мележйне опюбхрекэярбн х нпцюмхгюжхнммши йнлхрер... пеьхкх, врн лш ме онгбнкхл... хмнярпюмжюл бшбнгхрэ цняреи мюьеи ярпюмш, йнрнпше опхашкх ячдю, йюй цнярх мю нкхлохюдс.
But the German government and the organizing committee decided that we were not allowed at all to let foreigners bring out guests of our country who came as guests to the Olympic Games.

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