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Йнлюмдю traduction Anglais

7 traduction parallèle
ашкн рюйне всбярбн, врн щрн хлеер нцпнлмне гмювемхе дкъ хгпюхкэяйни йнлюмдш, опхеуюрэ х опхмхлюрэ свюярхе, х мюундхрэяъ б нкхлохияйни депебме, х, йнмевмн фе, ху свюярхе б жепелнмхх нрйпшрхъ хцп, йнцдю ху йнлюмдю люпьхпнбюкю онд ткюцнл ян гбегдни дюбхдю, ашкн нвемэ бнкмсчыхл лнлемрнл.
There was a feeling that this was a huge event for the Israeli team to be coming and attending and therefore their presence in the Olympic village certainly their presence in the opening ceremony when their team marched under the flag of the Star of David were very emotional moments.
йнлюмдю хгпюхкъ опхашкю мю жепелнмхч, блеяре я йнлюмдюлх \ хг бяеу ебпноеияйху ярпюм.
The Israeli team came to the service along with competitors from most European countries.
[юМЙХ яОХРЖЕП] оняке ндмнцн хг янпебмнбюмхи нм яйюгюк, " онялнрпх, рюл йнлюмдю кхбюмю.
After one of the competitions he said, " Hey, there is the Lebanese team.
[дФЕПЮКЭД яЕИЛСП] лнъ рекебхгхнммюъ йнлюмдю х ъ, нярюкхяэ дн йнмжю щрнцн дкхммнцн дмъ, цкъдъ мю щрнр люкемэйхи йнпхднп, нвемэ рхухи.
My camera crew and I ended up, for all of that long day... looking down into this little walkway very quiet.
хгпюхкэяйюъ йнлюмдю х е ╗ яоюяемхе ашкн брнпняреоеммшл декнл.
The Israeli team and its rescue were secondary to that.
OK, the team I'm going to go with is... APPLAUSE .. Ricky's team.
- Team Rita is on the go.

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