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Йнцдю traduction Anglais

91 traduction parallèle
йнцдю ъ ярюк бгпнякшл, ъ ондслюк, врн ме асдер мхйюйнцн асдсыецн дкъ мюя еякх лш ме бнгбпюрхляъ б оюкеярхмс еякх лш ме бнгбпюрхляъ, ъ пюярпювс бяч лнч фхгмэ... йюй аефемеж кхьеммши бяеу опюб векнбейю.
When I was growing up, I thought there was no future for us unless we returned to Palestine. If we didn't return, I would spend my whole life as a refugee deprived of any kind of human rights.
бш бшцкъдхре рюй рнкэйн йнцдю дюере хмрепбэч... хкх лмнцн кер яосяръ, бяе еые яйпшбюереяэ?
You have only to look at the way I have to do this interview so many years later, still in hiding.
ашкн рюйне всбярбн, врн щрн хлеер нцпнлмне гмювемхе дкъ хгпюхкэяйни йнлюмдш, опхеуюрэ х опхмхлюрэ свюярхе, х мюундхрэяъ б нкхлохияйни депебме, х, йнмевмн фе, ху свюярхе б жепелнмхх нрйпшрхъ хцп, йнцдю ху йнлюмдю люпьхпнбюкю онд ткюцнл ян гбегдни дюбхдю, ашкн нвемэ бнкмсчыхл лнлемрнл.
There was a feeling that this was a huge event for the Israeli team to be coming and attending and therefore their presence in the Olympic village certainly their presence in the opening ceremony when their team marched under the flag of the Star of David were very emotional moments.
ъ мхйнцдю ме гюасдс, йюй нм онбепмскяъ х онь ╗ к йн лме... я скшайни мю кхже х яйюгюк,
Ankie Spitzer and they asked him about his results. I'll never forget when he turned around and came back towards me with this huge smile on his face and said...
х йнцдю лш опхеуюкх мю бнйгюк, онегд сфе сь ╗ к.
We got to the train station, and the train had left.
ъ ашкю б нрвюъмхх, онрнлс врн дслюкю, врн с мецн асдср меопхърмнярх, йнцдю нм бепм ╗ ряъ мюгюд, б лчмуем, мн нм яйюгюк : "унпньн, еы ╗ ндхм демэ ъ асдс я рнани."
I was desperate because I thought he's going to get in trouble when he gets back to Munich because they're waiting for him there. He said, "Well, another day with you."
б мнвэ мю 4 яемръапъ, йнцдю юмдпе бепмскяъ б нкхлохияйсч депебмч, хгпюхкэяйюъ декецюжхъ мюякюфдюкюяэ реюрпюкэмни онярюмнбйни яоейрюйкъ "яйпхоюв мю йпшье".
On the night of September 4, as Andre arrived back at the village the Israeli delegation was enjoying a night out at the theater watching Fiddler on the Roof.
йнцдю лш оепеахпюкхяэ вепег нцпюфдемхе... лш бярперхкх цпсоос юлепхйюмяйху юркернб... йнрнпше бнгбпюыюкхяэ оняке мнвх.
As we were climbing over the fence we ran into a group of American athletes who were sneaking in after a night out.
йнцдю нмх бнпбюкхяэ рсдю, рпемеп йнлюмдш анпжнб лнье беимаепцеп оношрюкяъ ху нярюмнбхрэ, мн нмх бшярпекхкх х пюмхкх ецн.
As they broke in, wrestling coach Moshe Weinberger attempted to stop them but he was shot and wounded.
реппнпхярш сфе депфюкх онд опхжекнл цюдю гюаюпх х ецн 5-У рнбюпхыеи он йнлмюре, йнцдю ръфекнюркер дюбхд аепцеп опедкнфхк юрюйнбюрэ реппнпхярнб,
The terrorists were already holding all five of Gad Zabari's roommates. Now, weight lifter David Berger, suggests they attack the terrorists saying, "We have nothing to lose."
ъ онвсбярбнбюк нрсокемхе, йнцдю бдпсц, ъ сбхдек... оепедн лмни дпсцнцн реппнпхярю б йюочьнме.
I feel in a bit of a daze when suddenly I see another terrorist ahead of me, wearing a balaclava hood.
йнцдю ъ ондньек акхфе, нм опхйюгюк лме опнирх б щрнл мюопюбкемхх.
As I get closer, he orders me in this direction.
мн йнцдю нм дюк щрнр опхйюг... ъ нррнкймск ецн йюкюьмхйнб б ярнпнмс.
But as he's giving me the order... I push his Kalashnikov aside and run.
йнцдю цюд гюаюпх апняхкяъ аефюрэ, пюмеммши лнье беимаепцеп цепнхвеяйх апняхкяъ мю реппнпхярнб.
As Gad Zabari ran away the already wounded Moshe Weinberger heroically jumped on the terrorists.
лш ашкх бшмсфдемш ядекюрэ щрн рнкэйн йнцдю янашрхъ пюгбхбюкхяэ ме он окюмс.
We were forced to only when things went wrong.
йнцдю ъ опхашк мю леярн, ъ бярперхк лнкндсч фемыхмс - онкхжеияйнцн нтхжепю... йнрнпюъ пюгцнбюпхбюкю я векнбейнл, ндершл б аекши йнярчл.
When I arrived on the scene, I met a young female police officer who was talking to a man dressed in a white suit.
йнцдю нм пюгцнбюпхбюк ян лмни, нм бяецдю депфюк щрс цпюмюрс.
When he was discussing with me, he always had that hand grenade.
онкхжхъ мюдеъкюяэ, врн йнцдю меяйнкэйн аюмдхрнб бшидср хг гдюмхъ, врнаш оепемеярх 5 йнпнанй я едни, лнфмн асдер мюапняхрэяъ мю мху х гюубюрхрэ.
The police hoped more than one guerrilla would come out for the five boxes could be rushed and overpowered.
йнцдю мелжш яопняхкх : "йрн щрн х врн я мхл яксвхкняэ?"
When the Germans asked, "Who is the one and what happened to him?"
щрн ашк онякедмхи пюг, йнцдю ъ бхдекю ецн.
That was the last time, really, that I saw him.
[сКЭПХУ бЕЦЕМЕП] йнлхяяюп онкхжхх лхяреп ьпюиаеп, нрнапюк меяйнкэйху онкхжеияйху х яопняхк ху, онкэгнбюкхяэ кх нмх йнцдю-мхасдэ нпсфхел, х рюй нмх ашкх нрнапюмш.
The commissioner of the police, Mr. Schreiber selected some policemen, you know and asked them have you ever shot a gun or whatever? That was it. They had no training, nothing.
йнцдю хяяю х ецн гюлеярхрекэ онидср опнбепърэ яюлнк ╗ р, ъйнаш к ╗ рвхйх гюубюрър ху.
When Issa and his deputy went to inspect the plane the fake crew would overcome them.
ху псйх ашкх ябъгюмш яоепедх, х ягюдх нмх ашкх ябъгюмш беп ╗ бйюлх, йнцдю ху бшбндхкх.
They had their hands tied in front of them and plus their hands were tied like that. Then around the back they had ropes, and they were tied together like that.
нм опнбепхк бя ╗ ягюдх, яоепедх х бмсрпх бепрнк ╗ рю, х йнцдю нм саедхкяъ, врн бя ╗ бшцкъдхр анкее хкх лемее мнплюкэмн, нм ондюк яхцмюк, х 4 гюкнфмхйнб онькх й бепрнк ╗ рс ян ябъгюммшлх яоепедх псйюлх. якеднл ьек юпюаяйхи реппнпхяр я нпсфхел б псйюу.
He checked in and out, both back, front and middle of the helicopter and when he saw that everything looked like it was all right he signaled, and four hostages started to march out with their hands tied in front of them and behind them was an Arab guerilla with some kind of weapon in his hand.
лш ярнъкх мюбепус с нймю... йнцдю мюьху рнбюпхыеи опнбекх б мюпсвмхйюу нр юбрнасяю дн бепрнкерю реппнпхярш ярнъкх рюл я юбрнлюрюлх.
We were standing at a window directly above as our friends were led handcuffed from the bus to the helicopters. The terrorists stood there with rifles.
╚ мн ъ онкевс ╩ йнцдю лш керекх... лш онвсбярбнбюкх, врн мюя нфхдюер кнбсьйю... рнцдю лш мювхмюкх цнрнбхрэяъ яюлх.
As we were flying we began to get the feeling that a trap was waiting for us so we began to prepare ourselves.
б щрн фе яюлне бпелъ, йнцдю бепрнк ╗ рш я оюкеярхмжюлх х хгпюхкэръмюлх опхгелкъкхяэ, онкхжеияйюъ цпсоою, мюгмювеммюъ б ондярюбмни яюлнк ╗ р, хяосцюбьхяэ рнцн, врн с мху меднярюрнвмн ондцнрнбйх, опнцнкнянбюкю опнрхб свюярхъ б ноепюжхх.
Just as the helicopters bearing the Palestinians and Israelis were landing the police squad assigned to the decoy plane fearing that they were under-trained took a vote to abandon their mission.
йнцдю оепбши ямюиоеп нрйпнер нцнмэ, бяе мювмср ярпекърэ. мн ме ашкн мхйюйни йннпдхмюжхх он жекъл.
When the first marksmen opened fire, they would all open fire but there was no coordination of targets.
йнцдю мюь кхдеп бнгбпюрхкяъ хг яюлнкерю бяъ реппхрнпхъ бдпсц няберхкюяэ... х мювюкюяэ нцпнлмюъ оепеярпекйю.
As the leader returned from the airplane the whole area suddenly lit up and an enormous amount of firing started.
цкюбмши ямюиоеп оепедбхцюкяъ хг ндмни онгхжхх мю дпсцсч, онрнлс врн ярнка оепейпшбюк кхмхч нцмъ, йнцдю мювюкюяэ ярпекэаю, х онщрнлс опносярхк лнлемр цкюбмнцн бшярпекю б цкюбюпъ "вепмнцн яемръапъ".
And a key marksman was moving from one position to another, blocked by a pillar... Gerald Seymour ITN News Reporter to get into another shooting position when the shooting started and therefore missed the crucial shot against the Black September commander.
йнцдю ъ ашк пеа ╗ мйнл, лни нреж цнбнпхк :
When I was a kid, my father used to say...
"мюьх яюлше ксвьхе леврш х мюьх яюлше усдьхе ярпюух педйн йнцдю яашбючряъ".
"Our greatest hopes and our worst fears are seldom realized."
рпне сжекебьху реппнпхярнб рюй мхйнцдю х ме опедярюкх оепед ясднл.
Mohammed Safady, Aged 19 The three surviving terrorists were never to stand trial. Adnan Al Gashey, Aged 27
- When did you arrive?
Well. You mean when I make deals?
When did you come?
When he passed away, he left this uniform behind.
онгбнмх лме, йнцдю онъбхряъ рекетнм.
Call when you get your... cell phone. Take mine!
йнцдю ъ опхькю б йкюяя, оепбни хг дебнвей сбхдекю е ╗.
When I walked into the class, she's the first girl I saw.
ъ мхйнцдю аш рюйнцн ме ядекюкю.
I could never have done that.
- фхгмэ - йюй йнпнайю йнмтер. мхйнцдю ме сцюдюеьэ, я йюйни мювхмйни.
Life's like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.
рнкэйн йнцдю йнксла нрйпшк ксмс, нм ме дслюк, врн рш асдеьэ бйюкшбюрэ дн вюяс мнвх!
When Columbus discovered the moon, he had no idea you'd be working till 1 a. m.
онцндх, щрн ярпюммн : люпцн рн фе яюлне яйюгюкю, йнцдю онднфцкю цнпекйни бнкняш йкел.
That's weird... Margot got a call before starting the fire.
рбни ноепюрнп. реоепэ, йнцдю йнмвюряъ демэцх, нмх опхйнмвюр реаъ!
World Mobile : "Use our plan or plan your funeral!" Screw you!
щрн мю яюлнл деке рюй? певэ н рнл, врнаш анкэье мхйнцдю ме якшьюрэ опн щрс ьрсйс.
Deep enough that we can put this behind us.
бш мхйнцдю ме унрекх ашрэ йел-рн еы ╗, йпнле ябъыеммхйю?
Did you ever want to be anything but a priest?
ашкн рюйне всбярбн, врн нмх псйнбндър яхрсюжхеи х дхйрсчр ябнч онгхжхч... йнцдю лме ярюкн ъямн, врн оепецнбнпш аеяокндмш... ъ яйюгюк кхдепс :
When it became clear to me that negotiation was fruitless... I said to the leader :
"явюяркхбнцн ебпеияйнцн мнбнцн цндю" бяел... апюрэъл, деръл нвемэ лмнцн кчдеи, йнрнпшу ъ бярпевюч мю скхже хкх мю пюанре, йнцдю нмх сгмючр, врн ъ днвэ... хняхтю пнлюмн, хг лчмуемю,
A lot of people I meet in the street or at work... Schlomit Romano when they hear about me being the daughter ofJosef Romano from München they say, " Oh, you know, when I was little...
нмх цнбнпър : "н, бш гмюере, йнцдю ъ ашк люкемэйхл, ъ бняухыюкяъ бюьхл нржнл, нм ашк рюйхл х рюйхл".
I admired your father, and he was like this and that. "
Whenever I get drunk, I... I get a little crazy... Good morning...
якеднбюрекэмн, лхмся е нр ндмни брнпни окчя я пюбмн окчя е ононкюл, мхйнцдю рн еярэ я пюбмн е, х рнцдю дкъ бяъйнцн деиярбхрекэмнцн хйя тсмйжхъ нр хйя пюбмю...
Screw U! My cell was in my bag.

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