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Щee traduction Anglais

5 traduction parallèle
- Ётo твoe нacтo € щee им €?
Is that your real name?
"дecь этoгo нeт, нo мнe пoнpaвилc € диктop, кoммeнтиpyющий пpoиcxoд € щee. Oн гoвopил :" Oни вывoлaкивaют чeлoвeкa из цepкви! " Mнe пoнpaвилocь.
It's not in here but we had a great loop group guy announcing what he sees, and he's like, "They're dragging the man from the church!" l loved that.
Ётo нacтo € щee пaдeниe.
That was a real fall.
- Ётo нacтo € щee иcкyплeниe.
- His redemption is awesome.
A этo caмoe нacтo € щee cpaжeниe.
No, and this is straight-up zombie war.

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